For Orcs Must Die! 3 players, this guide includes the official descriptions of the achievements and some additional explanations. If you are hunting the achievements, check this article out. Killer Kill 100 minions The Way of War Beat 10,000 enemies Breaking Eggs Pass Stage 2 in the Challenge “The “Swamp” is a new…
Category: Guide

Edge Of Galaxy Basic Guide For Beginners (Gameplay, Navigation, Combat)
For new players of Edge Of Galaxy, this is a really basic guide for you, the gameplay, navigation and combats are explained below, let’s check it out. Starting the Game When you start the game, a small window will pop up. The default tab is “Graphics”. Here you can choose the resolution, whether or not…

Fresh Body Baisc Crafting Guide For Beginners
If you are a new player of Fresh Body, this guide provides a list of crafting items in game, It has around 26 different items you can make at the moment. Tips From my experience item order has an impact for final item. So its better to folow the crafting path exacly how it…

Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector Multiplayer Modes Explained
The multiplay if an important part of Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector and this guide is explaining all those multiplayer modes and how to play them, let’s check it out. Logging In & Creating Account In order to play Multiplayer games in Battlesector you need to create or login to an account. This can…

Death’s Door Complete Collectibles Locations Guide (Shiny Objects)
As a Death’s Door player, you are probably here to fill out missing Shinies page, and this guide is exactly what you need since all shiny objects are listed below with pictures. Old Engagement Ring Found in the Ceramic Mansion’s western wing, above the ballroom. Old Compass Found beneath the Lost Cemetery after…

Ghost Hunters Corp Exorcism Evidence Guide
This guide of Ghost Hunters Corp is about the cross reference between all the types of exorcisms and the evidence and ghost types that they are related to. Evidence and Ghost Types based on Exorcism Method Use Salt on the Ghost (Shotgun, floor, etc…) Evidence: EMF 3/4 Ghost Type: None Exorcism Book Evidence: Spirit Box:EVP, Voices…

AKIBA’S TRIP Hellbound & Debriefed: How to Make Money & XP Easily
This guide will show you how to make easy exp and money a little bit after beating a certain pink-haired girl. Unlocking the Mission 1. Progress to the point you get the story mission, Meet Mr.X. 2. Go to the Master and learn how to strip cosplay clothing. 3. Go to the Info Broker and…

Sweet House How to Get 18+ Uncensored DLC Patch
If you are looking for the special patch for Sweet House, this guide will show you how to get the R18 uncensored DLC, let’s check it out. How to Get Press Win + R input steam://install/1689200 press Enter and you got it About This Game This is a relaxing and casual little game. You…

AKIBA’S TRIP: Hellbound & Debriefed 100% Walkthrough and Tips
For AKIBA’S TRIP: Hellbound & Debriefed players, this is not only a complete walkthrough, but also covering gameplay basics, random tips, unlockables and secrets in this game. Introduction I will be covering gameplay basics, random tips, unlockables and secrets in this game. Since I created a guide for 2 (Undead & Undressed), I thought…

Death’s Door Savegame Deserializer Guide
For Death’s Door players, this guide provides the tool to serialize & deserialize savegames to utilitarian reasons, just follow this guide and you’ll know how. README [USAGE] To readable format: DDoorSave.exe -tojson “c:\Users\%USER%\AppData\LocalLow\Acid Nerve\DeathsDoor\SAVEDATA\Save_slot1.sav” It will create “Save_slot1.json” (will overwrite existing!) Back to binary save: DDoorSave.exe -tobin “c:\Users\%USER%\AppData\LocalLow\Acid Nerve\DeathsDoor\SAVEDATA\Save_slot1.json” It will create “Save_slot1.sav”…

Rogue Company How to Link Accounts (for Power Supply)
For Rogue Company players, as you know that you can get some rewards by linking your account to other platform, this guide will show you how to Link Accounts (for Power Supply) Step 1: sign in to the account linking site. Sign in with the account you use the most with Rogue…

Ghost Hunters Corp All Items & Tools Guide (How to Use Properly)
There are lot’s of items in the Ghost Hunters Corp and if you are confused on how to use them, well look no further than to here for your guide on how to do it. The Tools You Start With The Flashlight (standard horror device) This is the least lighting tool in your arsenal…