For Garden in! players, this is a guide on how to extend usable floor space, build a plant wall units, and optimize plant placements.
How to Extend workshop floor space

[example 2 of floor builds]
– When covering up the floor boards, remember not to cover up the doorways in the studio (glowing white symbols) since you need to move from room to room, and cannot do so without the symbols.
In all other rooms however, pressing Z will return you to the enter room Studio.
[image of gap in floorboard for doorway]
– There are many possible ways and methods to extend space, as long as it is a decoration that can be placed on the side of items and that things can be placed on top of, it will be usable. Item frames for example can be placed on walls, and can also have stuff placed on top of it.
[example 1 of unusual floor builds]
– After extending for a little while, you might notice that your camera is blocked by an invisible wall, to overcome this wall, you can place down an empty pot, and click on it, this will zoom into the pot. Right click to leave the view, now your camera position has advanced. Moving with ‘wasd” will resert the camera position, so rotate with q and e instead, and continue expanding the floor, repeat until you hit the maximum building limit. So having a plant pot positioned for movement is very handy. Here is a gif showing how it works.
[gif of expanding beyond camera limit]
Vertical plant shelving units

[comparing shelf heights]
– While our goal is to plant as many plants as close as possible, we still want to be able to interact with them without having to move anything, therefore it is more ideal to leave big gaps between the shelving units.
You can however also use q and e to easily access a shelving unit from all sides. Simply make sure all of the pieces are interconnected when building, and place it on 1 item that can be clicked on from all sides. When you need to reach the other side of the unit (instead of doing the click pot rotate camera trick) you can just rotate the structure.
– Here are some examples of shelf builds you could use
[example 1 shelf] [example 1 shelving unit 1] [example 1 shelving unit 1]
[example 2 shelving unit]
– Alternative items can also be used for different builds. The sky is the limit (literally).
[example 3 shelving unit]
[example 4 shelving unit]
Normal plant pots and Hybrid pots

[compare size of pots on shelves]
– After placing the pot down, we can grow the plants as normal, and change the type of pot we want it to be freely afterwards by dragging and dropping the pot of choice over the old pot. It is however, important to note that a grown plant will have a larger size than the original empty pot. It might take a few tries to get the pot to change due to the weird collision.
[example 1 increased size empty pot and grown pot]
– It might also be frustrating to see that some of the hybrid pots cannot be efficiently placed of certain types of shelves, therefore it is also important to take into account which shelf should be used for which pots. Here is an example of how you could fit 3 Hybrid Pots on another similar type of shelf.
[simple Hybrid pot shelf build]
– Eventually however, you will hit a plant building limit. Which means you cannot have more than a certain amount of plants at the same time. Which is a real bummer. I wonder how to bypass that.
Extras details, problems and whatnot
- You can hide your special items like watering can and insecticide anywhere in your room, as long as it is placed, you can use the keys 12345 to call upon the action.
- there is a bug where you cannot close the options screen while fiddling with the album, so far the only way to fix it is to restart.
- I’m happy to showcase any of your unique builds if you send me a screenshot 🙂
- If there are any changes and updates feel free to comment them down below so I can update it.
- moving vertically up and down
- finding more items suitable for building floors
- exceeding the plant limit
- exceeding the build limit (even though I am quite happy with the one I’ve used)