Loot Drop Farm Only

There are 8 4×16 purple slime spawns and the same of orange slime spawns. I have made over 500 potions from the slime here. Make the room and spawning areas as large as you want to make it. The double layers of spikes kill the purple slime much faster than 1 layer can do. Orange slime do not need this but I’m not going to make a separate room yet or make this part of the room look different just to save some tin. Keep in mind that this room design is not just for slimes which is why I chose the design shown. This room works for all spawns but biome specific mobs have to have the farm located in that biome (cavelings, farmers, caveling snipers, shamans, groot or whatever big guys name is, etc)
I may eventually make this room larger and just cover the entire floor in slime floor and conveyor belts and have a small auto kill area because you get more per bar used. (10 per 1 iron 1 scarlet if maxed out the perk in skill tree under crafting) plus you no longer have to run around to pick up the drops. Most likely I will leave this room and build another slime farm more than a couple screens away.
XP/Drop Farm

The inside of this is 20×32 but I am going to extend it to 32×96. I’m just collecting the mold ground. I can post a guide on the fastest way to obtain a lot of mold ground if enough people are interested.
Here is less than 10 mins of staying near my base without killing any mobs. Unsure what the mob cap is.
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Could you make a farm like this with grass tiles or stone tiles to get those types of cavelings to spawn?
Quote ” This room works for all spawns but biome specific mobs have to have the farm located in that biome (cavelings, farmers, caveling snipers, shamans, groot or whatever big guys name is, etc)”
That’s not the case (anymore)! They spawn on the berries like slimes do on slime ground.