Here is a guide to allow you achieve 100% completion in the game.

Click on the cat.
Click on the rabbit.
Click on both of them until the rabbit leaves and the cat is under the green ball.
Now, click the green ball, the bell and the green ball again.

Click on the cat again to end the chapter.
Follow tutorial (drag phone to the power socket).
Click the lights in the following order:

Click the man until he fires up the firework and scares the animals.
Quickly check the bottle to learn phone’s code: 1998
Put code on phone and wait until an X appears on the top right.
Quickly drag the cigar (near the bottle) on the Chinese firework.

Click the door and then woman to scare her dog.
Click on the cat that it’s on the roof.
Click the mistletoe and then drag it towards the cats.

Click the window where the rabbit is trapped to scare the cat away.
Now, click the cat until it tries to open the door.
Click the following objects to progress:
You must wait for the man to insert the card inside the house for the lady to move.
Click on the tree and rearrange the balls:
Now put the code:
Click on manger and then baby for a surprise.

Click on cat to advance.
Play the hide-and-seek until the man takes the rabbit away.
Click the girl until she leaves.
Click the kitchen and input the following:
Click the kitchen again to get a carrot, drag it on the snowman.

Click the man until he leaves.
Click on the mouse and then the cat until it hides in the box.
Click the woman to check phone.
Click on any of the people passing below the bridge to move a branch and give it to the dog.
Now, click on the woman and dog until they notice the cat in the box.
Wait until the animation ends and click on the cat to finish 🙂