The 13th Doll is a game created by and for fans of The 7th Guest series! It began as an all volunteer, freeware passion project, but evolved into a fully licensed game. Here is a walkthrough for the game, including hints and solutions for all of the puzzles.
Choosing a Character
There are two separate, but interwoven, storylines to play in The 13th Doll:
- You can play as both Dr. Richmond and Tad, you will have to choose a character after the introductory cutscenes, and you can’t change character during the game. You will have to start a new game to play as the other character.
- Each character has different puzzles to complete, different items to collect, and a different experience of the plot.
A Useful Tool: The Map
- The map is accessed from the in-game menu (press Escape).
- The map is only available in Stauf’s Mansion (where most of the game takes place).
- You can use the map to head straight to any accessible room (click on it when you see the Brain Cursor).
- Rooms that are inaccessible are greyed-out on the map. See the image below for what this looks like.
- Rooms that are accessible have three states, that can be seen when you look at the map:
- Puzzles to be found (room filled with diagonal grey bars)
- key items or cutscenes to be found (room half-filled with diagonal grey bars)
- Nothing to be found (room clear/same colour as background)
See the image below for what they look like. This can help you track what you have left to do, if you get stuck.
Dr. Richmond Walkthrough
Dr. Richmond Walkthrough: Deepwood Sanitarium
No Puzzle
- Doll (Head) – Location: In the hallway, by a waste paper bin (opposite a wheelchair).
Dr. Richmond’s Office
Puzzle: Running Man
Location: On the desk, it is a patient record, in a green folder.
Hints and Solution:
- You need to move the Man to the X by the mansion.
- Clicking the Man will cause him to move “forwards”.
- Clicking an Arrow next to the Man, will cause the Man to move in the direction the Arrow is pointing (you can only click on an Arrow when it can be used by the Man).
- The Man will stop next to any Arrow that can be used.
- You can click on the Man after he has stopped next to an Arrow to continue moving in the same direction, rather than change to the direction the arrow is facing.
- The Man is a roll of paper. This paper is of limited length.
- Using an Arrow rolls out a new piece of paper with a new Man on it.
- The rolls of paper are different lengths.
- The method to reach the X is:
Interact with the following, in the order stated: Man, Man, Right Arrow, Up Arrow, Left Arrow, Man, Right Arrow, Man, Up Arrow.
Nurse’s Office
Puzzle: Circuit Shuffle
Location: On the desk, the strange contraption with a light bulb attached.
Hints and Solution:
- You need to connect the Light Bulb (top centre) to the line in the bottom right corner.
- You can rotate each row with the buttons on either side. The left side rotates the row clockwise, the right side: anticlockwise.
- You can click on a node in the puzzle, if it is next to the gap, to move it in to the gap.
- You don’t need to use all of the nodes in the puzzle, just connect the shortest route possible.
- You can use these set of moves to solves the puzzle:
Use the image below for numbering of nodes and rows.
Row 1: Rotate Clockwise,
Row 3: Rotate Clockwise,
Node 9: Move Left,
Node 6: Move Down,
Node 3: Move Down,
Row 2: Rotate Clockwise twice,
Node 2: Move Right,
Node 1: Move Right.
Here is an image of a completed puzzle:
Completing all of the puzzles in and collecting all of the items (Items needed: Doll (Head)) from: the Hallway, the Nurse’s Office, and Dr. Richmond’s Office, and then entering the Hallway: takes you to Wonderworld. Dr. Richmond gives the Doll (Head) to Tad.
Dr. Richmond Walkthrough: Wonderworld
Puzzle: Clear the Hole
Location: Down the alleyway, it is the ladder leading up to the window.
Hints and Solution:
- You need to clear all of the Purple Blocks from the dotted square in the bottom right corner of the puzzle.
- Click on a Block to select it. If there is only one possible move, the Block will move automatically. If there is more than one possible move, you will need to click where you want it to go.
- The difficult pieces are: the wide ones, and tall ones.
- Clear space around the hole first, this will give you room to maneuver.
- Once possible solution is demonstrated in the following images:
Completing the puzzle in the Entrance to Wonderworld: takes you to the Wonderworld Office.
No Puzzle
Interact with the newspaper clippings on the desk to head to Stauf’s Mansion.
Dr. Richmond Walkthrough: Stauf Mansion (part 1)
Puzzle: Rewiring
Location: The old telephone on the wall.
Hints and Solution:
- You need to connect the 3 pairs of coloured posts (the colours are Red, Green, and Blue).
- There is a Colour Blind setting in the options to help with this puzzle, it will show labels over the colours.
- Click on the lines between holes to place some wires between those 2 holes.
- Connect Red to Red, Green to Green, and Blue to Blue.
- The Blue and Red paths you might want to create will block the Green.
- Try taking the Green path the long way around.
- The Red posts are connected by the shortest route possible.
- The solution to the puzzle is:
- Transformer – Location: On the right hand side of the door to the Foyer, on the work surface.
Interact with the newspaper on top of the piano’s keyboard for an important cutscene.
Puzzle: Piano Roll
Location: The keyboard of the large piano in the middle of the room.
Hints and Solution:
- You need to recreate the sample music with the wooden lines with pips on them. It works like a player piano.
- There is a Hard of Hearing setting in the options to help with this puzzle, it will show the name of the notes on screen.
- Press the button on the left to hear the sample, press the button on the right to hear the current configuration of the puzzle.
- You can swap 2 wooden lines, or rotate any wooden line. Click a wooden line while you are holding it in the air to rotate it.
- You need to be able to recreate the notes heard in the sample.
