For My Time at Sandrock players, since there’s little to no information on the internet about Multiplayer opposed to Single Player, this guide will help you out.
Things You Should Know When Starting
1. You can only have 1 character per region server, meaning you can only be part of 1 town at a time. I have not tested this but the wording sounds like you must delete your character via leaving the town and restarting fresh in a new town. Keep this in mind because you can only have 4 people total in one town although you are free to use World Chat to talk to people in other towns though that will be your only interactions. You can however, change the town lead and leave so the town isnt deleted and come back, but I believe each time you leave a town to move, your character data is wiped
2. You can choose to play MP solo, you receive a buff to compensate granting things like 80 extra def, and crafting 1.5x the materials, so if you craft say 10 copper bars, you get 15 instead. It also counts as a exp buff thats always on.
3. Time passes at a fixed rate of what feels like 1 min in game to 1 sec real time whenever ANYONE in your town is online. If no one is online, the time in game is paused
4. Your machines work are ALWAYS working when you give them tasks even when no one is online, they take the fuel and water upfront which are returned to their tanks should you choose to cancel the order making it. This also applies to farming, Mushrooms for example take 3 hours real time to grow, once planted and watered, you can log off and it will be ready in 3 real life hours even if no one is playing your town.
5. There are two different types of storage, mini and personal storage are tied to that character and only they can access the contents, but I believe the other town members may relocate them if needed. The primary storage is a group storage chest which can be upgraded to lv 4 having 600 total spaces.
6. A town has one leader who is the one who created the town, they do not need to be online for everyone to play, they are just in charge of kicking and inviting. Think of this role as a party leader and this can be passed to other players too if need be, I do not know if it automatically gets passed if the lead is inactive.
7. Cant confirm this, but seemingly some spots have their own cool down timers, while some spaces will refresh with the day such as the scrap in Eufala Salvage Yard, they can be refreshed over time. Ive left my character in the salvage yard to login, collect the scraps and log off only to repeat this process each hour or so when I had free time even though it was the same day and almost the same in game time that I had harvested them.
8. Energy is different in MP, think of an app where you are offline and you regain your stamina when offline. It seems to be a similar rate as you sitting or laying down on benchs, beds, etc so if you run out of stamina, you could log off for an hour and come back to some more stamina to use.
10. POWER LEVELING – Early on, kill all the yakmel all the time and buy all the sea salt you can from Owen, and Arvio when hes unlocked. Build as many Dew Collectors as you can, and set them down, they are ALWAYS collecting dew unlike SP where its only in the morning and they disappear if you dont collect them. They are always slowly gaining dew even through the day, so make a habit of at least logging in, praying to meowses statue, then collect your water. Takes a few minutes but all the free water and exp will be well worth it. Build a refiner and use bloodstone to make them purple, they can store up to 28 Dew each. Forget Super Dew Collectors, they are expensive AF and even though they do collect dew faster, they cap at 34 at purple and require much more rare materials to refine.
11. ALWAYS BUILD BASE LEVEL STATIONS, Recyclers, Forges, Tailoring machine, you should ALWAYS build them at their base level, refine them to purple, and then upgrade them to their next stage. Later on these require more rare materials like Spinel to refine and some materials can be troublesome as they are far away. Save yourself the time, upgrading generally takes less new materials and maybe one or two of a material the previous thing could already make. Just kill the Alpha Yaks or boxing roos, etc for machine upgrade kits, you’ll generally have a good amount, especially if you were killing yaks for their leather for dew collectors mentioned above. This also makes is easier to give personal commissions higher rarity items for more money. Seems the higher your friendship level, the more you get paid or maybe its just my imagination.
12. As soon as you unlock the Currency Exchange via the Urban Planner, Buy the commerce badges inside the commerce guild next to the Workshop leaderboard EVERY DAY, its a cheap gol payment because if you wanna farm, or trade your commerce badges for the other badges at that currency exchange station so you can buy whatever event related items catch your fancy. They generally trade for a 1 to 1 basis in sets of 10 I think, so 10 commerce badges for 10 ruins tokens, or 10 event tokens, etc.
