All Scarlet, Verdure, Crimson and Azure Stones in this Early Access Stage 1 – Gensokyo Nigh Festival. If I miss any Stones or if is there any mistakes, please make comment and I’ll add it/correct and give you credit. Gensokyo Outskirts Right at the beggining, all the way to the top. Keep holding Dash…
Category: Guide

Life Tastes Like Cardboard: Memory Locations Guide
A guide on where to find the memory collectibles. There are 31 collectibles in the game placed around for you to find. Some are more hidden than others. These collectibles don’t have an official name but I’m going to refer to them as memories. Whenever you collect a memory you can discuss it with…

BioShock Infinite: Order of Playing Guide
The right order of playing Bioshock games (including DLC) This guide is for those, who are curious (or not sure) what the best order of playing Bioshock games is. Storywise order that is. Games and DLC in order: Recommended is to play in the following order: 1. Bioshock 1 2. Bioshock 2 3. Bioshock 2…

GRANDIA HD Remaster: Walkthrough with FAQ
Welcome all and Enjoy there’s a hell of a lot of info in here so grab a drink and some food and happy gaming/reading! Also for other languages I will leave a link at the bottom 🙂 Well ok heres we go I have tried to avoid it as much as possible in this FAQ…

GRANDIA HD Remaster: All Characters Guide
Here is a list of all characters in Grandia game. JUSTIN Justin is the main character of our story. Though he is still a kid, he has the potential to become a strong warrior. His life-long dream has been to follow in his father’s footsteps and become the greatest adventurer of all time. His mischievous…

Pine: How to Go Through the Dune Observatory
This guide is part of my Pine walkthrough. I will show you how to go through the Dune Observatory step by step. This is my first guide please give me some feedback and if you like it i will continue with the other vaults and the rest of the puzzles in the game. Open the…

Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince – Mirror and Cauldron Puzzles Solutions
Solutions for the mirror and cauldron puzzles at the end of The Prince’s Dream level. Amadeus the Wizard’s Nightmare Puzzle Solutions — Entrance: – Puzzle 1: – Puzzle 2: – Puzzle 3: – Puzzle 4: — Written by AdApt*

Valfaris: All Secrets
Here is a guide to the 22 secrets of Valfaris. Landing Pad (The Bastard) Secret 1 Right after you collect the first blood metal, go all the way left past the hounds and the sniper. Instead of dropping down through the hatch, break the green blocks on the left. A cannon and a hound…

Here is a guide on how to catch Marlin fish for Cooper(he will give it to Sandy as a bribe.) How to catch Marlin(Gadget Quest) Short version Requirements: Summer season Morning – Noon (6:00Am – 12:00PM)Fishing Rod (>= Copper) Also short version but in italic To join in Secret Hideout (Cooper Mission) you need…

BioShock 2: How To Deactivate HUD
An easy guide to show you how to activate / deactivate HUD. Follow the steps below: 1. First you have to find the file to edit. Go to: C:\Users\YOUR Username\AppData\Roaming\Bioshock 2. Make the backup of the Notepad. Just in case. 3. Open ”User.ini” with Notepad 4. Search for “NumPad0=”. Then add ”ToggleHud” next to it. It will look…

Alluris: Genie Questions
At one point, if you navigate the pyramid correctly, you run into a genie who quizzes you. Questions and Answers I’m unaware if there are a variety of questions beyond these three, but if I ever run into the genie again and find more, I’ll update. — Genie Question – How many rooms are…

Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair: All Coins and Hidden Bees Location
Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair is a brand-new platform adventure from some of the key creative talent behind ‘Donkey Kong Country’. this guide is a video guide on how to find all coins and hidden bees location in the game. if you have any other problem. you can leave your comment. All Coins Chapters…