- Try to match the lines that have a lot of notes on first, they will help to line up the composition. Or maybe particular sections stand out to you that might be easy to recreate.
- If you are tone-deaf, like me, you will struggle with this puzzle! You will need a way of distinguishing the notes: I used Audacity, and compared the shapes of the waveforms of the notes to give me clues. Otherwise you will have to guess, or use the Hard of Hearing setting.
- Each wooden line represents a particular note, each pip represents when a note should be played.
- The order of the rows of wooden lines has a connection to music notation.
- The playback of the puzzle’s music does not match the timing of the sample.
- The playback plays back the notes in 4:4 with a note on every beat, with no rests.
- The solution to the puzzle is:
- Gas Tank Valve – Location: In the far left corner of the room (having just come through the door), on a chair.
Completing all of the puzzles in : the Kitchen, and the Music Room: unlocks the Dining Room.
Puzzle: Gravestones
Location: On the table, on the cake.
- You need to get all 12 Gravestones to stand up. They will flip from standing up, to lying down when you interact with them.
- Each Gravestone can affect more than one other Gravestone.
- The shape of the Gravestone corresponds to the other Gravestones on the cake it will flip.
- It is quite likely you will do some random moves, and end up winning. It took me many wins to understand it all.
- Try to keep it symmetrical, you will have to make it symmetrical first!
- You need to reach a point where the top six graveyards are up, and the bottom 6 are down (or vice versa).
- If you end up with all of the gravestones down you are just one move away from standing them all up.
- A quick solution to the puzzle is:
Flip the Gravestone that is circled at each of the stages.
- Gauge Handle – Location: On the table, to the left of the cake (facing away from the door).
Completing all of the puzzles in : the Dining Room: unlocks the Library, the Upstairs Foyer, and the Heine Room.
Dr. Richmond Walkthrough: Stauf Mansion (part 2)
Puzzle: Fireplace Squares
Location: In the fireplace.
- You need to break all of the squares by removing 9 of the small bars.
- You should make rectangles out of the squares.
- There are many squares of different sizes: 1×1, 2×2, 3×3, and 4×4.
You can’t make the 4×4 square in to a rectangle. How else can you break it? - Arrange the 1×2 rectangle shapes so they break up the bigger squares (think bricks in a wall).
- You need to Create a 3×1 rectangle, and break the outside square in one place.
- A solution to the puzzle is:
Remove all of the bars where the pink lines are:
- Skull – Location: By the windows (where the telescope is), on the chair to the left of the window.
Puzzle: Balance the Scales
Location: It is inside the purple jewellery box, on the dressing table.
- You need to balance the coloured Balls on the scales, so that all of the scales are in the middle (the red line).
- The scales are grouped: the first two on the left, then a group of three in the middle, then a group of four on the right.
- The scales must be balanced within these groups.
- It would be a good idea to weigh the balls to get a relative value for each of them.
- In general, you will need to balance a heavy Ball against lighter ones. Split up the heavy balls, one per group.
- It might be easier, in the long run, if you sort out the group of 4 first, as it is the most complicated. There are a few combinations for the group of 2, so this should help make sure you get the right one.
- The solution to the puzzle is:
Place the Balls from left to right in the following order:
Purple, Orange, Pink, Yellow, Green, Light Blue, Black, Dark Blue, White.
- Metal Sphere – Location: In the far right corner of the room (facing away from the door), on a corner table, on a plate.
Completing all of the puzzles in : the Library, and the Heine Room: unlocks a puzzle in the Foyer.
Puzzle: Splitting Time
Location: It is the grandfather clock by the door to the Kitchen.
- You need to split the clock in to four equal pieces.
- You can split the clock between any two numbers, a line will appear after you have clicked. Four splits only.
- You might notice that the numbers do not divide in to 4 quarters without using fractions.
- The numbers on the clock are in Roman Numerals.
- What is a quirk of Roman Numerals? (How is a nine represented for example?)
- If you take the figures, out of context of the numbers they represent, there are 4 Xs, 4Vs, and 20 Is (for a total of 80).
- You don’t need to have the same number of Xs in each quarter, just the same total value (20) in each quarter.
- The solution to the puzzle is:
Completing the puzzle in the Foyer: takes you to the Knox Room, and unlocks the Knox Room, the Bath Room, the Laboratory, the Attic, and the Room at the Top.
Puzzle: Typewriter Word Jumble
Location: On the opposite side of the room from the door to the Hallway, a typewriter on a desk.
Hints and Solution:
- You need to enter the correct letter on every row to spell out a word using the letters to the left and/or right of the middle column.
- If you enter the correct letter, the word will be highlighted in Red.
- You can change any incorrect answers by using the arrow keys to move up and down a line, and then press another letter to retry a line.
- As you fill in more of the letters, you will notice a theme in the words.
- You may also notice that more words are created reading down the column of correctly entered letters. This may help you to get the last few rows you are stuck on.
- The solution is:
Enter the following letters down the middle column:
(It spells out Kill Boy Tad with an acrostic. The completed words are: Weak minded fool, blinded by love, you stumble toward death.
- Small Coil – Location: On the bed, on top of the white duvet.
Click the bath curtain to reveal the puzzle.
Puzzle: Coloured Eyeballs
Location: Floating in the bath.
Hints and Solution:
- You need to arrange the Eyeballs in to the correct configuration. The Eyeballs can be placed in the spots between the Bones.
- The eyes have different coloured stripes on them.
- There is a Colour Blind setting in the options to help with this puzzle, it will show labels over the colours.
- The eyes have different coloured irises. They match the colours of the stripes. The colours are: Green, Black, Pink, Yellow, Blue, Red, and Orange.
