Starting Set-up Normal Difficulty

An older adult, four younger adults and two children.
You start with none of the Technological knowledge and a small supply of stores
You start with 3 tents each of which can sleep three and each of which have 4 inventory slots
You Start with 1 Crafting area
You start with 1 Woodpile
Look around the areas near the village. Keep in mind that you’ll soon want to establish one or more work areas of each type but your first priorities should be some minimal stick collection and some food gathering. If there are any safe prey animals very near your village you might consider tasking two hunting parties of two members each to kill the nearest animals. Ideally of two different types.
- Establish A Stick Collection Work Area
- Establish one or more stick collection areas
- Increase the worker limit to four but increase the initial upper limit on sticks to 25 (the default of 10 will be an early bottleneck)
- Remember that Z and C may be used to adjust the size of the area to what is required
- Establish one or more stick collection areas
As your hunters return, allow them to help with the stick retrieval if you’re not yet up to 10 stick retrieved.
As soon as your villagers have gotten your stick inventory up to 6, place a Skin Drying Rack in your village and set the construction Priority to high.
Remember that as soon as its built you’ll need to set the production priority to high as well.
Once you have your first Skin Drying Rack built you should start fishing
- It should cover two fishing spots (as close to the village hearth as possible)
- Limit the workers to 1 but establish an infinite upper limit on raw fish.
Hopefully if you’ve killed your first of two different beasts, built a skin drying rack, and gotten 10 sticks collected, you should be close to the 5 knowledge points that you need to unlock your first tech. Collecting 10 raw fish or killing another prey beast, should put you over.
As soon as you unlock the Food Drying tech, order the building of a Food Drying Rack and prioritize it.
Hopefully, if all goes well you can establish this in the first summer and the fresh fruits and berries will allow you to get more meats and fish into your drying racks.
- Be aware that nuts last a bit longer than fruits and berries so if there are any nut trees near your campsite you may wish to manually flag them for harvesting even if they fall outside your fruit and berry collection area.
- Or you can establish additional work areas
- Remember that Z and C may be used to adjust the size of the area to what is required
Fish are available year round and make a great source of food for your people but the areas do get “fished out” so establishing each fishing area so as to allow access to two different fishing zones having 1 worker each will help minimize that problem.
Once you have the requisite number of Dried Skins place an extra tent in your village. You should easily be bringing in enough food to support any humans that opt to join your village and the original complement of tents will only your starting population. Also the extra four storage slots may come in handy even before your population increases.
This is actually the last work area to establish (as close to the village as possible) Flint isn’t needed immediately but it’s nice to begin gathering it ASAP.
- Leave the worker limit at one and initial upper collection limit at the default for now
The next bottleneck to clear up after sticks is dried skins and that requires hunting. Remember to try and hunt at least one of each of the easy prey animals so as to get the knowledge bonuses for each. There is also a bonus for the 10th of each species so keep that in mind as well.
With that in mind let’s take a closer look at the Animals in Dawn of Man…
Animals in Dawn of Man

The different species of animals in Dawn of Man vary as to the amount of danger they represent.
- Herbivores pose little danger unless attacked.
- Predators will sometimes target men when they are hungry enough.
- Many herbivores will flee whenever it’s possible but some will fight when provoked. Often the most dangerous are mothers protecting their young.
- It’s also possible to hunt even the most dangerous animals in groups
- Animals that may be too dangerous to hunt when they’re healthy may make more tempting targets when they’ve become injured or are very young or very old.
- A well-armed hunting party of 3 or 4 should be able to handle even some of the moderately dangerous beasts. – And they’ll have to spend less time chasing them down.
- Be aware that predators will sometimes take advantage of a “free lunch” eating your meat and spoiling their hides, so pay attention to what predators are in the area. It may be advisable to take out any minor predators before going after your main quarry.
- Remember that holding down the H key while mousing over your villagers will select only those that are armed for hunting (spears or slings)

Knowledge and Technology

Knowledge is acquired in a number of ways and is required to unlock technologies
- Knowledge is awarded for reaching a population of 10
- Knowledge is awarded for reaching a population of 20 (This is the Expansion Milestone)
- Knowledge is also gained at the ??? population levels
- Knowledge is obtained by killing the first of each species
- Knowledge is also gained at the 10th
- Knowledge is also gained at the ??? level
- Knowledge is obtained by storing the 10th of each resource
- Knowledge is also gained at the 100th level
- Knowledge is also gained at the ??? level
- Knowledge is awarded for each winter you survive
- Knowledge is awarded for the first of each type of structure you build
+2 Knowledge is awarded for the each of the ten milestones
- Hunting and Gathering Milestone
- Requires that you have three raw meat and three berries in storage
- Survival Milestone
- Requires that you survive two years
- Expansion Milestone
- Requires that you have a population of 20
- Neofarmer Milestone
- Requires that you have unlocked
- Cereal Domsestication
- Pulse Domestication
- Flax Domestication
- Requires that you have unlocked
- Animal Control Milestone
- Requires that you have a domesticated animal population of 20
- Megalomania Milestone
- Requires that you have built a Stone Circle
- Metal Alloy Milestone
- Requires that you have created 1 unit of Bronze
- Riddle of Steel Milestone
- Requires that you have created 1 unit of steel
- Consolidation Milestone
- Requires that you have a population of 100
Written by Havan_IronOak