13. In multiplayer mines, you can invite the other to come with you and the mines are generally static and reset each entry, you can find Large ore nodes in MP team mines in the SAME locations each run, for every player that hits it, you all get drops. While a large node generally gives 30~ ore every 25% health picked off, it would give both players 30~ in a party of 2, so 4 players should also get 30~ in a full team. This also counts for any gatherable that takes multiple hits, namely the large items in the salvage yard as each player who hit it also gets drops given they are in range. Not sure how much they need to contribute but my friend hit a large node once and ran outta stamina, I mined the rest and we both got all the the drops 30~ a piece.
14. You can also do SP type runs like dungeons and mines, the mines have set paths, need to be reset with gols every so often, but also give you better odds at hunting more elusive items like Fiber mesh, higher level processors, chips, or engines.
MP Specific Systems/Differences

This is your skill tree, its different from the SP version of the trees all in one with some differences. Dont ask me what they are but I am sure they are different in a number of ways besides ones a big tree opposed to 4 separate ones. In MP, the cap is level 60 as of writing this and you DO NOT have enough points to max everything. The image is my current build and you are free to reset this via Fang’s acupuncture (note you have to build the clinic via the Urban Planner to invite Fang to town, more on this later)

This is the Urban Planner, one of the few things the MP tutorial tells you about when reaching City Hall, you can access this either the book at Town Hall or pressing O on your keyboard. You are given a workshop level for each town and it is raised by pretty much any actions from all players. So any interactions with NPCs like talking or gifting, making items at your stations like forges and recyclers, harvesting anything such as scraps, trees, ore nodes, etc. Pretty much everything gives you workshop experience. You can only pursue Urban Planner tasks associated to your workshop level, and some NPCs, services, and locations are essentially tied behind the Urban Planner.
MP is also gifted a Milestone system, this can be immensely useful early on as each task are generally easy to accomplish and grant usually 100 exp and gols, I believe (im a solo player for the most part) that each player has their own set of milestones unique to them so other players should also be rewarded as well if they also reach the same mile marker another player achieved. AGAIN, I am unsure of this as a solo player myself, but regardless, DO NOT IGNORE THIS SYSTEM. The dailies are nice but the real rewards are the milestones themselves, many of which reward exp and gols ranging from 100 to 20,000 for higher maxed mile stones from what I remember seeing. Dont sleep on this system, you’ll get free money just for playing.
I dont have a screenshot of it, but everyone should be aware of the Commission board in the Commerce Guild, theres 3 sections open at the beginning noted by the arrows on each side of the interface. You are only allowed to take 1 initially (i have 1.2m rep and i can only take 2), and also 1 personal commission starting at I believe player lv 15 at the same board using F. The first and easiest page is commissions you hand into Yan, multiple characters can give the items so it doesnt have to be the person who picked up the commission specifically. The middle page being quests related to food, you likely wont be doing these anytime soon until you establish Water and buy seeds from Water world or Zekes shop (Zeke’s shop also tied behind urban planner) which all require commerce badges. The far right page is hunting quests, simple enough if you dont wanna craft but go out and hunt X monsters and be rewarded immediately upon clearing the commission. Pressing F at the commission board opens the personal commissions which imo is the BEST way to get Gols and relationship with the random NPC posts. Do not skip on your commissions and you will always have a decent amount of money, particularly the personal commissions you want to turn in Purple rare quality items for better returns. Lots of quests range from low hundreds to a about 5 or 6 thousand gols, which is multiplied by the rarity. I have gotten as much as 20k from a single commission later game turning in a Purple Advanced Cooking Station to Aunt Vivi.
Things I wish I knew…
1. The first mine for getting Copper and Tin, thats NOT at the bottom of Eufala Salvage yard, its actually relocated to The Breach which is located near the Civil Corps, Town Hall square, and the stairs leading to the church. The entrance is BURIED under rubble which needs to be cleared by your pickhammer, if your solo this may take a bit. I recommend using early money to just buy the Bronze pickhammer and maybe ax also early as this speeds up the process.
2. Theres 3 other locations in town that require rubble clearing by your pickhammer, that would be BOTH sides of the tunnel next to Hammer Time leading to the street where Qi’s lab and empty lot is, as well as the overpass next to the Ceramic gate WOULD be. These are great sources of EXP and materials early on, so I recommend starting them sooner then later as this will make traveling much easier as well in town.