- The stripes represent the number of bones that should be between the current eye, and the eye with the same colour iris as the stripes on the current eye. If there are 2 sets of stripes, then each set of stripes must be worked out separately, but both must be correct.
- What is the longest number of bones that you need to deal with? Sort out these eyes first.
- The solution to the puzzle is:
- Steam Cap – Location: Inside the sink (it is on top of the plug hole).
Dr. Richmond Walkthrough: Stauf Mansion (part 3)
Puzzle: Test Tube Nonogram
Location: On the opposite side of the room from the door to the Hallway, a typewriter on a desk.
Hints and Solution:
- This is a Nonogram[] (also know as Picross, Griddlers and other names).
- You need to fill in the grid according to the numbers shown in the rows and columns.
- If you accidentally click the wrong square to fill in, simply click it again to empty it.
- If a row or column shows a number (e.g. 5 in Row 1) then there must be that many of contiguously filled spaces in that row or column (e.g. 5 contiguously filled in spaces in Row 1).
- The challenge is that you do not know where these 5 filled spaces will be, the puzzle is 15×15, so the 5 spaces must appear somewhere in the 15 spaces in Row 1 (lots of combinations).
- If a row or column shows two or more numbers (e.g. 11 2 in Column 2) then there must be multiple sets of contiguously filled spaces in that row or column (e.g. 11 contiguously filled in spaces in Column 2, and another set of 2 contiguously filled in spaces in Column 2).
- These sets cannot be connected (So 11 2 can not produce 13 contiguously filled in spaces). The sets must appear in the order shown. If Column 2 was 14 squares tall, then there would only be one configuration that would work (11 + 2 + 1 gap = 14).
- Column 5 (1 3 2 1 1), for example, will use up at least 12 squares (1 + 1 gap + 3 + 1 gap + 2 + 1 gap + 1 + 1 gap + 1).
- Because Column 2 is 15 square tall, and the instructions to fill it are 14 tall, there are a lot of square that will be filled in regardless of what the actual configuration of Column 2 is. This is how you are able to progress in the puzzle.
- If the edge of a row or column is filled in, then the first (or last as appropriate) number of that row/column must start there.
- There is only one correct solution, there will be a way to start with a “known” row or column and continue to the end by process of elimination, not hypothesis.
- Never fill in a square that you are not sure is correct, if you notice a mistake in your filled in squares, you should probably restart – you may have based other moves on these incorrect positions.
- If you are used to Nintendo’s Picross: you cannot mark empty squares, just leave them empty (which means you need to use a bit more of your memory).
- A good starting point is: Column 1. The grid is 15×15, and this column has a 15 in it, so all of the squares of this column must be filled in.
- The solution to the puzzle is:
It is a picture of a skull (using the empty squares, rather than the filled in ones).
Completing the puzzle in the Laboratory unlocks a cutscene in the Hallway.
No Puzzle
- Lever – Location: In the middle of the room, right in front of you as you come through the door, on top of a model house with lots of windows.
No puzzle
Collecting all of the items for Dr Stauf’s Machine (Items needed: Transformer, Gas Tank Valve, Gauge Handle, Skull, Metal Sphere, Small Coil, Steam Cap, Lever) from: the Kitchen, the Music Room, the Dining Room, the Library, the Heine Room, the Knox Room, the Bath Room, and the Attic; and placing them on the machine in the Room at the Top, AND watching the cutscene in the Hallway: unlocks the Dutton Room.
Puzzle: Connect 3 vs Lilith
Location: On the door to the Chapel.
Hints and Solution:
- The goal of the game is to connect 3 Squares on the grid (in a line: horizontally, vertically, or diagonally) before the Woman in White does. You go first.
- You will find out quickly that you do not have separate colours!
- If you fill in two Squares in such a way that one more square will connect 3 Squares in a line, then your opponent can win on the next move. You need to force the Woman in White in to this position, or you will be forced to give away a win to her.
- You need to seemingly get a move ahead of Lilith. No matter what you do, she seems to force you to take the first losing move.
- There is quite a lot of variety in the combinations of Squares that can be filled, and a game can last a variety of turns before a winning/losing state is reached. Choosing which Square to fill will significantly impact the remaining available safe Squares.
- Lilith forces play by controlling the board. She ensures that the board always ends with you having a choice of two spots to fill in, she takes the last spot, and you are forced to lose on your next turn.
- If controlling the board is important, then surely the first move is important, if the Woman in White is in control, surely she has taken it from you at some point.
- There is something at play here, if you watch how Lilith counters your moves, you can observe that she plays with symmetrical patterns to control the range of moves left.
- How can one start with symmetry? And then continue it?
- The solution to the puzzle is:
Start in the middle, and then mirror Lilith’s moves (on both axes around the middle of the puzzle). As far as I know, there is no other way to beat Lilith. However, thinking to try this, without learning from her behaviour for hours, is unlikely. So, this is kind of a trick solution, but you have to put work in to get to it, so it is still satisfying to solve.
This is an image to show the order of moves:
The numbers are your moves, in order 1-6, and the letters are Lilith’s counter moves, in order A-E.
You can connect 3 at the end in a few ways (move number 6).
Completing the puzzle in the Dutton Room: unlocks the Chapel.
No Puzzle
- Doll Eye 1 – Location: On the floor, in front of the door.
- Doll Eye 2 – Location: On the floor, in front of the door.
Collecting all of the items (Items needed: Doll Eye 1, Doll Eye 2) from: the Chapel: unlocks the Doll Room.
