For BUSTAFELLOWS players who want to change their controls, this guide will explain how to override mouse and keyboard controls of the game, let’s check it out. Introduction The PC controls have been tragic indeed and I don’t have a game controller. If a patch comes in allowing native key rebindings, great, but I wasn’t…
Category: Guide

Crimson Colosseum Guide to True Ending
If you are playing Crimson Colosseum and looking for the true ending of the game, all you need to do is just to follow this guide and help you to get the true ending Guide to True Ending on day 7 you must see the scene in the red light district in a…

HORROR TALES: The Wine 100% Achievement Guide
For HORROR TALES: The Wine players who’s hunting for the achevements, this is an 100% achievement guide which will help you obtain to all achievements. Story First sea of wine cleared Clear the first sea of wine The Tasting Completed. Complete The Tastling Second sea of wine cleared Clear the second sea of…

Love Tavern R18 Uncensored DLC Download Guide
If you are playing Love Tavern and looking for the uncensored patch of the game, this guide will show you where you can download it and use it to unlock more content of the game, let’s check it out. There are 3 ways you can download the patch: 1. Download from steam DLC page…

Tribes of Midgard Guide to Clearing SAGA mode
For Tribes of Midgard players who is playing the SAGA mode, this guide will explain the very basics of objectives for clearing through SAGA Se.1, let’s check it out. Breakdown of Days and how to handle them Objectives: -Tinkerer to level 3 -Quarry built -Lumber Mill Built -Bridge DIscovered -Bridge Built -Portal Reopened…

The Ascent How to Solve Corrupted Save File
If you play The Ascent and you save file just got corrupted, this may or may not work but it’s definitely worth trying, you simply download the steam cloud save file and put it in the save folder. How to Solve Corrupted Save File 1. Go to and download your cloud file. 2. Browse…

Starbase Basic Questions Answered For Beginners
For Beginners of Starbase, you might have lot’s of questions about the basics of the game, and searching for answer, this guide is a collections of some basic questions answered. Q/A Q. When I try to build onto my starter ship at the easy build area, the item is blue highlighted and it clips through…

Starbase How to Earn Easy Credits in Early Game
For Starbase players who want to earn some credits fast in the early game, this will show you how to make around 700-800 credits per minute near the start of the game. How to Earn Easy Credits in Early Game After you crack your first 10 asteroids as part of the tutorial, you…

The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles How to Uncap the FPS
the framerate of The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles is capped at 30 FPS, but if you want to get a higher framerate, this guide will show you a method to do that. How to Uncap the FPS Preparation: Please make sure you have the x64 Visual Studio 2019 runtime installed before attempting this. You can…

HighFleet Baiscs Explained for Beginners (Radar, Aircraft, Ship Systems and Nuclear)
If you are new to HighFleet and want to know how things works, this guide will explain how Radar, Aircraft, Ship Systems and Nuclear Warfare works, let’s check them out. Radar Radars are detection systems that use radio waves to detect objects.OPERATION Press the 1 button to conduct a single sweep. Press the…

Chernobylite How to Fix the HDR Issue
For Chernobylite players, if you play Chernobylite with HDR enabled, the game migh looks diturbing and this guide will show you how to fix the HDR issue THE ISSUE When launching Chernobylite with HDR enabled, the picture appears to be dulled down, also could be described as an unnatural gray/grey film over the…

GrandChase Requirements of 2nd, 3rd and 4th Job for Your Class
Since there are currently many text errors in GrandChase, which created some problems for completing job missions. This section will tell you the specific requirement to complete each job. 2nd Job Level 20 Part 1: Investigate Marsh of Oblivion (Doesn’t need to be completed) Part 2: Slay 8 Zombie Stone Orcs in Forsaken Barrows Part…