This guide includes details on all the achievements for Trover Saves the Universe. Potential spoilers may be included, so read at your own Discretion.
Bounce a ball 25 times in the apartment, because apparently that’s more fun than the actual game.Can be done at the beginning of the game before opening the door.
You Didn’t Have To Do That
You killed a NPC. That’s gonna affect the whole game! That’s right, your actions have consequences this game!The first potential target is the Old Chairorpian, but can be done to any of the other suitable NPCs.
You made 10 baskets, now make 100! Come on, what else do you gotta do today?You Actually Did It?!
What the hell is the matter with you?! You actually made 100 baskets?! What are you a sociopath?! How long did this take you?!Click the paper balls in your ship to attempt a basket shot while you wait through the dialogue of the game.
Jesus, Are You Still Listening To This?
Listen to the entirety of Pop Up’s introduction, and ignore the homeless man being murdered outside your door.As soon as you set foot on Shleemy World, Mr. Popup will… well pop up. Don’t progress any further or attack him until he starts repeating himself. I suggest checking with Shift+Tab to make sure you get the achievement first before moving on… it will take a while.
You Almost Solved It! Keep Going!
Press the buttons on the Puzzle Tree over 50 times, ’cause you don’t know how to listen, you cute little popsicle stick.In Shleemy World, you will encounter a gate that requires a series of puzzles and the use of your pop up skill to solve. On the third puzzle press any button 50 times before listening to Trover.
Pet Cemetery
Kill all of Tony’s pets… I’m tired of them pooping on my lawn.In Shleemy World you will meet a vendor who will offer you an upgrade to kill some monsters. Go kill the ones in the fence to the right and you will get the achievement… plus Tony’s tears.
Don’t Get Dooped
Escape Doopy without putting boxes in the garage, because charity work is lame and you’re not lame. You’re a cool little popsicle stick, aren’t you?Making your way through Shroomia World you will meet Doopy. Doopy will try to get you to move her boxes back and forth. Simply stack the boxes to the right near the soon to be accessible cliff and have Trover teleport you there.
Let the two arguing clones kill each other and then don’t report it… This isn’t game for snitches!After Doopy you will spot two clones talking near a wall. Don’t approach them, and let them sort it out.
Instant Clone Soup
Collect the clone DNA in under 10 minutes. That’s it? That’s all they have to do? Man, we’re just giving these things away.Simply do as asked and kill the clones near the pot to get all their DNA. The achievement gives you more than enough time, so it shouldn’t be too challenging.
Kill every villager. That’s right, we celebrate violence! What do you think about that mom and dad?!It’s A Video Game, Kill Something!
Don’t kill any villagers, because God forbid you do something out of the ordinary!Both of these can be done once after you give Voodoo Person the cauldron, and do the assignment he asks. Once you travel to the Vanilla Village, choose to kill them or don’t kill them then leave (Don’t forget to collect the Green Power Babies on your way out either way). Simply replay the level again to do the other route.
Here’s a damn trophy, now stop killing me!
Jump Trover into the Acid Lake 5 times. How is this even a trophy?At Fleshy World, past the second gate there is green acid. Walk Trover in 5 times to get the achievement.
Daddy Gotta Eat!
Instead of feeding the poor, feed Gail’s roommate in under 5 minutes!Again the timer is pretty lenient and should cause no trouble. Simple do as instructed and feed Gail’s roomate their preferred food.
Here’s Donny!
Witness Donny’s death, then write an essay about it for your college application.After feeding Gail’s roommate, go through the path behind them and continue downward to where Donny is standing.
Worst Guest Ever
You did it! You killed every killable NPC! You’re certified, psychopathic killer! Someone should probably call the police…Includes…
- Old Chairorpian
- Mr. Popup/Michael
- Doopy
- Vanilla Villagers
- Bathtub Guy
That went well…
Glorkon mixed the world! Wait, they get a trophy for that? It’s just a cut scene. They didn’t do anything… God, this is so dumb.No Winners In This Game!
Beat Glorkon without getting killed by anyone… Including me. That’s right, I’ve been hunting you.Trover ****s the Universe
You beat the game! You can die a happy now, you slimy, little popsicle stick.Final Upgrade!
You got the final upgrade! You’re all sticky, like a popsicle stick!After the fight with Glorkon, meet up with all the vendors and sit through the dialogue until you get a healthy dose of spit.
Really? This Game’s Not That Good
Replay the game, instead of getting a real job.Replaying any level should do.
The Ultimate Happy Ending
Collect all Power Babies in the game. Then prepare to have your shnudler ringled!
Written by Bangledeschler