No Puzzle
- Doll – Location: In the right hand corner of the room (as you face away from the door), in front of the Doll House.
Collecting all of the items (Items needed: Doll) from: the Doll Room: takes you to the Attic.
No Puzzle
Once the cutscene has finished, head to the Room at the Top.
No puzzle
Interact with the machine.
Make a choice, either:
- Option A: Stab Tad.
- Option B: Stab Dr Stauf.
If you choose Option A: Get the “Caregiver” ending.
If you choose Option B: Get the “Proven Psychiatrist” ending.
Tad Walkthrough
Puzzle: Word Jumble
Location: On the floor near the cell door.
Hints and Solution:
- Remove all of the letter with three copies.
- These are: A, B, C, F, H, Q.
- Leaves behind the word “Wonderworld”.
Completing the puzzle: takes you on to Wonderworld.
- Doll (Head) – Obtained automatically after the cutscene that plays when you have completed the puzzle.
Tad Walkthrough: Wonderworld
Puzzle: House Defense
Location: On the counter near the door to the workshop, it is a model house on top of a cloth.
Hints and Solution:
- You need to remove the pieces (in pairs) in a way which never leaves any piece unguarded, in each of the 3 sections: inside the house proper, in the entrance, and outside the house (on the table).
- There is a Colour Blind setting in the options to help with this puzzle, it will show labels over the colours.
- A sword will attack any piece undefended by a shield. In particular, a sword of a particular colour will only attack a piece with the body of that colour, a shield defends all pieces with a body of the particular colour.
- You must not remove all white shields before all white swords (the piece in the top window would be left undefended).
- There are safe pairs of pieces that can stand in the entrance together.
- With a pair of pieces, you generally need to place the one with sword in the entrance first.
- Make sure you don’t leave the house undefended when you remove a pair.
- The pairs are: Red and Purple, Green and Pink, and Black and Yellow.
- You can’t remove the Red and Purple pair last!
- There are multiple ways to solve this puzzle, one potential solution is: Purple and Red, then Green and Pink, then Black and Yellow, and then White.
No Puzzle
- Doll Eye 1 – Location: Inside the blue box on the work surface, you need to have interacted with it already, and viewed the cutscene, then click it again.
After you complete the puzzle in the Toy Shop, collect all of the items in the Workshop (Items needed: Doll Eye 1), and return to the outside door of the Toy Shop (or re-enter the Toy Shop): you head off to the Stauf Mansion.
Tad Walkthrough: Stauf Mansion (part 1)
Puzzle: Knights 3×3
Location: On the floor, in front of the staircase, to the right of the tricycle as you face the stairs.
Hints and Solution:
- You need to get the White Knights to the spots that the Black Knights are in (and vice versa).
- The Knights can move to a spot, as they would in Chess (two “forward” and one “across”).
- The board is a 3×3 grid, you cannot move a Knight in to a position where it would be able to be “taken” by the other colour, according to the rules of Chess.
- The starting move is to move any Knight in between the two Knights of the opposite colour.
- You may have to move the pieces back and forth a bit.
- The key is using the white spaces on the board, they give to access to the destination spaces.
- There are multiple ways to solve this puzzle (i.e. you can perform all sorts of moves before finally getting the pieces in the right spots). A short solution is presented in the images below:
Completing the puzzle: unlocks the Upstairs Hallway, the Doll Room, and the Gallery.
No Puzzle
Clicking the painting opposite the staircase enters the Gallery.
Puzzle: Must be unlocked by Completing the Doll.
Click the dollhouse for a cutscene.
Finishing the dollhouse cutscene: unlocks the Kitchen.
Puzzle: Sun, Moon and Stars
Location: It is the chandelier above the piano.
Hints and Solution:
- Click the Sun to send out a beam of light, this allows you to see how the light will travel with the current configuration of Stars.
- Rotate the ring of Stars in to the correct positions, to illuminate the Moon and all of the Stars.
- Rotate each Star to change the direction the light beam will go after it hits the Star (All of the Stars rotate at the same time).
- There are multiple layers to complete.
- You can only rotate the outer layer, click the Sun to see what spot on the outer layer the ray goes to first.
- Perform the following to complete the puzzle:
Layer 1: Rotate Ring one time, then rotate Stars three times.
Layer 2: Rotate Ring one time, then rotate Stars two times.
Layer 3: Rotate Ring two times, then rotate Stars three times.
Layer 4: Rotate Ring one time, then rotate Stars one time.
- Doll (Left Arm) – after completing the puzzle – Location: Behind a painting that opens up, you must collect it to proceed.
Puzzle: Spider Maze
Location: It is inside the fridge, click on the fridge door to access it.
Hints and Solution:
- There is only one place to start click on the 2 right next to the Spider.
- When the Spider is on a Node with a number (e.g. 2), it can then move to a Node connected to it that is that number of space away (e.g. 2 space away). Node you can move to will have an Eyeball Cursor, those you can’t, a Wagging Hand Cursor.
- Once you have arrived at a Node on the web, the number is removed, returning to this Node causes you to fail the puzzle.
- The Prey (the Node to reach) is the red marker in the bottom right hand corner.
- The Spider can only move in straight lines. It is often hard to distinguish straight lines from almost straight ones.
- You can go back and forwards, but you can’t visit the same Node twice.
- Working backwards from the goal should show a valid route, you may have to experiment to find out if a line is straight or not!
- Directions to move along the correct path are:
2, 1, (DOWN) 2, (DOWN) 1,
3, (DOWN) 1, 3, (LEFT) 3,
1, (DOWN) 3, 3, 4,
2, 3, 1, (DOWN) 3,
4, 2, 4, 2, GOAL. - An image of the correct path:
Completing the puzzle: causes you to enter the Maze.