3. You will also need to rebuild the spots from the above tip, this can be done fairly early but I recommend noting the materials and not accepting it right away. In multiplayer, you can only accept a number of commissions from the board, urban planner and other NPCs. These are great sources of early EXP for raising both your level and workshop level.
4. Multiplayer has an additional chest feature, much like the yellow sort button on the chest side inventory where you can throw in all items you already have copies of stored in that chest, there is another yellow button on the player inventory side of the interface that I think is called Replenish items, this basically pulls any items you own up to the amount you need for currently accept commissions. If you dont have enough of an item it’ll pull them all, if you need an item for multiple commissions and you have enough it will pull out enough to clear them all if you have them. Immensely useful so dont skip out on it.
5. Build Meowses Pharoah statue as soon as you can, this is located on the rock right next to the entrance to your workshop and grants you a timed buff for extra exp usable once a day. However, once you receive the buff, you can actually log off and log back in. Your buff is timed so therefore, still going on its timer, but the game now recognizes you logging in and you can claim the buff multiple times a day if you want. Never NOT have this buff on unless you dont need the exp, but extra is usually always nice.
6. Complete as much of the urban planner as you can as early as possible, this rewards players with usually trash consumables although some are good, but also some special equips like armors and occasionally weapons. More importantly, it gives EXP which also raises your workshop level which lets you unlock more faster.
7. Some Urban Planner items you simply run up and deposit the materials and it has random build NPCs come to build the thing over usually a minute or two. Some Urban Planner stuff is instant, and a few, are DREADFULLY long, especially for a single person in MP. These specific ones require you to not only bring items, but 1 by 1 place each of them down in succession taking quite a long time but can be sped up through multiple players interacting and setting down the required items. Like rebuilding the railroad requires two different Urban Planners, and player(s) to set down about 100 railroad tracks individually.
8. When you eventually get to the point you need Aluminum tools, the common thing to do is to go to the area The Bend which is located to the south of the map, on the road area thats behind your workshop and slightly to the west. This is tied to an Urban Planner commission and once built, theres SUPPOSED to be Fiber Scraps for you to harvest but the current state of the game is bugged or something and there is NO FIBER SCRAPS IN THE BEND. Although at some point in clearing the Urban Planner, Fiber scraps started spawning in the Eufala Salvage Yard so check back there often. At first, its only 3 in the far right when entering as well as 2 advanced mechanical scraps, it updates later when you progress to a certain point and mirrors those nodes on the left hand side.
9. Opposed to the beta, kinda skipped SP story altogether, but there is now the Starship abandoned ruins as the final ruins for the highest tier of ores. Although currently as of this writing you are only able to get Aluminum tools at best in MP, in SP the story mode unlocks a power drill and chainsaw to replace your pickhammer and ax respectfully being much faster and much more efficient.
10. If you’re doing hunting commissions, the monsters inside dungeons DO NOT COUNT, hunting commissions MUST be done in the overworld.
11. You can access the Abandoned Mole cave fairly early, you simply need to run over there and much like The Breach, pickhammer away the giant rock in your way. Somewhere in the middle to the bottom right is the quests related to opening the Abandoned mole cave, I did this at around lv 16 so I was under leveled but still managed to get in as soon as my workshop level allowed me to do the pre req Urban Planner.
12. Cooking is an option, although doing Commissions every day I had plenty to buy the Heatstroke Meds out of the vending machines in the various mines, the purple quality gives 100% stamina regen for roughly 600~ Gols each depending on the current market price.
13. Try to keep the materials on you for a yakmel station, you’ll find them sprinkled in routine areas and it’ll save you a long walk back twice to get the mats and deliver it. I believe they are 10 Bronze bars, 8 Hardwood Planks and like 8 Copper screws…..10 something, and 8 of the other two, but you should generally bring them with you. Refer to these poor screenshots I had to cut down so Steam would let me upload them (2 MB limit….really???)
