A guide containing some tonks from the land of Pizza and Spaghetti, Italiano! Via the 1.89 update… Serbatoi leggeri e tankettes | Light Tanks and Tankettes 1) Carro Armato L3/35 Contro Carro Tankette 2) Fiat-Ansaldo M11/39 Tankette 3) Carro Armato modello L6/40 Serbatoi leggeri Serbatoio medi | Medium Tanks, riveted armour is best armour!…
Category: Guide

Disturbed: Beyond Aramor – Simple Map Layouts
This guide contains graphic map layouts of most areas in the game. Several areas in the game are hard to navigate, and after going through them a year later – it is understandable how frustrating it can be. (Especially when triggering random events and losing your place) These maps should lessen the frustration of exploring….

PickCrafter: WHAMMY Achievement Guide
A questionable achievement that lacks clarity, this is how I did it and what I hope are relevent stats so others may follow in obtaining this pesky achievement. How to get the achievement The short of it is 10,000 criticals while the critical potion is active. Other constraints are not explained. When I sat…

At Home Alone II: 100% Achievement Guide
A complete guide on how to get all of the achievements in At Home Alone II. Original Achievements + Random Achievements 我爱蹦迪 I love disco dancing 沉迷跳床无法自拔 Trampoline addiction can not extricate itself After being able to use the main character, go to her bed and press ‘z’ or ‘enter’ to get on. Keep…

Knightin’+: All Cheat Codes
Welcome to SteamAH. here is the list of all the secret cheat codes. In order to use the codes you need to pause the game and enter them from your keyboard. Each cheat code is a phrase in English without spaces. You’ll here a bleep sound if the phrase you entered was correct. Keep…

MIDNIGHT Remastered: Walkthrough & Achievements Guide
Hey there, fyi this is gonna be my first walkthrough ever. I’ll try my best but if there’s anything that I should add, any info about the game that I’ve missed, feel free to comment down below. I’m open to suggestions and critism. quick note: I’ll put # when something can be skipped and isn’t…

Kreedz Climbing: Achievement Guide
This guide will help you get all the multiplayer achievements with ease and will allow you to solo them. If you need further clarification on the methods here or if something is not working please leave a comment. Multiplayer Achievements Achievements Teamwork is Dreamwork Show Them How It’s Done Teamwork is Dreamwork Achievement Go…

Shotgun Legend: 100% Map and Hidden Places Guide
This Guide contains the Map and all Level-Maps with all hidden Places. There are short informations about the Level itself. You can find the requirements and what you will get in the level in the Image of the Main Map. In the end of this Guide, there are some examples for hidden places and where…

LEAVES – The Return: All Inhabitant Locations
Welcome to SteamAH. Here are all inhabitant locations in LEAVES game. All First branch Second branch Third branch Portal room Written by Vestris Valeska

Wild West and Wizards: All Locations
*Wild West and Wizards is based heavily on exploration, and this guide will contain spoilers, so use at your own risk!* This is a guide to most of the locations in Wild West and Wizards – It will feature discoverable Points of Interests, providing they have a map marker. Note that some locations do not…

Blair Witch: Achievements and Endings Guide
This Guide will help you 100% Blair Witch I will list instructions for Every Achievement and all the endings in the game. Story Achievements that can not be missed Ray of Hope Description: Patch Things up With Jess. Last goodbye Description: Find out what happened to Bullet. Miscellaneous Achievements The idol Description: Collect the…

Pixel Maze: Solutions 1-9 Guide
Guide for Pixel Maze level sets 1-9 1 Cross checkerboard face Dota2 music e-mail safari Tetris 2 Burger heart steam Mario bird No smoking dog cake 3 The Binding of Isaac volleyball Shovel Knight Magic bottle Smiley face pineapple Pocket watch Magic book 4 mushroom link Death star purse tortoise Battle City chocolate noodles…