You need to find the exit of the maze to continue with the game.
Hints and Solution:
- Make a map to keep track of all of the routes. It is very helpful to use graph paper, a spreadsheet program (like Excel), or a dungeon mapping program (I used GridMapper[] by SuperDan).
- There are a some squares in the maze where one wall is adorned with some decoration (a blood stain, a noose etc), these can help you navigate the maze (i.e distinguish which corner you are on etc, if you lose your place on your map).
- It can be solved by hugging the left or right walls, but this won’t allow you to know “where” the exit is.
- Here is a map of the maze:
- Here is a map of the maze with the shortest route to the exit:
- Here is a list of directions to take the shortest route through the maze:
Forward 3, Turn Left, Forward 9, Turn Right,
Forward 2, Turn Right, Forward 1, Turn Left,
Forward 2, Turn Right, Forward 2, Turn Left,
Forward 1, Turn Left, Forward 3, (Candle) Turn Right,
Forward 4, (Stain) Turn Left, Forward 2, Turn Right,
Forward 2, Turn Right, Forward 3, Turn Left,
Forward 1, Turn Left, Forward 6, Turn Right,
Forward 4, (Noose) Turn Right, Forward 1, Turn Left,
Forward 1, (Noose) Turn Right, Forward 1, Turn Left,
Forward 2, (Skull) Turn Right, Forward 8, Turn Right,
Forward 1, Turn Left, Forward 1, Turn Right, Forward 1.
- Doll (Right Foot) – Find the exit of the maze.
Completing the maze: Awards you the Right Foot of the Doll, unlocks the Crypt and causes you to enter it.
Puzzle: Tilt Puzzle
Location: It is on the side of the sarcophagus in the middle of the room, it is on the side nearest the spiral staircase.
Hints and Solution:
- Click on the top, bottom, left, and right of the puzzle to tilt it (and move the Balls).
- Get the Green Ball on to the Green Square, and the Pink Ball on to the Pink Square.
- There is a Colour Blind setting in the options to help with this puzzle, it will show labels over the colours.
- The Balls need to land on their Squares at the same time, or you will fail.
- Because both Balls need to land on their Squares on the same tilt, they must both come from the same direction.
- You need to get both Balls in the top left hand corner, before you can get them on their Squares.
- The list of tilts to complete the puzzle is:
Down, Right, Up, Right,
Up, Right, Down, Right,
Up, Left, Down, Right,
Down, Left, Down, Left,
Up, Left, Up, Left,
Up, Right, Up, Right,
Down, Right, Up, Left,
Up, Left, Down, Left,
Down, Left, Up, Left,
Down, Right, Down, Left.
You can exit the room via the Iron Maiden at the end of the room, which takes you back to the Foyer.
Completing the puzzles in the Kitchen, Maze, Crypt, and Gallery: unlocks the Knox Room and provides a Guest’s appearance in the Foyer (in front of the staircase).
Tad Walkthrough: Stauf Mansion (part 2)
Puzzle: Heart Connection
Location: It is the red book, on the small red coffee table.
Hints and Solution:
- You need to connect the heart in the bottom right hand corner, to the straight piece of pipe in the top left hand corner (neither of these can be moved).
- There are 5 columns and 5 rows, you can move them to the left and right, or up and down (If a square “goes off the edge”, that square will be lost).
- Some pieces are more useful than others, get rid of pieces you don’t want.
- The most useful pieces are
- A picture of a solution:
- Instructions to complete the puzzle:
Row 2: Left 4,
Row 5: Right 1,
Column 3: Up 1,
Column 2: Up 1,
Row 5: Left 1,
Column 5: Down 2,
Row 3: Right 1,
Column 2: Up 1,
Column 3: Up 1,
Row 1: Right 1,
Column 1: Up 1.
- Doll (Right Arm) – Location: On top of the fireplace, next to the clock.
Completing the puzzle in the Knox Room: unlocks the Game Room and Burden Room.
Puzzle: 7 Queens
Location:On the chessboard.
Hints and Solution:
- You need to fill the board with Queens, so that none of them can “take” each other, according to the rules of Chess.
- When you place a Queen that is able to “take” other Queen already on the board, those Queens are removed, and you will need to place them again.
- There are 7 Queens and 7 Columns and 7 Rows left on the board.
- You need to make use of every row and every column.
- Once you have placed all 7 Queens, a new round is started with 6 Queens, and all of the used squares on the board disappear.
- It goes all the way down to 1 Queen, going down by 1 Queen at a time.
- There are many possible solutions, one method to complete the puzzle is presented in the following image:
- Doll Dress – Location: On the wall to the right of the door, in a picture frame.
Puzzle: Stacking Coins
Location: On the bed.
Hints and Solution:
- You need to stack the coins so that you have 10 stacks each made of 2 coins.
- You can move a coin, so that it jumps over 2 coins; horizontally and vertically. For clarity: this is either two stacks of 1 coin each, or one stack of 2 coins.
- Try to bring the outside coins in to the middle, start with a coin on the edge of the puzzle.
- Symmetry in your moves can be helpful.
- The following image shows a method to complete the puzzle:
- Doll Eye 2 – after completing the puzzle – Location: Inside the gumball machine.
Completing the puzzles in the Games Room and the Burden Room, and viewing the cutscene in the Upstairs Hallway: unlocks the Temple Room.
Puzzle: Run of Cards
Location: On the rug in front of the bed.
