This is a simple guide for how to enable higher frame rates than the 100FPS cap that unfortunately plagues this game, for users who have monitors higher than 60Hz refresh rates or just like the lower input latency of higher FPS. Default FPS Cap As you can see, the default FPS cap is unfortunately…
Category: Guide
Terminator: Resistance – How to Disable the Aggressive Chromatic Aberration
Here is a guide on how to disable the aggressive chromatic aberration in Terminator: Resistance game. Follow the following steps: Go to C:\Users\urwindowsname\AppData\Local\Terminator\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor Open Engine.ini Add [SystemSettings] to the bottom Add r.SceneColorFringeQuality=0 below that ON: OFF: Written by Pax
Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition – All Taunt Lists
This is a list of all the currently available taunts in Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition! Old Taunts 1: Yes 2: No 3: Food Please 4: Wood Please 5: Gold Please 6: Stone Please 7: Ahh 8: All Hail, King of the Losers 9: Oooh 10: I’ll Beat You Back to Age of…
Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition – How to Get the classic Intro
In this guide I’ll show you how to get the classic Age of Empires 2 Intro with the two kings playing chess back. How to do it. 1.) Locate the current intro video called “aoeiide_titlevideo.wmv” (AoE2DE\resources\_common\movies) 2.) Replace it with the old intro => The easiest way is to replace it with the HD…
Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition – How to Skip the Introduction Cinematics
A quick guide on how to skip the introduction cinematics when you launch the game. Skip the introduction cinematics Go to … \steamapps\common\AoE2DE\resources\_common\movies Create a folder named “backup”. Move aoeii4K.wmv and aoeiide_titlevideo.wmv to the backup folder. Enjoy! The game should launch now without the intro videos/cinematics. Written by Cainam
Planet Zoo: How to Earn Massive Amounts of Conservation Credits
Here is a comprehensive guide to scoring yourself thousands of Conservation Credits! How to Earn First of all, I do not suggest scalping the market. Please be fair, and don’t buy others animals with the intention on selling for higher. Frontier Zoo should be the only one being taken advantage of, which causes no…
Ghost Files 2: Memory of a Crime – All Collectibles Guide
Here is Location of all collectibles in the game. All collectibles in order 1. Toilet 2. Basement 3. Living Room 4. Back Alley 5. My Office 6. My Secret Room 7. Big Lip’s Mansion 8. Inside the Mansion 9. Secret Basement 10. Murphy’s Office 11. Police Station Hallway 12. Dressing Room 13. Outside Mary’s…
Crossroads Inn: Sandbox Mode Guide
Here is a a guide for Crossroads Inn Sandbox mode. Welcome to Delcrys, a continent where three kingdoms compete for political and economic power. At the boundary where these three warring kingdoms meet is the Crossroads, and a little inn that could one day be a thriving enterprise – in the right hands. Having just inherited…
Unity of Command II: Save File Location
Unity of Command II is a strategy game which lets you take command of Western Allies during the Second World War. You will manage your army’s divisions as well as their supply and logistics. if you are in trouble in saving game and want to find the save file location. you may come to the…
Unity of Command II: Modding Guide
Here is a guide on how to create mods and upload them to the Steam Workshop. This guide is sections describing different types of mods will be added over time. First and foremost, locate the game’s Steam install folder. In it, you’ll find the prep.exe script. This is the main modding tool, and is used to build and…
Terminator: Resistance – How to Change FOV
Here is a guide on how to change the first-person FOV (Field of View) settings in Terminator: Resistance. This is a short guide, showing how to edit the FOV (Field of View) settings in the configuration files We have received feedback during development informing us that the default FOV setting may be uncomfortable for some users….
Fractured Minds: Walkthrough with 100% Achievements
Fractured Minds is a very short puzzle adventure with a total of 9 achievements. Here is walkthrough and guidance for obtaining 100% achievements! If you start a new game or replay the first level, your entire achievement progress will be reset! Achievements The Mundane Completed Chapter 1Emptiness Completed Chapter 2 Comfort Zone Completed Chapter 3 Paranoia…