The goal of this guide is to find all the possible combo tiles, tactics and synergies to help newer players with the game. Any help with that greatly appreciated.
Card Combos
- 3×3 Rocks (you can add Mountains) will make a Mountain Peak. It gives a massive HP boost but also spawns Harpies
- every 10 rocks or mountains a Goblin Outpost will spawn
- Meadows placed next to anything = Blooming Meadow, which heals 3HP instead of 2 each day, it also gives you a Noticeable Change resource
- Meadows can be affected by Chrono Crystal and River – using both will boost the HP gain per day up to 12 Credit:
- Village + Vampire mansion = Ransacked Village – Spawns 4 Ghouls each loop for 3 loops, after that transforms into a Count’s Lands, restoring more HP and giving you better rewards for quests
- You can also create Overgrown Fields by using Oblivion on a Village after placing Wheat Fields next to it. Credit: TripleHelix935 <3
- Swamp + Goblin outpost = Goblin lookout post, they add goblin archer to fights near the outpost, he can’t be killed as he’s a support unit.
- Card synergy – Placing Swamp near Vampire Mansion will turn Vampire’s heal from lifesteal into damage making them easier to kill. CREDIT McWaffle <3
- Treasury will spawn random resources after placing a tile next to it, surround it with tiles to open the treasury and get a nice pack of resources, be careful though as Empty Treasury spawns Gargoyles
- 2 Battlefields, when their area of influence overlaps spawn a Bloody Path. It will start spawning Blood Clots. Credit: Ryou
- Place a Blood Grove next to a Grove, then use Oblivion on a Grove to create a Hungry Grove tile – It kills enemies that have 20% hp left but ocassionally attacks hero for 17HP
- You can also create a Hungry Grove by placing 2 Blood Groves next to each other.
Credit: abergdrawsnear - Blood Golems will spawn if Blood Grove consumes enough enemies CREDIT, xViTx and Unn4m3d Thank you!
- Blood Grove swallows enemies, so that means that Ghouls cannot eat dead bodies and heal during the combat. CREDIT, Konstamonsta
- It also prevents enemies from retreating by swallowing them, which means worms from Ruins can’t escape
- Create Battlefield next to it to create a Shipwreck – It spawns Chests and Sirens
- Place a Road next to it to create Reeds, they spawn Fishmen
- Placing a desert/sand dune next to a river changes the river into Oasis (-0.5 hero attack speed, -1 enemy attack speed) but doesn’t double the effect of the desert/sand dune CREDIT: Kani <3
- If you place a Storm Temple down, then a Forest or thicket in the path of the Storm Temple, it turns into a burned forest, that gives you .5 magic damage each. – CREDIT: NonSensePanda <3
- 10 Forests/Thickets will spawn “A Village?” which starts spawning training dummies. Credit: Darth Saruman <3
- Place Wheat Fields down beside “A Village?” to create Overgrown Fields.
Credit: Hatecaster <3
- if you surround it completely with other Suburbs it upgrades into the Town, which grants 2 additional enemy experience per kill. Credit: WyvernZed <3 Correction: To create a Town you only need to make a + shaped structure with Suburbs Credit: fats <3
- Abandoned Bookery + Temporal Beacon spawns Watcher Mage Credit: Hopit <3
- Abandoned Bookery + Vampire Mansion spawns Vampire Mage Credit: Anver <3
Note: This guide is currently WiP, I’ll keep adding more combos, if you’d like to contribute to this guide by adding more combos or screenshots please let me know, i’ll credit you for the help 🙂
Camp Supply Items
Oak Bed
+1% HP regen after passing a campfire, but -2% max HP (lowered from base amount)
Count’s Chair
+1% to vampirism if you already have the effect (can’t stack)
Alchemist’s Shelf
+1 potion
Dinner Table
+1*loop hp for passing the campfire
Skinner’s Knife
10% chance to receive 1 ration after killing a ratwolf, +5 damage to ratwolfs
Blacksmith’s Hammer
+1 defense
Jeweler’s Magnifying Glass
Raises a chance to find rare item by 10%
Kitchen Knife
+1% hp for every “food” item placed in your camp
Shoe Nails
Attacker receive 1 damage after every hit

+2 to damage against all Vampires
+10 Max HP
Mixed Nuts
+2 Max HP for every point of defense
Smoked Ham
Heal 5 hp at the start of each day
+1 hp after killing an enemy
Meat Stew
Receive additional 5 hp when passing through a village
-4 Damage from all Vampires
Exquisite Mirror
6% chance to redirect lightning (from the storm temple) or a magical attack to a random enemy
