This guide of Goose Goose Duck covers past and present cosmetics in the categories of limited-time crafting/purchasable items, twitch drops, etc, including the conditions for getting any that can currently be obtained.
There are quite a few custom cosmetics owned by a select few players, if more than one, and these were custom-made for GGD Developers, Discord Mods, Twitch Streamers, and other close affiliates of the Gaggle team. If it’s not in this guide or my locked cosmetics guide, then it’s custom, and you can’t get it. The developers have also made it clear that they will reach out to the sorts of people who have custom cosmetics, so don’t harass any developers about getting a custom cosmetic made.
It’s pretty simple, but you need to do a few things. You don’t have to actively watch the streams, but you do have to actively claim drops in Twitch as you earn them.
- Create a Twitch[] account if you haven’t already.
- Link your Gaggle[] account to your Twitch. (Gaggle>Profile>Account Linking>Connect Twitch)
- Follow streamers that drop the cosmetics so you know when they go live (if going for the basic silver campaign, just look up Goose Goose Duck and find a stream with Drops enabled).
- Open the stream and adjust any settings (you can mute the stream and/or set it to low quality)
- Claim each drop in Twitch[] once you earn it (from the drops section or from a popup as you earn it). Setting an alarm can be helpful if you aren’t actively watching the stream.
- Claim each drop in your Gaggle account[] (Profile>Twitch Drops>Receive)
Obtainable – FREE
Earn up to 1,000 silver coins by watching up to 11 hours of any combination of participating streams on Twitch through October 7, 2021.
Limited time craftable that can be bought with gold coins. Available until October 8, 2021.
Limited time craftables that can be bought with gold coins. Available until November 1, 2021.
Limited time craftables that can be bought with gold coins. Available until November 1, 2021.
Obtainable – Purchasable
These can be purchased as part of the Werewuf pack for $9.99 USD.
Can be bought for 125 and 50 gold coins. Available until November 1, 2021.

Can be bought for 125 and 90 gold coins. Available until November 1, 2021.
Can be bought for 80 and 120 gold coins. Available until November 1, 2021.
Can be bought for 80 and 120 gold coins. Available until November 1, 2021.
Can be bought for 125 and 120 gold coins. Available until November 1, 2021.
Can be bought for 125 and 120 gold coins. Available until November 1, 2021.
Part of the Founder’s pack for $19.99 USD.
Part of the Founder’s pack for $19.99 USD. The GBG is also part of the Standard Pack for $4.99 USD, but if you think you’re ever going to buy the Founder’s Pack, then you shouldn’t buy the Standard Pack.
Unobtainable – Limited Craftables
July/August 2021.
July 2021.
June 2021.
May 2021.
April 2021.
Unobtainable – Purchasable
There aren’t any cosmetics that fit this description yet…HONK.
Unobtainable – Twitch Drops
For watching /AdmiralBulldog, /Drunkmers, /Raeyei, /GoPapayas, and/or /bellemiku in August 2021.
For watching /SR_KAIF, /SR_BigBoaby, /SR_Wadlet, /SR_JoeB, /SR_Johanna, and/or /SR_JoeB in June/July 2021.
For watching /Rocky in June/July 2021.
For watching /JTaz_ in June/July 2021.
For watching /SG_Vigilante in June 2021.
This shirt and this fart were given to Goose Goose Duck beta testers.
Special Discord promotional item for having joined both the official GGD Discord and the Ascentum Discord (which has since changed its name and purpose).