The Primary Guns
KSG Shotgun
Raven shotgun (In game)
These are the Components you need to make this in the game
Ammunation: 000 Buckshot
Barrel: Short Barrel
Barrel ext: N/A
Gadget: N/A
Sight: Compact holosight
Coharie Arms CA-415
Car-4 Rifle (In game)
These are the Components you need to make this in the game
Barrel: Short Barrel
Barrel ext: N/A
Foregrip competition foregrip
Gadget: N/A
Grip: Straight Grip
Lower receiver: THRUST Lower receiver
Magazine: L5 Magazine
Sight: Compact holosight
Stock: Contractor Stock
Upper Receiver: Exotique Receiver
(Sniper Rifles)
Stealth Recon Scout
Desertfox (In Game)
These are the Components you need to make this in the game
Barrel: Long Barrel
Gadget: N/A
Sight: N/A
The Secondary Guns
Heckler & Koch P30L
Contractor Pistol (In Game)
These are the Components you need to make this in the game
Barrel ext: Contractor Compensator
Gadget: N/A
Magazine: N/A
Sight: Tritum Sight

If you don’t have The Pencil you can use
The Switchblade
Throwing Knife
Equipment & Armor
For The Armor use the Lightweight Ballistic Vest





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