Increases damage done to boss by 4%
Brass Candlestick
The hero’s damage is increased by 5% when he is in range of a road lantern or a beacon (effect don’t stack)
This section is WiP, if you’d like to take part in creating this, please let me know in comments or add me, I’ll credit every entry 🙂 (Screenshots required here)
Resources and how to get them

- Forest and Grove cards
- Treasury card
- Drops from some enemies
- Rock and Mountain cards
- Treasury card
- Drops from some enemies
- All discarded equipment changes into Scrap Metal
- Treasury card
- Drops from some enemies
- From fighting in the Battlefields
- Treasury card
- Drops from Blooming Meadows
- Drops from some enemies
- From fights with over 4 enemies (More enemies = Higher chance)
- From defeating chapter bosses
- Drops from cemetery after building it
- Discarded cards in hand become Memory Fragments
- Drops from some enemies
- From transforming tiles (e.g. Meadows -> Blooming Meadows)
- From defeating Undead (e.g. Ghouls/Skeletons)
- From defeating Vampires
- From defeating Artificial type enemies
- From defeating Object type enemies
- From defeating Plant type enemies
- From defeating Living type enemies
- From defeating Liquid type enemies
- From defeating Swarm type enemies
Astral Orb (I don’t have a picture yet) – drops from Mage and Cosmic enemies. It’s best farmed with a mix of Abandoned Bookeries, Temporal Beacons and Vampire Mansions. Credit: Ryou
Tactics and Synergies
2. Chrono Crystal doubles the effect of a day’s passing, so they combo well with (Blooming) Meadows which gives heals on a day’s passing. – Credit: anaid
3. After the charges for Bookery run out, it becomes Abandoned Bookery, which adds enemy tomes to battles within their radius. – Credit: Hatecaster
4. Bloody paths are amazing for regen builds, blood cloth don’t really hit hard, making it great place to regen back lost health. Credit: RoaRawR
5. Outposts:
As a Rogue, they won’t take any payment since you only get trophies. So, they’re free help, other than taking up the map slot.
As a Necromancer, they shoot arrows at everyone, allies and enemies alike. It can be helpful for clearing weaker enemies, but probably not worth the time.
You can have more than one outpost spawning minions on a tile. Credit: jakew42
6. Metamorphosis farm:
When you have Suburbs already changed into Towns in a diamond form (Screenshot by Nadeshiko)use oblivion on a middle one (you will gain metamorphosis for this change (town -> suburb)) and place another suburb in the center (you will gain another round of metamorphosis (suburb -> town). Credit: Kibec
7. Passing by Bookery gives a progress to the boss bar. Credit: Woody
8. Safe Pre-Boss retreat:
If you hold the retreat button two gears will pop up behind it. In this mode even if the boss is spawned you will be able to retreat and keep all the loot. Credit: sn0w0ldier
8. Necromancer Strat.
Get the Perk that gives you 0.5 energy armor for each skeleton summoned.
Put tons of forests down, burned or otherwise.
Training Dummies only attack when attacked, and can one shot most skeletons quick enough for you to have a long drawn out summoning battle safely. Credit: NitoKa
10. Magic HP:
Any damage received that is more than the available magic HP will be reduced to the current available magic HP, extra damage received after magic HP break will be ignored.
Credit: Woody
11. No more bandits:
Every 2nd placed village spawns a bandit camp if there is an available space next to a village. If there is no free space it simply won’t spawn and it also won’t place one on your next village placement. So if you make sure that on every even amount of villages placed no village has an adjacent free space you can cheat the game out of placing a bandit camp (very helpful with act 2 bandit ability to steal your equipment) and will save on the obliterate.
Credit: Konstamonsta
12. Orb of Expansion farming: Screenshot example
First method: No Beacons (so no +40% movement speed)! On U-Bends place 3 Spider Nests and in the bend itself a Vampire Mansion. 4 Spiders after each loop + vampire. Second method: again, no Beacons! On a U-Bend place 2 Groves at the outer edges and a Chrono Crystal between them and in the bend again a Vampire Mansion. 4 rathounds after 4 days (=1 loop) + Vampire.
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