14. Nia’s commission requires you to go on top of Mt. Sandrock, and theres no way to cheese it. You must build the bridge to The Bend via the Urban Planner and then instead of going straight when over the bridge, turn right and head up the mountain. BRING YAKMEL STATION MATERIALS, this requires you to make multiple trips up there, if you wanna wait up there and do it one go, its going to cost you 1900 Dew and 50 Fertilizer, Nia has a second commission up there but you can grab those mats at once and it’ll be built.
15. Nano material from Nano waste scraps can only be found PAST The Bend, once you go across the bridge, do not turn left, its empty but there is a sandfish pit you can build. Go straight past the snakes, past the lv 50 geeglers, and you’ll find another toxic swamp area albeit much smaller and only around the swamp water. But around there you’ll find nano waste scraps, slate stone, sun stone, agave trees which so far only nano scraps can be useful as the others are commission only items as of the writing of this post.
Things I wish I knew cont…
16. You can unlock one of the only two Hybrid weapons in the game, the Altair-67. Locked behind story in SP, you need only collect some pieces in MP mode, and thinking you can make multiple ones too if you want for multiple players. Some specific dungeons give the pieces needed being the piece of tip, piece of blade, and piece of hilt iirc, but theres 3 pieces you need 9 each of, and 999 ruins tokens from various dungeons or buying after doing the currency exchange Urban Planner. The Dungeon near the Windmill behind your workshop gives tips 0-2, but I recommend spamming the alternative dungeon thats on the way to the bend on the other side of the cliff (look slightly west on the map, its before the bridge going to The Bend) because here you can get two different pieces here namely, the piece of hilt 0-2 and piece of tip 0-2. The alternative to this for hilts being the Control Cat boss fight and that takes much longer to even get down there, let alone run it multiple times to get the amount of drops needed. The last piece is locked behind the Hinterlands challenge which requires you to build 6 purifiers to put in the toxic valley just to unlock, AND ITS STILL TOXIC INSIDE THE DUNGEON (bring your hazmat suit or a lot of healing items.) Hinterlands is a generally small dungeon thankfully, you run in, break down a wall, get the key to fight the boss thats literally right in front of where you spawn. Alternatively, you can shoot at it with a rifle or pistol until it aggros to you and you can try to kill it through the wall like I did saving a lot of time. To forge them all together, you bring all 27 pieces (9 of each) and 999 ruins tokens with you to where the original first abandoned mines entrance WOULD have been and forge it down there, you’ll see the light trust me, just do the pre req next to the Altair-67 on the urban planner, cant miss it. I believe its gets Two Handed sword bonuses in the tree as well as ranged but not 100%, it attacks fast like daggers, hits hard like a 2H, and also shoots projectile slashes with each swing, and each slash only uses stamina if you hit something, not for each mob, but just each slash that hits something.
17. I only found crucian carp using rice bait at the sandfish pond next to the stargate ruins via Daisy. NOT the one near Daisy’s nest, the entrance to the starship ruins.
18. You only really need Sea Salt and maybe Sandberries if you wanna fish with them, asides that, unless you use them for cooking, which i skipped bc heatstroke meds, then you wont need to buy seasonings or spices ever.
19. The first 3 major pets can be adopted being Machiatto, Banjo, and Nemo. They can each be sent out once a day each (simultaneously preferably) for one of 4 different categories and bring back related materials. I recommend the second of the top option because it gives some ores like Iron, Manganese, etc. Not a lot, but its enough to help offset you having to get more yourself.
20. You can contract Eufala Salvage doing the second upgrade to it in the Urban Planner, and unlocking the Abandoned mole cave theres a ledger to get ores from them too delivered to your box outside your workshop. I generally go with cheapest scraps and the cheapest ores because you get the most of them, you could go for the rarer stuff, but youre always going to need copper and bronze even late game for building other things like Bronze cages, plates, screws, etc. At least thats one less mine I need to go mining to. If Im going to spend 3 stamina a hit, I might as well go for rarer ores if I can have more of the cheap ones delivered.
21. Recommended perks in no particular order include the middle tree on the social (left/pink) tree at the end gives you 20 free inventory slots, the blue tree left path lv 2 cleaning for free gems (you get sand over real time so this pays off a lot in the long term), the green tree (right) has a lot of good perks on most of the trees, including increased logging and mining damage (dont care too much for mining range, but thats preference) as well as the highest green route giving an increased chance at max level of king fish (lots of times I could spend some sand worms and get a couple sand carp kings selling 2300+ each) as well as the top tree being mostly preference but I like having 2h combo, range perks, and the level two monster hunter restoring hp on kills, build how you like, Fang Acupuncture can reset this later.