Hints and Solution:
- You need to place the rest of the deck of cards, in order, making sure the runs of suits are connected horizontally and vertically. You can see the start of the run with the Ace and Two of Diamonds is already placed for you (this gives an example of how the cards must be connected).
- You can get a rough idea for where the cards should go, based on the cards already set in place.
- You will need to wind around the available spaces to take account of the cards already placed.
- The order of the suits is Diamonds, Clubs, Hearts, Spades.
- It is the whole pack of cards (there are 54 spaces), so watch out for the Jokers!
- The following image shows the order to place the cards in:
The cards that are already placed for you are shaded in red.
- Doll (Torso) – Location: On the bed.
Completing all of the puzzles in and collecting all of the items (Items needed: Doll (Right Arm), Doll Dress, Doll Eye 2, Doll (Torso)) from: the Knox Room, the Games Room, the Burden Room, and the Temple Room: unlocks the Dutton Room.
Puzzle: 100 Dollar Bill
Location:On the bed, in the suitcase full of money.
Hints and Solution:
- You need to flip around the puzzle to recreate the image of Benjamin Franklin.
- You can swap with the piece to either side, or directly across the middle.
- Big pieces can be swapped for an adjacent set of two small pieces. You cannot swap a set of two pieces with another set of two pieces, you must move them one by one when you are not able to swap with a big piece.
- Make sure you get the face round the right way, the scroll under the face reads “Franklin” so make sure that is round the right way first.
- The following image shows a short sequence to complete the puzzle :
Each image of Benjamin Franklin’s face shows the current configuration, and the swap you must perform to get to the next configuration.
Completing the puzzle in the Dutton Room: unlocks the Chapel.
Tad Walkthrough: Stauf Mansion (part 3)
Puzzle: Number Piano
Location: It is on the Pipe Organ in the corner of the room.
Hints and Solution:
- You need to press the keys on the keyboard, so that they are all pressed down.
- Each key has a number on it.
- Pressing any set of two keys will press a third down (or cause you to fail the puzzle).
- The key that gets pressed down after you have pressed two is the sum of the two buttons you pressed (e.g. If you press 1 and 2, 3 will be pressed, because 1+2=3).
- It is a good idea to make sets of 3 numbers, where a+b=c. What numbers are more problematic than others?
- Try to save the lower numbers, try to make the highest numbers out of other high numbers first.
- A way to solve the puzzle is the following sequence of keys:
Press 8, Press 7, Press 9, Press 5, Press 10, Press 3, Press 11, Press 1, Press 4, Press 2.The following is the sequence with the maths, in case you wonder why this works:
Press 8, Press 7, (8+7=15) 15 is pressed automatically, Press 9, Press 5, (9+5=14) 14 is pressed automatically, Press 10, Press 3, (10+3=13) 13 is pressed automatically, Press 11, Press 1, (11+1=12) 12 is pressed automatically, Press 4, Press 2, (4+2=6) 6 is pressed automatically.It might be quicker, in real-time, to enter the following sequence: 1, 11, 2, 4, 3, 10, 5, 9, 7, 8.
- Doll (Left Leg) – Location: On the left hand side of the room, facing away from the door. It is on the floor, next to crossed swords and a pillar.
Completing the puzzle in and collecting all of the items (Items needed: Doll (Left Leg)) from the Chapel: unlocks the puzzle in the Doll Room.
Puzzle: Tad vs Stauf
Location: It is in the dollhouse in the corner of the room.
Hints and Solution:
- You need to connect from left to right (Blue), before Stauf can connect from top to bottom (Red). You do this by filling the hexes with your colour (Blue), taking it in turns, placing one hex, then Stauf places a hex.
- Stauf is very clever, he will always do the best move he has available.
- Stauf will try to connect his hexes in the shortest route possible, playing passively will allow him to win.
- Stauf will try to block your path where possible.
- Stauf will try to block your path, and improve his own in the same move, maybe you need to do this to?
- Placing a hex one hex away from the edge gives two options to connect to the edge (Stauf loves doing this).
- When trying to make a line of hexes across the board you can easily leave yourself two viable options to carry on the line.
- It is very important to be a move ahead of your opponent, so that they have to react to your move. Stauf is very good at getting in to this position, even though you play the first move.
- The starting move is very important.
- You need to start one hex away from the centre.
- The following image shows a short sequence to beat Stauf:
The numbers indicate the order to place your hexes, the letters indicate Stauf’s counter moves.
It works by making Stauf try to block you from the first move, then connecting your hexes and blocking Stauf’s work, then making a two-way connection to one of the blue sides, then you can run along the board, as Stauf tries to block access to your existing hexes, then leaving a gap that can be connected in two places and placing a hex that connect to the other blue side in two places, finally you can connect the last 3 hexes without Stauf blocking you. Other solutions may require less moves.
Completing the puzzle in the Doll Room: unlocks the Attic.
No Puzzle
Make a choice, either:
- Option A: Stab the Doll.
- Option B: Stab Dr. Richmond.
If you choose Option A: You are taken to the Room at the Top, you then need to place the Doll in the middle of the circle to get the “Enough is Enough” ending.
If you choose Option B: You move to the Room at the Top.
No Puzzle
Place the Doll in the middle of the circle.
Make a choice, either:
- Option A: Jump out of the window with the Doll.
- Option B: Give the Doll to the Woman in White.
If you choose Option A: Get the “Action Star” ending.
If you choose Option B: Get the “Doll Maker” ending.
To unlock the Graveyard:
You need to complete at least one of the endings. You can then access it via the Kitchen as either character (use the door near the fridge, or use the map [see below]).
