This guide will provide an introduction to everything you need to know about stats in Kritika:REBOOT
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![Kritika:REBOOT - Stats Guide Kritika:REBOOT - Stats Guide](
![Kritika:REBOOT - Stats Guide Kritika:REBOOT - Stats Guide](
For the purpose of this guide, certain stats will be simplified to be easy to understand for new players. If you are looking for true min/max, this is not the guide for you.
About me: Hi I’m Ice. I’ve played Kritika since it released in NA when it was published under EME.
Combat Power
The CP formula can be simplified as:
Attack * Damage Rate * Critical Rate * Critical Damage * Attack Speed
Total Damage is just the CP formula before applying Attack Speed.
Prime Attribute
Prime attribute serves two purposes. The first purpose is being an attack multiplier. The more prime attribute you have, the higher the multiplier. This also means that if your attack modifier is low, prime attribute will be less effective. Hover over your attack to see how much of it is given by prime attribute. For simplicity sake, prime attribute can be ignored in CP because it is already accounted for in attack.
- Every 400 prime attribute is 100% more attack
The second purpose is to unlock Master Skill Effects or Prime levels. The first level unlocks at 200 prime attribute, then another level every 100 prime attribute. The final level is level 5 at 600 prime attribute. These effects are class based and may or may not be good.
- After 600 prime attribute, the only purpose of prime attribute will be to boost attack
Look for this icon in your menu to open the Master Skill Effects.
Stats affecting CP
Damage rate – A multiplier to attack. 100% damage rate is the same as a 2x multiplier.
Damage – A flat amount added to every attack. Ignore this because it is minimal and useless in the grand scheme of things.
Critical/Critical Rate – Critical rate is just the % value of critical. 3000 critical is the same as 100% critical rate. Critical rate past 100% is useless, but will still factor into CP calculations.
Critical Damage – Another multiplier to attack, but it only applies on crits. Otherwise, this is effectively the same as Damage rate. Critical damage is believed to be capped at 600%.
Attack Speed – Increases the speed of your attack animations. Most skills will be affected, but some have a static cast time. Attack speed caps at 200%.
This value mainly takes into consideration your HP, Defense, and Reduce hit rate.
Stats affecting Survivability
Reduce hit rate – Reduces the damage you take by a percent. 10% Reduce hit rate means you take 10% less. Reduce hit rate caps at 100%.
Reduce damage – Reduces damage by a flat amount. Another useless stat because it does reduce a significant amount.
HP – Health value, you die when this value drops to 0. Don’t let it hit 0.
Transcendence Power (TP)
Other/Utility stats
Hit – This affects your damage range. Increasing hit will increase the lowest damage value you will do. Hit is capped at 1500, or 95% of your maximum damage. This means your damage will do between 95% to 100% of max.
Evade – Chance to take a graze from a hit (you take about ~10% of the damage). For the most part this is useless since it’s difficult to obtain a high amount
Movement speed – Movement speed is how fast you run in and outside of dungeons. Some skills are affected by movement speed.
Town movement speed – Additional movement speed that only applies while in town.
[Advanced]/[Boss] Stats
- Advanced monsters can be identified by having colored name tags (green/blue/yellow), but are not boss monsters.
- Boss monsters have boss HP bars (the really big HP bar)
[Advanced]/[Boss] Hit rate – Same as damage rate.
[Advanced]/[Boss] Damage – Flat value, ignore this.
[Advanced]/[Boss] Reduce hit rate – Same as the normal one, reduces damage taken by a percentage
[Advanced]/[Boss] Reduce damage – Flat value, ignore this.
[Advanced]/[Boss] Critical damage – Same as the normal one, multiplies damage on crits.
Elemental Stats
- Skills with elements can’t be modified into another element, so don’t stack a different one.
- Skills without an element must have an elemental enchant on the weapon in order for elemental enchantment to take effect.
- Only 1 enchantment will be in effect at any time, meaning the other enchantment values are useless
- Elemental resist is useless, ignore it.
330 elemental enchantment is 100% more damage.
Damage Type Stats
- Open your skills menu and look at the damage type of the skill on the left panel.
330 damage type is 100% more damage to the specific damage type.
Related Posts:
- Kritika:REBOOT – Quick and Dirty Guide to 500k CP
- Kritika:REBOOT – Auxiliary Equipment Guide
- Kritika:REBOOT – Berserker Guide
- Kritika:REBOOT – Starter Guide (Over Level 70)
- Kritika:REBOOT – All Classes Guide
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