Sky Force Reloaded is a classic shoot ‘em up experience packed in gorgeous visuals and excellent gameplay. here is a guide on how much do you need to unlock a technicians & what they do.
Gringo Stars
Prestige points: 50
- Definitely what it says on the tin. A glowing crate will appear and when shot, it releases a good chunk of stars.
- You can get more stars by playing on harder difficulty or with temporal card #02 Extra Stars
Kate Brush
Prestige points: 100
- Saves you on one hit to help you get the Stay Untouched medal
- Plays a sound cue of laughing woman when activated.
Her icon can be seen if her abilities have been used:
Burton Panic
Prestige points: 150
- This technician triggers either shield, laser, or mega bomb at random.
- A sound cue of a guy freaking out plays when this happens.
- Does not use your power-up.
Burton seems to trigger at some condition, such as turning on shield when the vessel is surrounded with bullets
Lucy Clover
Prestige points: 200
Increases luck in:
- Activating lucky shield (Requires card:Lucky Shield)
- Finding plane parts
- Finding permanent cards (best combined with Ace of Spades aircraft and permanent card #01)
The lucky shield triggers almost every time you fly with it. I don’t remember if the shield never gets turned on.
Slo Mo Chan
Prestige points: 300
Slows down hostile bullets
Does literally what it says.
Slo Mo Chan releases an aura at the start of every game
Tase Mebro
Prestige points: 400
Zaps anything destructible including enemies, barrels, towers and crates
Holo Granny
Prestige points: 500
- A temporal hologram will be placed anywhere in the playfield.
- The hologram lasts for 4 seconds.
- Hologram appears every 8 seconds
- All enemy bullets will be directed to that hologram, including your missle.
- Enemy missles will target back at you when the hologram disappear.
Hayes Core
Prestige points: 600(That’s all the prestige points)
- Every crate you destroy now worth +2000 points instead of +1000
- Power-up dispensers is now changed to score dispensers.
- When you hover over it, the score starts racking up.
- The score goes up faster when the x(value) goes up.
- The score will be given when you left the dispenser. The x(value) also goes back to 1
By //ダニアDanial