If you play Medieval Dynasty and wonder how to quickly make friends with the NPCs in Medieval Dynasty. This guide help you with it. Note that the guide is written for the g
The basics
it supposed that when you’re clean, your chances of success are higher. (However, I’m not sure that this mechanic really works right now). Use a washtub to clean yourself. You can put it anywhere by selecting the section with furniture in the menu: Q — Other — Furnitures — Washtub. To build it, you need 2 logs.
Usually you have 3-4 attempts to establish communication with the NPC. But as soon as you get a negative reaction from the NPC, the conversation will end, and you will have to wait for the next day to talk to them (or reload the save). If you choose a good line, you can continue the conversation.
The success of communication depends on what profession has the NPC you are talking to. The easiest way to communicate with farm workers, loggers or miners. It is a little more difficult with hunters, and the most capricious NPCs are those who are engaged in crafting: blacksmiths, seamstresses, innkeepers, etc. As soon as you find the right approach to each category, it becomes easy to communicate with everyone, except with artisans it may take a little longer due to the randomness of getting the right phrase.
So before you start a conversation, find out what your victim is doing. With inhabitants, this is the easiest thing to do. Press Alt and see their characteristics. The most advanced skill will tell you about the NPC’s profession. For example, the girl on the image below is a farmer.
With simple NPCs, it’s a bit more difficult — you’ll have to keep an eye on them for a while. Try to talk to them while they are working, for example, when they are picking in the field or standing mindlessly near the chicken coop/cowshed/pigsty. The innkeeper is easy to identify. Hunters and other artisans can only be identified experimentally by monitoring the reaction to your phrases. For example, Uniegost is a hunter.
The safest phrase that does not cause a negative reaction from the NPC. Use if there is no better option.
simple workers +10
artisans +5
hunters +0
Do not use this phrase when it is raining or it is foggy and cloudy weather. In sunny weather, it works perfectly, but remember that artisans do not like this phrase at all.
simple workers +10
hunters +5
artisans -5
The most favorite phrase of artisans, they just love it.
artisans +12
hunters +5
simple workers -5
simple workers +5
hunters +2
artisans -2
hunters +5
simple workers +2
artisans -5
artisans +5
hunters +0
simple workers -5
simple workers +5
artisans -0
hunters -5
artisans +5
hunters -2
simple workers -2
Flirting and affection

The secret of success is simple – use only the following phrases:
1. How have you been lately? I hope you’re doing well. If you ever need anything, just ask me. I’ll be glad to help, especially since it’s you. (+10)
2. Did anyone ever tell you that you have beatiful eyes? (+5)
3. I admire your dedication to your work. You deserve the highest praise for it. (+5)
4. You look beatiful today. (+5)
5. I recently went hunting and actually took on a bear. It was a tough fight but I succeeded at the end. (+2)
Use in good weather during the warm season:
6. We should go out to have a lunch by the river sometime. I heard it’s really pretty this time of the year. (+5)
7. You look as beautiful as that blue sky today! (+5)
8. You know at my way here I saw a patch of beautiful flowers and I instantly thought of you. (+5)
And finally an unexpected working phrase:
9. My lady, you seem very fit, you look strong like a boar.
Simple workers (+2) and hunters (+5) perceive this as a joke, in addition, after this phrase, the conversation ends by itself, and the girl leaves. I think the artisans will take it as an insult, but I haven’t had a chance to check it. I didn’t find any unmarried and age-appropriate craftswomen. Write in the comments if you succeed.
All other phrases don’t work or take away points. Do not praise yourself, do not discuss her dress, and her figure “My lady i cannot help but compliment your shapely figure “(perhaps this phrase will work on artisans). And the phrase about money takes away 10 points at all. Also, don’t admit to liking her ahead of time: “You know I like you a lot”. Most likely, in order for it to work, you need to raise the affection to a very high level, but earlier it either takes away 1 point or simply does not work.
For those who don’t know, a wife can help you reset your skill points, restore your health, and have an heir. All of this can be done simply by talking to her using the appropriate options in the dialog.
Communication with children
The section will be added soon.
That’s all we are sharing today in Medieval Dynasty Fast Improvement of Relations with NPC Guide, if there are anything you want to add please feel free to leave a comment below and we’ll see you soon.
Credit to Beteasha
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its hard to recruit inhabitants especially those with high skills. i wonder how to talk with them and how to improver their skills after becoming my villagers. the more there are buildings and people, the larger the taxes. inhabitants with low skills do not work properly. i have to do more works to make money. how do you solve it? pls advise me. thank you.