As a fan of huniepop 1, I was upset that my favourite character Miss Yumi wasn’t in number 2, until I found out that there are unlockable outfits with references to the first game and I was very happy, here are the ones available. Some characters have unlockable outfits that make them into Huniepop 1 characters. Here I will display which character has the unlockable outfit for each character reference
Jessie: Tiffany
Ashley: Miss Yumi
Lillian: Audrey
Brooke: Venus
Nora: Kyanna
Lailani: Beli
Zoey: Nikki & Celeste

That’s all we are sharing today in HuniePop 2: Double Date Huniepop 1 Reference Outfits, if you have anything to add, please feel free to leave a comment below, and we’ll see you soon.
Credit to Buni
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