Archaeology items are quite rare drops that you can get either buy fishing or digging on a ‘Dig Spot’. There are a total of 10 different items, 5 obtained buy fishing and 5 buy digging. What you get also depends on the biome you’re currently on, so each biome always give you one specific item…
Category: Guide

Forager: Secret Options Guide
Yes fellow Forager, you heard right! There are some settings, which are currently unavailable in the game and may only be accessed from your game’s save folder. Since the knowledge of its existence is still not spread, we refer to them as secret options. Some of these options may not stay secret forever, but will move…

Forager: 100% Achievement
Left Tycoon Own 10 lands and 5,000 coins Done while playing Miner Mine the giant crystal Can be find in Winter Biome. Use Pickaxe. Royal Gather royal steel or royal clothing Done while playing. Crafting in Furnace or Sweing Station Gemologist Have one of each gem in your inventory Gems can be drop by destroying…

Forager: “Waterproof” Achievement Guide
Yes, the “Waterproof” achievement is currently broken, but there is a way around it. The achievement requires a player to “build on top of every water tile”. To achieve this, you will need: 1. 1-2k of landfill. Landfill is made in the flower press building or bought from the market. I would highly suggest building…

Firewood: Walkthrough and 100% Achievement
Contained here within is a full walkthrough detailing how to get 100% in one playthrough. Tooltips Achievements will be written in bold Parts of this guide are from reddit users, thank you to the original posters. If this guide helped you let me know. Walkthrough Cemetery Walk left through the cemetery and read all of…

One Finger Death Punch 2: How to Enable In-game Music Player
How to open up the in-game music player and get the “Yes i know this is nothing” achievement. This guide will show you how to open up a secret in-game music player. You will also get the achievement: “Yes I know this is nothing”. Step 1. From the Title Screen click on “More” Step 2. Click on “Cooperative” Step 3. Enter the following…

One Finger Death Punch 2: 100% Achievement
There are NO missable achievements in this game. You can aquire all of the achievements within a single playthrough and at any time you feel like going for them. Keep Fighting! – Do not Button Smash! Nothing to say about the following achievements. Just keep fighting. These achievements are tracked in every mode the…

Pagan Online: Named Enemy Locations
Aina the Malcontent Act III – Dead in the Sand – Nothing grows here Borislav the Poisoner of Truth Act II – The Diminishing Sun – The grave tells no tales Blazh the Poisoner of Truth Act II – The Diminishing Sun – The grave tells no tales Dark Baroness Tamarix Act II – Tears in the Fog –…

Pagan Online: Shard Locations Guide
Shards, Key Fragments, Enemy Locations and Crafting Material location information. Shards and Key Fragments Listed in order and by Assassination Mission name Servant of God – Lukian Shards Iron Made – Kingewitch Shards About a Witch – Anya Shards Ruthless Maniac – Istok Shards Burning Hatred – Masha Shards The Evil is Rabid – Dameer…

Pathway: Characters, skills and attributes Guide
There are 4 characters that have damage debuffs as well as weapon debuffs because of their “versatility” of weapons: Baron, Dr.Chandra, Omar, Rose. There is absolutely no point in switching weapon type during missions for characters so versatility is just a meaningless bluff for all these characters. And sadly, Bellamy specializes in the trash-tier disintegrators…

Pathway: Weapon of Choice Guide
Assault Rifles As in every game that involves guns, the AR is versatile and mediocre in every aspect. In Pathway however, characters with AR specializations are just an okay choice because they could fit in every combat situation and have a better-than-nothing skill. Most of the time the AR’s AOE skill can only target 2…

Pathway: Stats Guide
Vit: very important if you want to survive, even good for snipers because taking 1 more hit is better than having a chance to avoid a hit, healing is not so hard to do Will: depends on the character and what abilities they have, i don’t recommand it since sometimes it’s a bad choice or…