Puzzle: Skeleton Hands
Location: To the right of the gates, as you go in the graveyard, behind the row of gravestones, on the ground.
Hints and Solution:
- This is another game that you can win at random, without fully understanding how the game works.
- You are playing against the computer, you have two skeleton arms (at the bottom of the screen, and so does the CPU (at the top of the screen).
- You need to get your opponent’s Hands to have 5 fingers extended, this will then cause the Hand to close (0 fingers extended). If you “overkill” an attack (say attack with 4 Fingers against 3), the Hand is set to the max of 5 Fingers extended, and then closed.
- To win, you need to get both of the CPU’s Hands to close, before both your own Hands become closed.
- You take it in turns, you first, then the CPU. On each turn you can select one of your Hands, and either Attack one of the CPU’s Hands or Split with your other Hand.
- If you Attack, you will extend fingers on your opponent’s hand (you will extend the same number of fingers as you currently have extended on the Hand you attacked with). E.g. If you have 3 Fingers extended, and attack a Hand with 1 Finger extended, the defending Hand will change from 1 Finger extended to 4 Fingers extended (+3 Fingers).
- You can Split a Hand with your other Hand, except if the configuration of extended Fingers would not change (e.g. if you have 1 Finger extended on both Hands). Splitting will divide the total number of extended Fingers you have by 2, and give that amount to each Hand. If the total is an odd number, the Hand that had the most extended Fingers before the Split, will have the additional 1 extended Finger.
- You can Split with a closed Hand (as long as you have more than 1 extended Finger).
- Don’t attack when you will leave yourself vulnerable to having your Hand closed. E.g. If you have 1 extended Finger, and attack a Hand with 3 extended Fingers, then they will now have 4 extended Fingers. If they attack the same Hand back, it will get 5 extended Fingers, and then close.
- You need to close one of the CPU’s Hands first, then the other. It is not possible to close both of the CPU’s Hands at the same time.
- You also need to make sure that when the CPU is down to one Hand, and you can’t beat then with the next Attack, that they only have 1 Finger extended (to prevent them from Splitting).
- If you are also down to 1 Hand, and you cannot win on the next Attack, make sure that you have 1 Finger extended, then you can Attack twice to win. Otherwise you will lose if you Attack.
- Or, if you still have 2 Hands, and you cannot win on the next Attack, then you can should be able to Attack twice to win (as long as you have at least 2 extended Fingers in one Hand).
- Either way if you can’t win in two Attacks from this position, then the CPU will be able to Split and recover the other Hand. So it is probably better to Split yourself or restart the puzzle. Obviously, if you can win in 1 Attack, then Attack and win!
- The CPU does not behave the same way every time. There is no defined solution.
You can access the Graveyard (once unlocked) and the Maze (once unlocked, and only as Tad) from the map. They are represented by small connections off the Kitchen. The Graveyard is to the left, and the Maze is to the right.
The maze is in the shape of:
A doll head.
To view the secret ending:
Click on “Extras” in the main menu (after completing all 5 normal endings).
Gold Coins
You can view the coins you have collected in your inventory. You can view the coins you have collected across all of your saves (i.e. all coins for both Tad and Dr. Richmond) from the Inventory section on the Main Menu.
All 20 coins are listed below, in the same order they appear in the Inventory:
Mansion Coin:
- Character: Tad
- Room: Knox Room
- Location: Inside the chest at the end of the bed, on the left lip of the chest, as you face the bed.
Burden and Edward Coin:
- Character: Tad
- Room: Burden Room
- Location: In the far left coner of the room (as you face away from the door), it is underneath the plant, resting on the dirt in the flower pot.
Cake Coin:
- Character: Tad
- Room: Graveyard
- Location: On the floor behind one of the little totems (the one to the back right of the graveyard, as you come through the gates).
Drama Coin:
- Character: Tad
- Room: Doll Room
- Location: By the window at the back of the room, behind the chest, behind a doll.
Dutton Coin:
- Character: Tad
- Room: Gallery
- Location: Inside the piano.
Eyeball Coin:
- Character: Tad
- Room: Games Room
- Location: On the backgammon board, tucked in on the side nearest the centre of the room.
Staircase Coin:
- Character: Tad
- Room: Kitchen
- Location: Inside one of the cooking pots hanging in the middle of the room, it is inside the pot nearest the door to the Maze.
Wagging Hand Coin:
- Character: Tad
- Room: Temple Room
- Location: On the floor by the corner of the bed and the rug (the left hand corner as you face the bed, standing on the rug).
Heine Coin:
- Character: Tad
- Room: Foyer
- Location: On the right hand side of the staircase, in the far left corner (by the music room door), behind a picture frame.
Knight Coin:
- Character: Tad
- Room: Crypt
- Location: In front of the spiral staircase, on the floor next to the left hand pillar (as you face the spiral staircase).
Elinor Knox Coin:
- Character: Dr. Richmond
- Room: Attic
- Location: To the right of the room (as you face away from the door), between a small radio and a crate (in the shadow of the radio).
Microscope Coin:
- Character: Dr. Richmond
- Room: Dining Room
- Location: On the right hand side of the room (as you face away from the door), on a side table, on the candelabra (The post nearest the centre of the room).
Bishop Coin:
- Character: Dr. Richmond
- Room: Dutton Room
- Location: In the flower pot, stuff yourself between the plant pot and the wardrobe, put your back against the wardrobe and look under the nearest low leaf.
Brain Coin:
- Character: Dr. Richmond
- Room: Foyer
- Location: On the left hand side of the staircase, behind the vase that is to the left of the Dining Room.
