The Location of all 17 Luminous Visages locations. This is an easy to follow guide which shows the best order for collecting all the LVs in the game. Luminous Visages are used to gain free skill points and are best used right before fighting the final boss as well as will restore your health to…
Category: Guide

Goat Simulator: All Ostriches Guide
Spitter welcomes you to the ostriches, Let’s get started! Feather Goat To get this ostrich, you will need to collect 10 goat trophies. Devil-Feather To get this ostrich, you will need to mutate the Devil Goat with Feather Goat. (You will need to do it in this order: Devil Goat, Feather Goat and if…

eXceed 3rd: How to Unlock Extra Levels
A quick guide to help you unlock extra levels in eXceed 3rd – Jade Penetrate Black Package How to: Make sure you follow the things below. That’s all you need to do: Finish the game once on any difficulty Play a 2nd time on normal difficulty or higher Turn ”autobomb” off Do NOT bomb until…

Startup Company: All Achievement Guide
This is an in-depth guide to getting all of the achievements in Startup Company. This includes all 15 of the normal achievements along with the 5 hidden achievements. Normal Achievements Enjoy Your Stay Hired 1 employee To acquire this achievement you simply have to hire one person by headhunting via your CEO or recruiter….

Break the Game: 100% Achievement Guide
This guide will tell you how to get the achievements. There aren’t spoilers apart of the achievements themselves and their descriptions. Unmissables STARTSIMULATION.EXE I hope you’re sure about this. You should get this at the start of the simulation, like it says. DEATH_1.CONF Sorry. At certain point, you need to die to progress. Life…

Herakles and the Princess of Troy: 100% Guide
This guide is to teach you how to unlock everything (in classic mode), and how to make it through each level. Buffs and how to complete levels will be in different categories. Training – Sea Monster Strategy will mean the strategy used mainly through the entire game (see Bandit Ambush p1 and p2) unless specified otherwise….

The Scroll Of Taiwu: Mechanics of Attack Skills
Discussion about the underlying mechanics of attack skills. Introduction This guide will mainly focus on discussing various aspects related to weapon skills. The Costs, Stats, Attack distribution, Hidden Stats, and Damage Formula will be discussed. Cost In order to cast an attack skill, there are 2 costs involved. First is the style cost. Styles…

Break the Game: How to Access The Museum
After you’ve finished BREAK THE GAME, you might want to go to a previous level to find any secrets or hidden achievements you might have missed. Maybe you forgot the name of a character and want to see their introduction again (or just listen to their theme). THE MUSEUM is a hidden level that can access all that,…

Deep Rock Galactic: Driller Build Guide
This guide will walk you though a Driller build and play-style I simply call … HELLBAT. Inspired by Hellbats in Starcraft, it focuses on … you guessed it, FIRE! Particularly surrounding yourself and causing max AOE damage in your immediate area. HELLBAT AT A GLANCE The HELLBAT is an up-close and personal flamethrower build that takes…

Field of Glory: Empires – Centralized Trade Guide
This is a guide to trade based on the idea of centralized trade. After reading this you will know more about Trade Range, export, import, bonus goods, missing goods, Acumen, trade buildings and building chains. You will also learn about the Center of Trade and how to generate tons of cash with it! Some basic…

RED HOT VENGEANCE: Police Assault Challenge Guide
This is a quick guide on the Police Assault Challenge (Video) how to beat it (Text) how to beat it Basically if you’re too lazy to watch a video under 2 minutes, let me give the gist of it to you: 1. Go in the bathroom 2. Stand in front of the door…

This is for the Cash Challenge, cannot confirm for the others. (Video) How to do it (Text) How to do it Well this is gonna be a bit complicated: 1. Make sure someone already call the cops 2. Run to the far bottom left (not sure if this work if you run at…