22. Getting friendly with NPCs is important for discounts, and some are super easy, heres a small list of easy items I always have with me for their respective NPCs…
Amirah is low priority gets hemp carpet (rough cloth + twine at tailoring machine 1) she sells clay and its cheap,but its usually only from the first ruins
Arvio just gets water (not dew)
Vivi got Tanned leather (coarse leather from boxing jacks and penskys + sea salt) you can honestly just buy tanned leather or composite fiber threads from her store and give them to her
Hugo gets Iron plates (3 steel plates from Civil proc.) or chromium steel bearings (2 chromium bars at civil grinder)
Owen got copper pots (5 copper bars at workstation) or frying pans (3 bronze bars, 1 copper stick at forge machine 1)
Burgess is low priority bc water world shop isnt greatly affected but he got rib meat from alpha yaks or boxing jacks
Justice shop is also low priority but if you want, the easiest thing to give him was either iron muscle soup or golden bell pills from Fangs shop.
Fang I gave cantaloupe from the windmill or farming, but also undead grass near Daisy was also super easy and had no other purpose at this time
Rocky I would buy the compact motor from his store and then gift it to him
Heidi got bronze tools usually from hammer time or crafted until I got to the Mole Cave area where I got Aluminum scraps. These gave Magnesium Alum Alloy which i turned to Aluminim Alloy Plates at industrial machine tools.
Mabel also gets Hemp carpets
Cooper got water, until vintage pistols, I had so much bronze and copper it wasnt an issue.
Things I wish I Knew cont again…
22. You can rent a mount as soon as you build the stable on your workshop, its fairly low cost like the pet adoption houses but a horse will save you immense amounts of time. I also hear they are MP friendly so apparently 2 can ride a horse and 4 can get on a yak? Havent tested myself, just heard about it. Renting one is cheap and saves a ton of time, buying one will save even more time for the investment as you can upgrade it without worry since your items wont disappear when your rental ends. To upgrade them, you need to build the Clinic via the Urban Planner, do Fangs medical trials on wed and fri, and you have a random chance of learning medicine, Fangs Special and Fangs Special X are namely the ones we’re looking for, While Fangs special can be used about 3x to adjust the mounts stats stars, not sure how this works tbh, but also Fangs Sp X increases the rarity boosting overall stats. This is done by interactive with your mount and selecting raise.
23. Farming is actually very generous, it gives a ton of items although never tested trying to sell them myself, but namely to feed my mount, because for some reason, horses like mushrooms the best of any food in this game, which take 3 real life hours to grow. I carry them on me and just keep running, pop some shrooms to refill the mount and good to go, generally each mushroom fills 20% stamina. If you run out, Sandberries are the second best option and you can buy 20 a day, 10 from Blue moon and 10 from by the stairs. Aint nobody got time for gathering them
24. In town hall you can trade some commerce badges for 15 data discs each day, small but adds up overtime, these are relatively cheap badge wise and should be taken advantage of each time you are able to.
25. Discs can be contributed by any player, and is done at the machine inside Qi’s building not the big gray one in SP, its literally on the other side of his desk you’ll see it. Theres also a red one in there next to his stairs that’ll use discs and fragments to make relics if you have them in your chests. You do not need to have them on you, same with the discs, if they are in your storage, I believe you can still submit them for research, so if its in the group chest, any player can submit them for whatever they want researched.
26. Research in MP is on a timer similar to your machines, it takes real time not in game days. You can speed this up for significantly less data discs then SP. Where advancing a few days quicker could take hundreds of discs, the highest timer is like 2 hours and takes like 20-30 discs to get instantly. Or wait, either way is up to you.
27. Research has two portions, the makers like forge, grinder, etc and your side machines like tailoring, chef stations, etc. Upon submitting X amount of discs, in the bottom right is a rewards tab that gives bags that contain a relic piece and sometimes more data discs, I completely didnt see this early on or noticed that each page had its own separate rewards list but it was nice injection of extra discs.
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