Staufway Coin:
- Character: Dr. Richmond
- Room: Kitchen
- Location: On the shelves, next to the phone, it is behind a tin can on the third shelf from the bottom.
Tad Coin:
- Character: Dr. Richmond
- Room: Knox Room
- Location: To the right of the door, between the legs of the weird lounging chair (near the red table, with the red book on it).
Teeth Coin:
- Character: Dr. Richmond
- Room: Library
- Location: In the middle of the telescope.
Temple Coin:
- Character: Dr. Richmond
- Room: Music Room
- Location: On the bookshelf, on the second shelf from the top (under a red book).
Temple and Tad Coin:
- Character: Dr. Richmond
- Room: Chapel
- Location: In the middle of the room, in the coin collection plate.
Stauf Coin:
- Character: Dr. Richmond
- Room: Heine Room
- Location: On top of the red chair in the corner of the room, around the back of the chair, between the backrest and the sides of the chair.
VIP Names
You can view the VIP names from the in-game menu, not the main menu. The names you have collected are highlighted in white, the names you have not collected are greyed out.
VIP names are abundant in 4 rooms, these are listed below:
Crypt (Tad only):
- Andrea Albergo, Dave Anderson, Leslie Markley, Matthew L Anderson, Bill Dorsch, Brian H. Jensen, Martin Urizar II, Aaron D. Carpenter, John Ballin, Isabel J.J. Allison, J. Wilson, Olivia Pen. – Location: On sarcophagi throughout the room.
Laboratory (Dr. Richmond only):
- Michael Della Pia, Roger Meuse, AppleMaru, Patrick Rietveld, Rubix Hull, Mike Jegenjan, Red Buttons, Douglas Bradley, Noel Raoult. – Location: On jars containing brains throughout the room.
Gallery (Tad only):
- Aaron D. Carpenter, Daniel Weinstein, Jessica Carpenter, Lake Kubilius, Carl Leceuvre, A. C. Correia, Miles Roberts, Christopher Smith, Sean Kavanagh, Sean Roberts, Young Henry, Bart Rijckaert. – Location: On paintings throughout the room.
- Miles Roberts, Sean Roberts, Bart Rijckaert, Aaron D. Carpenter, Claudia Pumpernickel Frewin-Stauf, Jesse Mueller, Kevin “Sneezy” Snethen, The Special Waste, Tina Good, Steven Keller. (And some developer names too, that cannot be collected) – Location: On tombstones throughout the graveyard.
The rest of the names are more hidden than those above, they are listed in the order they appear in the menu.
Sean Roberts:
- Area: Wonderworld
- Room: Workshop (Tad only)
- Location: On the house blue prints, on the wall opposite the door. (Also found in the Gallery and the Graveyard)
Rednose Rotteveel:
- Area: Stauf’s Mansion
- Room: Burden Room (Tad only)
- Location: On a wine bottle, on the bed side table.
Emilia Gil:
- Area: Wonderworld
- Room: Toy Shop (Tad only)
- Location: Behind the counter with the puzzle on it, on a shelf, on a bill (along with some developer names).
Chris Sabin:
- Area: Stauf’s Mansion
- Room: Temple Room (Tad only)
- Location: On the wall by the broken mirror, on a poster for a magician.
Ann Voysey:
- Area: Stauf’s Mansion
- Room: Library (Dr. Richmond only)
- Location: On the left hand side of the door, on a bookshelf, on a trophy.
Dennis A. Pascale:
- Area: Stauf’s Mansion
- Room: Attic (Dr. Richmond only)
- Location: To the right of the room (as you face away from the door), on a small radio (next to an oil lamp).
Robert Faler:
- Area: Wonderworld
- Room: Office (Dr. Richmond only)
- Location: In the shelving unit behind the desk, on the shelf underneath the crocodile skull, on the spine of a blue book (to the far left of the shelf).
Pantsless Aaron:
- Area: Stauf’s Mansion
- Room: Temple Room (Tad only)
- Location: On the dressing table by the broken mirror, on a pack of cards.
Robb Alvey:
- Area: Stauf’s Mansion
- Room: Maze (Tad only)
- Location: Near the end of the Maze.
If you start from the last square of the maze (where you pick up the Doll’s leg), and turn to face away from the exit, then you can follow these directions to reach Robb’s graffiti: Forward 1, Turn Left, Forward 1, Turn Right, Forward 1 (it is on the wall in front of you).
Tara Siragusa:
- Area: Stauf’s Mansion
- Room: Foyer
- Location: On the painting by the grandfather clock.
Lenore Kaye:
- Area: Stauf’s Mansion
- Room: Dining Room (Dr. Richmond only)
- Location: In the left hand corner of the room (as you come through the door), on a shelf, on a shield.
Erik-André Mamen:
- Area: Stauf’s Mansion
- Room: Doll Room
- Location: In the middle of the room, to the left of the table, as you face outwards from the door, on the leg of the doll’s cot.
Paul H. Richardson:
- Area: Deepwood Sanitarium
- Room: Nurse’s Office (Dr. Richmond only)
- Location: On a certificate hanging on the wall (to the right of the door).
Donald Luthe:
- Area: Deepwood Sanitarium
- Room: Tad’s Cell (Tad only)
- Location: On the right cell wall, as you face away from the door.
Related Posts:
- The 13th Doll: A Fan Game of The 7th Guest – 100% Achievement Guide
- The 13th Doll: A Fan Game of The 7th Guest – Save File Guide
How can i get in the burdon Room?
It’s “Burden”, but Anyways:
“Completing the puzzle in the Knox Room: unlocks the Game Room and Burden Room.”
Wahts so difficult to follow whats written here….?