Jimmy is a spoiled little guy with a big mouth. Let’s make him close it. And no, we will not kill him! I will show you how to beat him on his own game and get the achievement “Fatality”.
Note: I use an QWERTY keyboard. If you have an AZERTY keyboard, make sure you are using the good keys
Defy Jimmy
Jimmy and the arcade game are located in the restaurant near the lake. Simply speak to him to play against him.
You can pick any fighter you want, because the trick works with any of them.

You can pick any fighter you want, because the trick works with any of them.
The Dashing Kick
You simply need four keys on your keyboard to beat the teenager. The thing is your fighter can perform a dashing kick that will makes your forward way faster than if you’d walk. To perform this kick, you have to hold down the D key, and press W then Q (quickly after releasing W). Use the dashing kick several times until you reach the opponent.
Note: you have to be quick because you will be killed in only two shots of your opponent.
Then just spam the E key to punch him and win the game.
The End

Written by HornY
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