For Age of Fear: The Undead King pplayers, this guide explains how to get the two seasonal achievements in the game: Halloween! and Snowman. It contains spoilers so read at your own risk.
If you want information about the rest of the achievements then check out the existing achievement guide but be aware that it doesn’t include the two seasonal achievements or the Modder! achievement (hence why I made this guide and one which explains how to get the Modder! achievement you can find here).
If there are any errors with my information, or you have new information to add, then leave a comment with proof of your claim (a screenshot or video) and I will eventually look into it.

Description: Trick or treat!
You can get this achievement by accessing a recruitment screen any time between 24 and 31 October. You will also receive a unique limited-time pumpkin artifact that will be automatically removed from your inventory on 1 November.

Description: Discover an ancient tribe of Snowmen!
You can get this achievement by killing a neutral unit named “Snowman” which only appears in small groups on a snow level during the month of December.
However, if you choose the Replay Battle mode from the main menu and pick a snow level then the snowman neutral units will appear even if it isn’t December. In order to make these battles easier, I recommend choosing to control the enemy army since they severely outnumber the ally army during the campaign snow levels while the ally army has no heroes and only has a team of generic units with no upgrades or equipment.
If you don’t know how to do this then you can follow these steps for the most common operating systems:
- Windows 10: click on Start → Settings → Time & language → Date & time.
- Mac: open the Apple menu → System Settings → General (in the sidebar) → Date & Time (on the right and you may need to scroll down).
That’s all we are sharing today in Age of Fear: The Undead King Seasonal Achievements Guide, if you have anything to add, please feel free to leave a comment below, you can also read the original article here, all the credits goes to the original author zZz