I’ve created some unofficial addons for the Anyland client, to add multiple undo/redo, customizable dialogs, and a syntax for custom body tells. This guide will show you how to install them. Setup You will need to download: Unity Mod Manager[www.nexusmods.com] (direct link[www.dropbox.com]) Latest AnylandMods ZIP[github.com] (Github project page[github.com]) UnityModManagerConfig file with Anyland pre-added[github.com] Extract UnityModManager wherever…
Category: Guide

Trap: Full Walkthrough Parts 1-3
Here is a full walk through Parts 1-3. if you have any problem. you can leave your comment at the end of this post. Part 1 Grab a drink Go through the introduction, wake up, and head right Past some youths, a drunk guy, and a phone which you can use to save to find…

Modern Combat Versus: How to Level Up for Free
I see a lot of people saying the game is pay to win, this guide will teach you how to level up without spend your real money. Game Moneys In the game there are 5 types of “virtual money”, they are: CREDITS: Use them to open boxes in the game’s main menu. COINS: Use…

Lurk in the Dark : Prologue – 100% Achievements Guide
Lurk in the Dark : Prologue is a short horror adventure with a total of ten achievements. All achievements unlock after a small delay and upon closing the game! You can track your progress via the Steam client. Open https://steamdb.info/app/1094030/ and press the green button to install the game. Story Investigation started Enter the residence. Well…

Terraria: Artificial Biomes Guide
A guide on how to make artificial biomes in Terraria. Overworld Jungle You will need at least 80 Mud Blocks with jungle grass on them to make this biome. The music and background should automatically change after all the grass has spreaded. Overworld Snow You will need at least 300 Snow Blocks, Snow Bricks, and or Ice Blocks…

FOX n FORESTS: Full Walkthrough
This is our FOX n FORESTS walkthrough, helping you to uncover every last se(ed)cret. To be able to collect everything you need to master the following move: You can walk off any platform and THEN do a double jump in MID-AIR in order to jump even further! And make sure to get the DOUBLE JUMP SPIN ATTACK in…

Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition – Kentie’s Launcher FOV Not Saving Fixed
How to save your FOV using Kentie’s Launcher if it’s not working. This guide is for people using Kentie’s Launcher and the FOV setting is not saving. Method When you open Deus Ex and Kentie’s Launcher pops up, go to the bottom right corner and click “user.ini”. Use ctrl + f to find: “DesiredFOV=91.000000” “DefaultFOV=91.000000” Change BOTH these values to…

GUN: How to Fix Crash to Desktop
How to fix crashes that happen during gameplay To play the game without crashes, you have to follow ALL steps and sections of the guide. You will be done when you have done everything all the way until you start reading the source section and not a line before. Run as Administrator 1. Open your Steam library…

Killing Floor 2: Commando Guide in 2019
Here is a guide for Commando, an indispensable perk in KF2. Part 1: The Role of the commando 1) A trash killer responsible for the crowd control 2) Eliminate MEDIUM Zeds if possible although some might need 5-7 shots to be eliminated OR decapitated 3) If ESSENTIAL (e.g. No Big Zed Hunter present like Gunslinger or sharpshooter, take down Big…

Apostle: Full Walkthrough
Here is a full walkthrough for Kamichichi’s RPG Apostle. Quick Overview Notes These are mostly for while I write the actual body of the guide, for people who are playing it right away. – There are three opportunities to take one of the girls in your team on a date throughout the game. You need…

Grimm’s Hollow: Ending Guide
This is a brief description on what choices and factors lead to the ending of Grimm’s Hollow. This guide is intended as a last resort for players who wish to find all of the ending content. Please avoid looking at this guide until you have reached at least one ending of the game. Introduction…

American Truck Simulator: Utah Achievements Guide
There are 5 achievements to get. One of them seems to be rather simple, yet it may take hours to find – unless you’re not patient enough to go on a search mission for that particular sign and decide to take a look at my guide 😉 Beehive State Discover every city in UtahVisit…