For Cyberpunk 2077 players, this is a guide about how to unlock every achievement in game, if you are tyiing to get 100% achievements unlocked, just follow this guide.
The Fool

Become a mercenary. (Hidden)Automatic story-related achievement cannot be missed.
Unlocks during the Prologue, after the tutorial.
True Soldier

Kill or incapacitate 300 enemies using ranged weapons.Use Firearms (Pistols, Revolvers, Assault Rifles, SMGs, Sniper Rifles, LMGs, Shotguns, etc.) to defeat 300 enemies over the course of the game.
Keep in mind that you need 300 firearm kills for 02. True Soldier and 100 melee weapon kill for 02. True Soldier Alternate between these two or do Melee Kills first, and then the Ranged Weapon Kills.
Police also count as “enemies,” so you can’t run out of enemies to kill and farm this in the open world at any time.
Stanislavski’s Method

Use a dialogue option related to V’s life path 10 times.Warning: This achievement is missable!
You must pick 10 different dialogues tied to your starting lifepath throughout the game. What lifepath you pick doesn’t matter. There are far more than 10 opportunities for this, but you could technically miss this if you already completed everything and didn’t make use of these dialogues.
The Wheel of Fortune

Interrogate Anders Hellman. (Hidden)Automatic story-related achievement and cannot be missed.
Unlocks at the end of Main Mission “Life During Wartime.”
Right Back At Ya

Kill or incapacitate an enemy who threw a grenade at you.This is a story based achievement early on. You encounter enemies who will throw grenades at you. Kill anyone of them, and the achievement will pop.
The World

Complete the main storyline.Automatic story-related achievement and cannot be missed.
Unlocks after Main Mission “Where Is My Mind?”.
After the Credits, press “Sure, Just One More Gig” to be put back before the Point of No Return.
Then you can keep finishing up side activities in Free Roam.
The High Priestess

Talk with Hanako Arasaka. (Hidden)Automatic story-related achievement and cannot be missed.
Unlocks after Main Mission “Search and Destroy.”
The Hermit

Find Alt Cunningham. (Hidden)Automatic story-related achievement cannot be missed.
Unlocks after Main Mission “Transmission.”
The Lovers

Steal the Relic. (Hidden)Automatic story-related achievement cannot be missed.
Unlocks after Main Mission “The Heist.”
Judy vs Night City

Complete Judy Alvarez’s storyline. (Hidden)This requires you to finish all of Judy Alvarez’s side jobs.
You meet her automatically during the story, and her side quests become available later in the story.Below are her side quests and how to unlock each of them:
- Both Sides, Now (unlocks over the course of the story, added to your quest log automatically)
- Ex-Factor (a few days after the previous quest, you will get a text message from Judy to your phone called “EV’s Send-Off.” Reply to it and wait for Judy to call you back after a few hours)
- Talkin’ ‘Bout A Revolution (a few days after the previous quest, you will get another text message from Judy that will trigger this quest. Then skip time by 24 hours, and you will get a call from Judy that advances this quest).
- Pisces (a few days after the previous quest, you will get another text message from Judy. Reply to her text message with anything. Advance time by a day, and she will call you to start the next quest).
- Pyramid Song (after about a week and after doing some other side activities, Judy will call you again, which triggers this quest).
The achievement will unlock after “Pyramid Song.”
Legend of The Afterlife

Reach max Street Cred.You must reach 50 Street Cred, which is the maximum.
You can always see your Street Cred Level in the top left corner of the world map (and your Character Stats Menu).
Complete Side Jobs, Main Jobs, NCPD Events, and Gigs to increase your Street Cred.
The story alone gets you to Street Cred 20. The rest you will have to get from doing the side activities.
Frequent Flyer

Find all fast travel dataterms.Data terms are the Fast Travel Points in Cyberpunk 2077.
They get marked on the map by purple icons when you are within a few meters of them.
You have to get really close to unlocking them.
They are just small boxes with a hologram map above them.
(All Dataterm Locations will be added shortly)

Watch Bushido X with Rogue. (Hidden)This requires you to finish all of Rogue’s side jobs.
You meet her automatically during the story, and her side quests become available later in the story.Below are her side quests and how to unlock each of them:
- Chippin’ In (unlocks over the course of the story, added to your quest log automatically)
- Blistering Love (after the previous quest, call Rogue over the phone to take her out on a date).
The achievement will unlock after “Blistering Love.”
Gun Fu

Kill or incapacitate 3 enemies in quick succession with a revolver or pistol in close combat.To get this, you must defeat 3 enemies within 3.5 seconds from 5 meters or less.
Odds are you will get this naturally while playing as Johnny Silverhand.
He has a revolver that kills enemies in 1 hit.
This is easiest during his gameplay sections, and you will probably unlock it at some point without even trying.If you still don’t have the trophy by the time you’ve finished the story, go to a blue NCPD event (Assault, Crime) in a low-level area.
These always have plenty of enemies close together. Get 3 low-level enemies close together and shoot them with a high-level revolver or pistol.
You should deal enough damage that they die in 1 hit.
After the story, you will have access to high-level weapons (either buy a revolver/pistol from a weapons dealer, upgrade an old one via crafting or pick it up from a defeated enemy).
To Protect and Serve

