Hello there, Adventurer/Monster! Need some help on getting to know how to get all the achivements on Maiden & Spell? On this guide, I will guide you through on your adventure of getting all the achivements on this game, as well as share some strats for some of them.
Warming: This guide contains spolier.
Clearing achievements
The Hero of Frost
Clear the game on any difficulty as The Hero of Frost.The Royal Arcanist
Clear the game on any difficulty as The Royal Arcanist.The Sun Priestess
Clear the game on any difficulty as The Sun Priestess.The Silent Redhood
Clear the game on any difficulty as The Silent Redhood.
Magnuses achievements
No Mercy
Defeat Life Magnus: Anima in under 17 seconds. It doesn’t matter on which difficulty level you play, but normal is recommended. This Magnus can be found on:-Arcanist’s story, stage 1.
-Frost’s story, stage 2.
I recommend using Frost for this one, since she can defeat it faster. The strat is to stay close to the boss and use Stun Wave as much as you can.
You’re fast, but I’m faster
Defeat Lightning Magnus: Phantom Voltage in under 21 seconds. It doesn’t matter on which difficulty level you play, but normal is recommended. This Magnus can be found on:-Redhood’s story, stage 1.
-Sun Priest’s story, stage 2.
Using Redhood on this one makes it a bit easier. Choose a side of the screen and just dodge the aimed bullets while shooting as much as possible, instead of going downwards, since aiming at the bottom can be annoying when she moves around.
How did we get here?
Get hit with all 6 status effects at once during Dark Magnus: Metronome. Like the past achievements, difficulty level doesn’t matter. This Magnus can only be found on Sun Priest’s story, specifically at Stage 5. The trick here is to move on the same horizontal axis as Arcanist is, so she can target you with her Arcane Magi. Do this until you have all status effects and you should get this achievement.How big do they get…?
Survive Water Magnus: A Bigger Fish for 1:20 minutes on Very Hard (80 seconds). This magnus can be found on:-Sun Priest’s story, stage 1.
-Redhood’s story, stage 2.
The strat for this one is pretty simple: don’t shoot; otherwise, you will kill the spell before the time requirement, and missdirect each shot as down or up on the screen as possible, because each hydra head will become bigger. Playing with Sun Priest can make this easier because of her Novi Dispel.
Hot Jump Rope
Survive Fire Magnus: Dragon’s Eye for 60 seconds on Very Hard. This spell can be found on:-Redhood’s story, stage 4.
-Sun Priest’s story, stage 6.
Similar to the previous achievement, the best course of action is to not shoot. Just be careful and jump from line to line and you should be fine. If you see that the laser is catching up to you, just use your defensive special.
Defeat Light Magnus: Lay On Hands on Very Hard without taking damage. This Magnus can be found on Frost’s story at stage 5. The trick is to move as little as possible as to not crash into the bullets around you. This can be a bit anxiety inducing but with practice it becomes natural. If you get hit, you can simply lose your current card and try again.STEELFALL!!
Defeat Steel Magnus: Epic Steelfall on Very Hard without taking damage. Not to be confused with Steel Magnus: Steelfall. This magnus can be found on Redhood’s story at stage 5. The strat is pretty obvious: just spam all your specials before the time runs out, being careful not to get hit with the green bullets. If you happen to get hit you can just lose your current card and try again.Too Kind
The description of the achivement is really vague, but what you need to do for this achivement is to game over on the last spell of stage 6 as Redhood, preferably by not moving at all.
True Magnuses achievements
Seeking Truth
Get a clear or perfect on a True Magnus. If you happen to already have done this on the demo, you should get the achievement by entering the True Magnuses page.Finding Truth
Get at least a clear on all True Magnuses. I personally recommend searching for videos, as to see other people’s strategies on how to trivialize some of them.
Hidden achievements
The Maiden Spellbound
Defeat the Collector of Stars on any difficulty, just practice a lot and be careful of some of her spells. Remember that on the last spell you are supposed to hit her with Stun Wave to end it.Stargazing Downward
Defeat the Heroes United on any difficulty, this also requires a lot of practice and knowledge on how each spell works.True Knight
Clear the Hero of Frost’s Adventure on Very Hard. Retries don’t matter for this achivement, so just try your best! The biggest threats on this are some of the Sun priest’s and Stormbeast’s spells, which might require a bit of practice if you ever want to shoot for a No Continue clear.Witch of High Status
Clear the Royal Arcanist’s Adventure on Very Hard. The hardest part of this run in my opinion is Stage 6, specially the last spell. Just be patient and practice it a lot until you get it!Cloaked Assassin
Clear the Silent Redhood’s Adventure on Very Hard. Be careful on Stage 4, since some spells might require fast movement, so don’t take your time charging too much lasers on those. Also be careful on the last spell of stage 6, since that one requires you to damage the boss a lot before the time runs out.Immortal Priestess
Clear the Sun Priestess’s Adventure on Very Hard. Overall this story is really easy. Just be careful at the last spell of stage 6, since it can overwhelm you pretty easily. Don’t be shy to use your defensive special when you feel in trouble!Get To Her
Clear The Maiden Spellbound on Very Hard. Not much to say about this one. Be extra careful, specially on The Eighth Eye and The Tenth Eye. Restarting if you lose cards on the early spells is encouraged.Together Forever?
Clear Stargazing Downward on Very Hard. Can’t really say much on this one either, since at the time of writting this I haven’t beat it myself. So just practice and practice and don’t give up!Understanding Truth
Get a Perfect on all True Magnuses. Yes, this sounds ridiculous, but it is possible. I encourage you to find some videos on YouTube with strats on how to trivialize the spells, but keep in mind some of them can be really frustating to master. Trial and error is key!
By ღ~Hanami~ღ and musecaliope