Guide to all achievements with save points for backtracking.
◈Name yourself
◈Do you have a suggestion?
◈{Continue story}
◈Why not?
◈Take it seriously
◈Don’t push it
◈I might have
◈Stop him
◈{Continue story}
◈{Continue story}
◈Don’t ask
◈{Continue story}
◈Wait for her to finish
◈{Continue story}
◈Humble approach
◈{Continue story}
◈Answer her
◈{Continue story}
◈Take it
◈{Continue story}
◈I did not steal it for no reason
◈{Continue story}
◈Pick it up
◈Make a joke
◈Express your sympathy
◈Why not?
◈Why not?
◈{Continue story}
◈Lets get to it then
◈Push your luck
◈{Continue story}
◈Have drinks with her
◈We did it
◈Give her a goodbye kiss
◈Offer her coffee before going
◈Compliment her
◈{Continue story}
◈{Continue story}
◈{Continue story}
◈Go with her
◈{Continue story}
◈Say hey
◈{Continue story}
◈{Continue story}
◈Compliment her hair
◈{Continue story}
◈At you
◈Let’s go, maybe it’s a good movie
◈{Continue story}
◈Call Anna
◈{Continue story}
◈Turn your face
◈Join her in the shower
◈You asked for my help
◈{Continue story}
◈{Continue story}
◈{Continue story}
◈I was invited
◈Give her a birthday gift
◈{Continue story}
◈{Continue story}
◈{Continue story}
◈Stop Jake
◈{Continue story}
◈Cute dog
◈Ask about the girl
◈{Continue story}
◈{Continue story}
◈Hug her
◈Just say hi
◈Lily (left)
◈{Continue story}
◈{Continue story}
◈{Continue story}
◈Pay for the drinks
◈{Continue story}
◈Kiss her back
◈<Your choice>
◈{Continue story}
◈Answer Anna
◈Only if it’s Burgers
◈Answer Ethan
◈Right away ma’am
◈{Continue story}
◈{Continue story}
◈Don’t say anything about her stance
◈Why don’t you come with me?
◈Let him finish
◈Click people on right
◈Click people in middle
◈Click guy on left
◈Left arrow
◈Click girl on left
◈Click girl at the table
◈Click guy at bottom-middle
◈Click girl at bottom-right
◈Right arrow
◈Right arrow
◈Click girl on left
◈Click girl in middle
◈Don’t like cocktails?
◈Down arrow
◈Click girl at bottom-middle
◈He doesn’t deserve this
◈Up arrow
◈Right arrow
◈Talk to people on left
◈Beautiful makeup
◈Have you seen my friend?
◈Talk to guy on right
◈Click right door
◈Repeat above ~10 times
◈Right arrow
◈Click left door
◈Click white dot on floor
◈Click left stall
◈Click right stall
◈Down arrow x2
◈Up arrow
◈Click door
◈Click white dot at bottom of stairs
◈Right arrow
◈Click door
◈Left arrow x2
◈Click fire exit
◈End free roam
◈{Continue story}
◈{Continue story}
◈{Continue story}
◈Go to Haley
◈{Continue story}
◈Don’t get involved
◈Don’t ask
◈Wait for her to finish
◈Humble approach
◈Answer her
◈Better not
◈Pick it up
◈Make a joke
◈Express your sympathy
◈Why not?
◈Why not?
◈{Continue story}
◈Say something
◈Be rude
◈It doesn’t pique my curiosity
◈Can’t deal with her right now
◈Actually I was going out
◈How much do you want?
◈Talk sense into her
◈I don’t feel like it
◈Refuse her offer
◈Call Ethan
◈Choose Kelly (right)
◈Don’t kiss her back
◈{Continue story}
◈I’ll drop by ASAP
◈Don’t say anything about her stance
◈I can bring Anna
◈Let him finish
◈Right arrow x3
◈Up arrow
◈Click door
◈Click down
◈Left arrow
◈Click fire exit
◈End free roam
◈Just enjoying the view
◈I can keep going
◈Do both options
◈{Continue story}
◈Why did you give me this job?
◈I don’t believe you
◈{Continue story}
◈Go to Mr. Grey
◈{Continue story}