Complete River Ward’s storyline. (Hidden)This requires you to finish all of River Ward’s side jobs.
The achievement will unlock after his last quest, “Following the River.”
Two Heads, One Bullet

Kill or incapacitate 2 enemies with the same sniper rifle shot.Here is a solution from Powerpyx
First, you will need a Sniper Rifle.
You can either loot them from enemies (Snipers) or buy one. You should wait until you get one as an enemy drop. There will be plenty throughout the story and other side activities. Just remember to keep at least one Sniper Rifle you find.
Now look for 2 police officers standing next to each other.
You can frequently find them at street corners.
They are always standing still and close together. Line them up and then shoot both in the head, killing them with 1 shot.
It doesn’t matter what type of Sniper Rifle you use (a Tech Sniper Rifle works just as well as a Power Sniper Rifle).
If they don’t die in 1 hit, reduce the difficulty to easy in-game settings and/or come back after leveling up and getting a better Sniper Rifle.
Life of the Road

Complete Panam Palmer’s storyline. (Hidden)This requires you to finish all of Panam Palmer’s side jobs. You meet her automatically during the story, and her side quests become available later in the story.
Below are her side quests and how to unlock each of them:
- Riders on the Storm (unlocks over the course of the story, added to your quest log automatically)
- With a Little Help From My Friends (a day or two after the previous quest you will receive a call from Panam that starts this)
- Queen of the Highway (starts automatically after doing the previous quest, must travel out of camp and skip time by 24 hours, then go back to Panam to proceed)
The achievement will unlock after “Queen of the Highway.”

Let Johnny Silverhand keep your body. (Hidden)Ending-related achievement, forgetting the “New Dawn Fades” Epilogue. What Ending you get depends entirely on one set of dialogue in Mission “Nocturne Op55N1”. Mysty (the girl from Ripperdoc) will take you to a balcony. Here you will talk to Johnny Silverhand, and it’s this single choice that decides the ending.
The Star

Leave Night City with the Aldecaldos. (Hidden)Ending-related achievement, for achieving the “All Along the Watchtower” Epilogue.
What Ending you get depends entirely on one set of dialogue in Mission “Nocturne Op55N1”.
Mysty (the girl from Ripperdoc) will take you to a balcony.
Here you will talk to Johnny Silverhand, and it’s this single choice that decides the ending.As a prerequisite for this ending, you’ll need to have done all of Panam’s Side Quests.
Then you can choose to side with her and the Aldecaldos (her Nomad Clan) for the Epilogue.
Don’t worry if you haven’t done her quests yet.
After the story, it puts you back before the final mission.
Then you can still do Panam’s Side Quests and replay the final story mission.
Master Crafter

Craft 3 Legendary items.First, you must put 18 Attribute Points into “Technical Ability”.
Then in the Technical skill tree, you must buy the perk “Edgerunner Artisan” (on the right side of that skill tree).
It enables you to craft Legendary items.
To craft Legendary Gear, you will also need Legendary Specs (Blueprints) and crafting materials.
The Legendary Specs (Blueprints) you can buy from Weapon Vendors, they cost around $20,000.
The crafting materials you get from disassembling other gear and junk.
For Legendary Crafting Components, you must disassemble Legendary Gear.
Christmas Tree Attack

Complete a Breach Protocol with a minimum of 3 daemons uploaded.Placeholder.
To Bad Decisions!

Complete Kerry Eurodyne’s storyline. (Hidden)This requires you to finish all of Kerry Eurodyne’s side jobs.
The achievement will unlock after his last quest, “Boat Drinks.”
The Sun

Become a legend of the Afterlife. (Hidden)Ending-related achievement, for getting the “Path of Glory” Epilogue.
What Ending you get depends entirely on one set of dialogue in Mission “Nocturne Op55N1”.
Mysty (the girl from Ripperdoc) will take you to a balcony.
Here you will talk to Johnny Silverhand, and it’s this single choice that decides the ending.
The Devil

Help Takemura avenge the death of Saburo Arasaka. (Hidden)Ending-related achievement, for getting the “Where is My Mind?” Epilogue.
What Ending you get depends entirely on one set of dialogue in Mission “Nocturne Op55N1”. Mysty (the girl from Ripperdoc) will take you to a balcony.
Here you will talk to Johnny Silverhand, and it’s this single choice that decides the ending.
The Wandering Fool

Find all the tarot graffiti for the job Fool on the Hill.Placeholder.
True Warrior

Kill or incapacitate 100 enemies using melee weapons.Use Melee Weapons, such as Katanas, Knives, etc., to defeat 100 enemies over the course of the game. Keep in mind that you need 300 firearm kills for 26. True Soldier and 100 melee weapon kill for 26. True Soldier. Alternate between these two or do Melee Kills first, and then the Ranged Weapon Kills. Police also count as “enemies,” so you can’t run out of enemies to kill and farm this in the open world at any time.
Ten out of Ten

Reach the max level in any skill.Placeholder.

