For Beecarbonize players who are trying to get the Climate Speedrunner Achievement, this guide will show you the fastest way to beat the game and unlock achievement!
Here we go!
Basic principles:
1) We dont build ecosystems.
2) We dont trigger hunger crises (the progression delay is huge).
3) We dont build random cards.
4) We are playing at 1x speed after the 10th turn.
5) We dont build unnecessary cards.
6) We use pause to analyze our board, no rush.
7) We dont trigger 2nd tipping point.
8) We expand sections of the board only when it’s necessary.
9) We solve every crisis possible.
10) We are patient.Build order:
Science funding
Home wind farms (Once it’s completed – remove 20th century industry, around turn 6-8)
Societal change
Solar energy
Idea Incubator
Lifestyle changes
Circular economy
Solar energy 2.0
Emission cleaning/Science incubator
Carbon capture
Decentralized economy
Home wind farms
Decarbonization laws
Carbon capture
Now you are on the finish line to get 20 industry and 20 people tokens.
Remove any cards that are slowing their generation like Lifestyle changes and wait until you have enough tokens to trigger an Eco-symbiosis victory.
I’ve managed to get it on the 53,6 round. Can you beat me?
I followed your advice exactly, and (due to some bad luck with the events) I ended up with a win on turn 70+ . Still a win though.
My main takeway from that run is that I don’t agree on rule nr 1. The way this game works is that you kind of need to have a flow of twice as much money as people, since each person eats up money when created. The best way to balance this is to have all 3 timers roughly in sync, otherwise if you skip ecosystems entirely, you end up with a diminishing return on industry, which will lead to a lot more people than money which might delay your victory with 15+ turns.
So I just completed another run where I had _some_ eco. I went up to Agroecology and stopped there. I had some bad luck with events… And ended up with a win on turn 53,6 😀
I didn’t beat you but it’s a tie! You can definitely shave of a couple of turns from that.