For Monotonia: First Contact players, this is a 100% completion guide to help you collecting all achievements and get all endings as well.
Startup achievement
Pay off your bills.
Spam jump to unlock
On month 3 click on the star ad then the cloud that appeared on bottom left corner (Storyline)
Mute master volume in the options menu

Turn off the radio in the bills screen
Spam click the red eyes on left side of screen until you die.
Click a certain amount of ads
Needs to be done in a single save, Strategy is to collect all possible batteries and skip debts only paying the essentials, ads give more money upgraded not recommended.
Play a certain amount of months.
Should pop while doing the storyline if not keep on re-doing it, seems a little buggy.
Dont pay the bills
Die by burnout. (zoom into the screen death)
Pay all the bills
Finish true ending (Check endings section)
Enable protocol and do the 3 puzzles at true ending but dont press the buttons and afk for 15~ mins.
Dont pay debts in a run.
Afk in the signing part for 5~ mins.
Take damage so all eyes appear in the screen then click in the bottom right one.
Unkown so far, if you have any information on how to get it add and dm me.
For the true ending walkthrough you should click on the Star ad when you reach the 3rd month.
Then click on the cloud that appears on the bottom left corner of the screen and do the download.
The month after the download ends, glitched batteries will appear, collect all of them for the next months and keep looking the brown envelopes that appear on the left part of the billing screen they will tell you when to stop paying debt so the ending comes through
After you collect a certain amount of glitched batteries you will be transported to the ending room where you need to complete 4 puzzles, here are the answer for all of them
The protocol code is 1342
After you insert the protocol a box with 9 red buttons will open on the right part of the screen, here are the patterns you need to insert
after inserting the patterns press the red button so they unlock the 3 locked doors in the middle part of the screen, after they’re open press the 3 red buttons in them after that go back to center screen and press the arrows button and the true ending is done.
That’s all we are sharing today in Monotonia: First Contact 100% Completion Guide, if you have anything to add, please feel free to leave a comment below, you can also read the original article here, all the credits goes to the original author GATO NA ABÓBORA