In this Guide i’ll show you everything you can do in Koboldkare, how to do it and some neat tips and tricks.

Your House: This is where you do most of the Kobolding and Karing. Inside the house you’ll find a bed, the kitchen and the second floor with some tools. Outside you’ve got a pond, a grinder and a sellinghole
Shop: Here you spend your money for various tools, upgrades and crates.
Forest: Scattered around the trees you’ll find melons and Eggplants and a tent.
Tools for growing Kobolds:
Crate: One crate contains one Kobold egg. open it with E or by clicking on the white button.
Sprayer: The sprayer can be filled with any liquid. Said Liquid can then be sprayed on Kobolds for various effects. The nozzle can be detached and then reattached to Kobolds to milk them.
Pond: Put a Sprayer inside to fill it with water.
Grinder: To access the grinder you have to pay 50 Kobucks by clicking on the button. Once unlocked you can grind various Fruits/ Reagents and even Kobolds into Liquid.
Selling hole: Throw anything inside to sell it for money. Kobolds sell for more the bigger they are. If you jump in yourself you’ll die.
Carry capacity upgrade: Each time you buy this upgrade, you can carry 1 more additional object with right-click. Size or shape of the Object doesn’t matter.
Other Tools:
Flask: Just like sprayers they can be filled with any Liquid, however you can not spray it’s content at all. It’s main use is to fill it and then sell for money.
Big blue pleasuresticks: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
How to grow a Kobold

It’s pretty simple. Open the crate and then water the Egg until it starts vibing and then wait one day cycle. Alternatively you can just use the bed or commit not alive by pressing K.
Once you have a “grounded Kobold” water them again until you see some hearts pop up and wait a day cycle again.
Now you should have a fully grown kobold of any gender and ready to be played with.
Kobold interactions
Player interactions:
Hold Hands: By left clicking on their Hands you can shake them around and cuddle with your precious lil ‘Bold.
Jerk off ( Male only ): Hold left click on their Funstick and violently gently caress them to make them climax.
Yeet: Hold A Kobold, or multiple, with right click and then leftclick to perform a Yeet maneuver.
Kobold on Kobold interactions:
Schmexy time: Hold a male Kobold with left click and drag him towards any kobold until they “dock”. Then you can shake him until he splurts or longer. Ejaculation into any Kobold leads to belly expansion depending on Peepee size. A male Kobold needs to rest for one day cycle until he can splurt again.
Fruits / Reagents

Melons and eggplants: Can be found all over the forest. pick them off the trees with either right or left click. You can also buy them for 25 Kobucks each in the tent. The fruits respawn after every daycycle.
Hearts: Make 2 Kobolds bang each other until you can see a giant heart pop up. you need to wait one daycycle until the same Kobolds can spawn a heart again.
Breast growth potion: Causes breast growth when sprayed on Kobolds. To get the potion grind melons in the grinder. A sprayer can hold the liquid of 2 melons.
PeePee growth potion: Causes Peepee growth when sprayed on male Kobolds. Grind Eggplants in the grinder to get this potion. A sprayer can hold the liquid of 2 eggplants.
Blood: Causes permanent belly growth when sprayed on Kobolds. Be a horrible being and grind a Kobold in the grinder. One Kobold completely fills a a sprayer.
Macro growth: Increases a Kobolds overall size when sprayed. Grind a melon, a heart and a eggplant at the same time in the grinder. All of these reagents combined fill about 1 and a half sprayers.
Day and night cycle
Tipps and tricks
- The best way to earn money early on is by selling the Kobolds and Sprayers that are scattered inside the house and second floor.
- Hold multiple sprayers with right click and activate them all with left click. This allows you to spray much greater volumes at the same time, usefull when watering new Kobolds.
- When trying to create macro potions, turn the grinder off put all the reagents inside and then turn it on to grind all things at once. If you put the things in one at a time you might not get the right potion.
- When you grind things, you don’t have to catch it with a sprayer, you can directly catch it with a Kobold. Just make sure you hold the Kobold tight as the pressure of the output might push the Kobold away.
- When you collect Fruits in the upper forest you can bunnyhop and strafe along side the left walls to reach the higher ground and come back to your house much quicker.