Alchemy Overview

You discover a recipe the moment you have the available components for it (and sometimes from books). So make sure you Extract All Ingredients, by clicking the button in the Alchemy menu, from time to time.
Each potion is created by combining a specific extract with any extract from a specific category. For example a Potion of Healing is crafted from Salt of Rogue’s Morsel combined with any extract from the suspension category (e.g. Mergrass, Spider Silk, etc.).
Until you craft the potion, elixir, coating, or grenade, you will not know what it does. If you do not want to be spoilers on what all potions do, and want to find out for yourself, skip the next sections. I will try to spoiler tag mysterious potions that the game obviously wants you to try out. They will be in the ‘Others’ section.
Use the find function (CTRL + F) to find the potion you are interested in.
Potions are one-time use consumables that either give you an immediate effect, or a buff that lasts for a few turns. Some last until long rest, but unlike Elixirs, you can use multiplier Potions and they won’t override their continued effects. This is where you find how to craft those healing potions that you have been chugging since the beginning of the game.
(Note: Gives you Feather Fall for 10 turns. Drink before you jump.)
(Note: Gives you Jump for 10 turns)
(Note: Gives you Invisibility for 10 turns)
(Note: Gives you Detect Thought until Long Rest)
(Note: Grants Hastened for 3 turns. Lethargic makes you skip a turn.)
(Note: You can throw these at people to cure them, as they can’t drink while Paralyzed.)
Elixirs are, most of the time, effects that last until long rest. Unlike potions, you can have only one elixir active at a time.
(Note: It doesn’t reveal invisible creatures immediately, it makes invisible creatures roll to keep their invisibility)
* Go to Conditions for more information
When you use a Coating, the condition is applied to your active weapons. If you have two weapons equipped, such as two hand crossbows or two daggers, both will be coated, but only your active weapon set. Every time you attack and deal damage with a coated weapon, you also apply the condition. Most coatings last for 10 turns.
* Go to Conditions for more information
When you condensed materials they fall under 6 categories: sublimates, salts, essences, ashes, virtuous, suspensions. This is not that useful really. The second ingredient in any recipe is any of a specific type. This is probably when you will look at them and try to find out which will be the easiest to get and the least you use for other potions.
When it comes to obtaining them I will not list them here, because they are not farmable. Mobs don’t ‘respawn’ in Baldur’s Gate 3, like they do in other games, so ‘farming spots’ are not a thing. The best way to obtain any ingredient and stock up is through vendors.
Here are some of the vendors and where to find them. Note that based on your choices not all of the vendors may be available to you. The vendors sell random stock every day (after long rest), so if you want to stock up you can make long rests (without using camp supplies) to refresh their stock. Note that this method may lock you out of quests or progress others, so use it when you have more experience with the game.
- Arron – Location: Halfling druid at the Grove
- Blurg
- Derryth Bonecloak
- Sister Lidwin – Location: House of Healing
- Araj Oblodra – Location Moonrise Tower
- Popper – Location: The Kobold at the Circus
- Zethino – Location: The Dryad at the Circus
- Stylin’s Horst – Location: Alchemy & Potion Shop near South Span of Wyrm’s Crossing
- Blurg – Location: Society of Brilliance (The Lodge) near Baldur’s Gate Waypoint
- Derryth Bonecloak – Location: Blonecloak Apothecary near Lower City Central Wall Waypoint
- Helsik – Location: Devil’s Fee
Beginner Tips
Have an alchemical pouch with every single character.
This way when you pick up ingredients they will automatically go inside the pouch and not clog your inventory. On top of that, when you want to combine your ingredients, you can simply pick up all the pouches on one character, making it easier to manage. Note that ingredients you buy or give you characters do not go in the bag. (Hopefully they will change this soon).
Don’t sell ingredients
Do not sell any ingredients. They are not worth a lot and you might need them. Once you have a better understanding of what potions you want and need, feel free to ignore this tip.
Use Extract All Ingredients.
Get into the habit after a long rest and shopping to extract all ingredients. It keeps your inventory light and compact, ready to brew the potions you need!
Visit your local ingredient NPC
After a long rest the NPC vendors restock. If you are looking for any particular ingredient or want to discover all the recipes as soon as possible.
Use Elixirs after Long Rest
Most elixirs last until Long Rest, so try to remember to use an Elixir after every long rest. Spellcasters can heavily benefit from Arcane Cultivation, while martial classes may want to use Elixir of Viciousness. Find the one that best fits your build and make sure to keep it in stock. But remember – only one elixir can be active at the same time!
Use coatings
If you feel like your damage is not high enough, want to avoid resistances, or it’s a long tough fight, make sure you use a bonus action to coat your active weapon. A well used Arsonist’s Oil or Diluted Oil of Sharpness can be the edge you need.
Using Hirelings
Transmutation Wizards gain double the output when crafting. If you want to maximise your output of potions, you can get a Hireling and make them a Transmutation Wizard that will do all your crafting.
Some potions give you conditions that you might not know what they are. Here is a little cheat-sheet. These are not all the conditions, just some you might find when using potions, grenades, elixirs, and coatings.
Mystery Potions
There are some potions are you will find in random places. You can’t craft them and you can’t buy them from your local vendor. All of the effects will be spoiler tagged, so click at your own risk.
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