For Magical Girl Celesphonia players, this guide will show you a fresh account in crisis mode with corruption and “archivements”
1. Crisis Mode rules in the game
- You need +5~8 levels over enemy if you want do backstab attack
- Aprox is +100% hp over normal mode
- Enemies dont more arousal damage
- Eat souls is +100% over purify, and you will need craft a lot
2. Building the Character
Select your first magic: Tender Heal
3. First dungeon dailie routine
Buy the gym clothes in the station’s store
Do exercise in the school,increase agi+1 daily, you need repeat aprox 10 times
You need money, photo session
4. First dungeon
– 1 day, use your mp recover items with slimes 1vs1, retreat if is 1vs2, usually your will return at house at lvl3
– 2 day, buy the fire spell and in the map1 with slimes, Flare Blossom is effective, usually you will return at house at lvl5
With ancient coins buy the Misfortune Ring in the train station and equip the magic Exploration
– 3 day, play in the second map vs Dust Eater, Flare Blossom is effective, return at house at lvl6
wear the Blazing ring, is a must
– 4 day, play in pre the pool zone vs Anemone, if you burn with Flare Blossom and they do grip attack you can wait and save mp (they receive dot and your arousal, a good trade)
You need do a sacrifice, run in the pool zone and increase your miasma over 50, returning at house there is a event
You need do a sacrifice, eat monster souls increasing corruption, buy the engram “craft gear” and craft assault “Assault Gear”
Late you can clean your excess corruption in the magic*salve
– 5 day, Play before the boss room, Gloom Hound is weak at Innocent Arrow
By your corruption level you can craft corruption gear and spells
Craft in the normal zone the Sunblade sword
– 6 day, farm, you need lvl9 and the 2nd fire spell tome before the boss
-7 day, the boss, burn everything with firewall!!!
5. Preparation for the 2nd dungeon
- Go to Magic*Salve early, eat souls
- Use the Magic*Salve services and return at your normal corruption level
- The Swimsuit is in your house, pool is only HP up, skip it
- Turn off the magical doll, you dont want spend Souls and good grade is useless
- Learn the engram craft tier II, and target a new armor; Magus or Sensitive
- In weapon select a weapon target, Sunblade II is very useful
- Very important evade the Ed. Teacher events!!!
- Return at first dungeon boss map, there is a hidden secret room
6. Second Dungeon
You can farm and increase level, you will drink a lot of mp recovery items.
Finishing the dungeon, you can learn electricity II engram, is a great passive boost with +10% agi and you can attack at firebats guys
this is a gear option

Out the dungeon, In the Nether ward your can buy Ominous Card, it has a nice effect in the train and love potion by more fun in the house
7. Preparation for the 3th dungeon
There are side quests, farming quests, everything
Usually this and next are the most fun chapters, here you can unlock a lot of “archivements”
My Suggestion, take a time and farm the side quest Pollution core, you will need miasma crystal
And with the free time unlock the webcam and lust upgrade I, you can farm shame resistant doing streams
You can do park events, this dont take time frame
Dont do in this moment the hypnotic club event, you will need it
Easy event, stonks
8. 3th Dungeon
My suggestion, farm materials, you need your new weapon, late middle the dungeon, in this zone

When do you want fight, run direct at Miasma orb, destroy it and late you can farm exp
Everything is easy with Fire Javelin, burn the enemy, heal you and kill the doppel, again the important too is the agi, attack second is a bad idea
9. Middle game souls farm
- In the corrupt library, learn s*men convertion engram, you will receive souls by sexual activities
- You need Lust upagrade I or II, You can buy ovulation potion and get pregnant, Memorie can exchange your baby’s soul by 20 souls (creepy)
- Sucubus familiar give a used c*ndom, you can use the s*men convertion engram
In normal the farm is very very easy, you can attack backstab and receive the rewards, in crisis farm is slow and you will need a lot of souls in craft gear/weapons
10. Preparation for the 4th dungeon
You can get the first accesory in the Love Liberty’s hidden path and buy the second in the downtown
Love Liberty hidden path
11. 4th Chapter Dungeon
A- Factory Ruins
The hidden boss is a slime girl, burn it!!! the boss is a problem, burn too with Javelin
Late this dungeon you are near the last build
Main: Heal I~IV, Fire I~IV,
Support: Explotion III~IV: +MP max + MP recovery
Yep, you need unlock each Engram Tier IV
B- Institute
Easy, now you can kill with backstab by lvl difference, you need farm this map 8 times +- by Skelling ring
Only remember come with the correct engram
C- Club
Nothing Interesting, in this moment Javelin is doing 3.5k without buffs/debuffs, the boss die in 5 turns
Now the Spells are ready, only missing Melee IV, Debuf IV and miasma spells
This is my equipment suggestion, next step Ether Breaker (souls expensive)
12. 5th Chapter
Ether Breaker is ready?
B- TV Station
Burn everything, here need shame resistance
I hate you see-through debuff state!!! 😉
13. Farm season
Remember craft Reflective Shield at max chance

Spoiler: In end game there is a more broken weapon and need previus top weapon, you need souls a lot of souls
14. 6th Chapter Dungeon
Aprox you need run second half 5 times and craft these Utilities, because there are 4~5 Monster Broth in the pool near at second half
Now, this is my suggestion about gear pre last dungeon,
Did you farm Miasma Crystal? Yep you will need, but late will a map with full Miasma Core
Transparing is a game breaker, enemys will not pursuit you in the map and is very easy do backstab
Void walkers boots are greater, the best in this moment, but … What will happen if you use the Multi Action engram?
Secret Magic Guide is +15Matk, a great buff
In this moment your javalin will do +-6.5k
15. Body Modification
16. End Game Dungeon
Just waiting the next part, i try this game and it’s pretty hard
Please tell me how to defeat the Underbase boss properly. When I defeated him, I got a long text description instead, that states that this boss later revives and defeats Celesphonia. And then I get a game over.
You need to unlock all of Memoria’s Memory Engrams, which is the row at the top. Doing this will allow her to remember everything about the enemy you’re fighting, and give you access to a special Engram used by Celephonia’s mother.
What is the code of lab in chapter 6?