Collect all items that once belonged to Johnny Silverhand.Placeholder.
Must Be Rats

Perform the Distract Enemies quick hack 30 times without drawing attention to yourself.This will come naturally through gameplay. However, it can be done quickly in the tutorial. When you learn to hack, one of the things taught is to distract enemies with Quick Hack. You can replay the hacking tutorial 30 times to get this done.While I haven’t done this myself yet, my counter has gone up, and I’ve only done this on the tutorial so far.
Warning: It doesn’t seem like you can replay the tutorial should you select to finish it. So if you want to do this, then keep replaying it before you exit the tutorial area.
The Quick and the Dead

Kill or incapacitate 50 enemies while time is slowed.Placeholder.

Buy all vehicles available for purchase.Over the course of the story and while free-roaming, you will automatically receive phone calls and text messages from people wanting to sell you cars.
These will then get added to your Journal (quest log) under “Rides.” In the Journal, click on them and then click “Track Job” in the middle of the screen.
This will put a yellow waypoint marker on the location where the car is being sold.
You can’t just go to a car dealership and buy them all, each has a unique location, and you must wait to get a call/message about it first.New cars become available for purchase by leveling up your Street Cred (which you increase by doing Side Tasks).
You will need to reach Street Cred 50 to buy them all.
The easiest way to get them all to pop up is to finish the story first.
Then complete all Side Tasks to reach Street Cred 50. Then free-roam around the district where the car is being sold (listed below).
The district’s fixer will text/call you about new cars for sale, but only while you are within the right district.
Example: You free-roam around City Center, you will receive text messages about new cars for City Center sales.
If your Street Cred is too low, you won’t get another message until you’ve reached a high enough Street Cred Level.
While doing all the gigs, NCPD events, and other side content, you should automatically unlock all the car messages.
You will unlock the car purchases in order from cheapest to most expensive.
Because of how expensive they are, you will have to complete many side activities to get enough money. Don’t “waste” too much money on weapons or Cyberware upgrades.
This could complicate things as you’d be low on money.
So keep this achievement in mind from the beginning and start saving for the cars.
Of course, buying cheap items is fine (especially Cyberware you need for other achievements), but don’t spend 150,000 Eurodollars on some Legendary Weapon.
These are the vehicles you have to buy, how much they cost, and their districts (free roam in that district to be notified of cars for sale):
- Galena G240 – €$13,000 – Watson
- Quartz EC-L R275 – €$29,000 – Watson
- Thorton Colby C240T – €$39,000 – Watson
- Maimai P126 – €$14,000 – Westbrook
- Kusanagi CT-3X – €$22,000 – Westbrook
- Columbus V340-F Freight – €$19,000 – City Center
- Emperor 620 Ragnar – €$32,000 – City Center
- Quadra Type-66 Avenger – €$55,000 – City Center
- Thrax 388 Jefferson – €$17,000 – Heywood
- Cortes V5000 Valor – €$37,000 – Heywood
- Alvarado V4F 570 Delegate – €$62,000 – Heywood
- Sopron FS3 – €$16,000 – Santo Domingo
- Thorton Colby CX410 Butte – €$43,000 – Santo Domingo
- Type-66 640 TS – €$58,000 – Santo Domingo
- Thorton Galena “Gecko” – €$21,000 – Badlands
- Thorton Colby “Little Mule” – €$49,000 – Badlands
- Shion “Coyote” – €$115,000 – Badlands
- … (rest still being added, list not yet complete)

Shoot an enemy grenade in midair with a revolver.Placeholder.
Full Body Conversion

Install at least one implant in each system and body part.Implants are installed at Ripperdocs, marked by a white Scissors icon on the map:
Different Ripperdocs sell different implants.While viewing the world map, you can press filter for “Service Points” (which makes it easier to see them and filters out other icons).
You can either buy implants or unlock them as rewards from side activities and have them installed for free.
At Street Cred 20 & Street Cred 50, Ripperdocs will start selling more Implants.
Keep in mind you need a lot of money to buy all vehicles (31. Autojock).
So don’t overspend with the implants.
Some cost more than a vehicle. For the sake of achievements, it’s better to go for the cheaper ones to save money for the vehicles.
Greetings from Pacifica!

Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in Pacifica.Placeholder.
I Am The Law

Complete all Cyberpsycho Sightings.Placeholder.
It’s Elementary

Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in Watson.Placeholder.
City Lights

Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in City Center.Placeholder.
The Jungle

Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in Santo Domingo.Placeholder.
Mean Streets

Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in Heywood.Placeholder.
Little Tokyo

Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in Westbrook.Placeholder.
The Wasteland

Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in the Badlands.Placeholder.
V for Vendetta

After reviving with Second Heart, kill or incapacitate the enemy who killed you within 5 seconds.Placeholder.
Daemon In The Shell

Kill or incapacitate 3 enemies with one “Detonate Grenade” quickhack.Placeholder.
Rough Landing

While Berserk cyberware is active, perform a Superhero Landing to kill or incapacitate 2 enemies.Placeholder.
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