For Cyberpunk 2077 players, if you are trying to farm more money, in this guide , i will provides the best way to earn money in cyberpunk 2077,’ with $300K a day easily, let’s check it out,
Street Crimes

You may notice weird aqua symbols all over your map. All of these are crimes that are being reported by Night City PD, and they would like you to be “Murder Batman” and swoop in to help them. By far, the most common crime, and one of the easiest to do, are “assaults in progress” which are a little melee club icon.These events are simply 4-7 enemies standing around an area. You kill them all then loot a chest or body they are guarding. Not only do these missions pay well (more the harder the zone you’re in) and give you street rep and normal XP (I hit max street rep today too), but you can find some great stuff in these crime chests. I randomly got Legendary Mantis Blades out of one today, and I’ve gotten a bunch of other legendary blueprints.

Gigs are most of the yellow question marks on your map and they are shorter than full-on side missions. Some can be longer than others, but those usually pay more too. You may notice random fixers calling you with jobs all the time. Those aren’t random, actually, it means you’ve driven close enough to one of those question marks to trigger the call. They are usually just go in and steal something or go in and kill somebody and they pay well, and have the same XP and cash benefits as street crimes. So what I did was go around from crime to crime and then if I got close enough to a Gig I was properly leveled for (you might run into some super high ones by accident) I took a break and did that.Those are the main sources of income, but there’s one more.

You can run either a Gig or a Street Crime and pick up probably 2-3 blue weapons easily you can sell for hundreds of dollars at local buy stations.So for a Street Crime, something that can take under 15 seconds if you run around hacking people’s heads off with a katana like me, you can earn maybe $1000 from the chest, $1000 in weapons and $2-3,000 from the job itself, depending on where you are. Thrown in some Gigs and all of that can be closer to $7-10,000 if you loot more and it pays better.There’s no trick here, exploit to dupe cash that I’m sure probably exists due to all the bugs in this game. This is just the “right” way to play if your goal is to earn money and buy cool stuff.
That’s all we are sharing today in Cyberpunk 2077 Money Earning Guide $300K per Day, if you have anything to addm please feel free to leave a comment below, and we’ll see you soon.
Credit to YaheL
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