Seeing how only 2% of players had this easy and simple achievement (as of publishing this guide) and hat, I’ve made a step by step walkthrough on getting them.
Step 1: Turn on Beast Mode in the Options

Options > Game
(The wrench icon followed by the bullet kin icon)
Turn “Beastmode” on.
Note: If we talk to the left guard at the entrance after we attempt to exit the Gungeon, he’ll ask us if we beat the game. Responding “Yes” will lead him/her/it telling you that you are ready for beastmode.
Step 2: Win
Once you’ve turned Beastmode on, Exit the Gungeon and defeat the level five boss, The Last Dragun.
Once you beat the game, you should get the achievement “Win”.
Step 3: Turn Beastmode to Level 2

Note: If we talk to the left guard after beating the game with Beastmode on, we’ll get similar dialogue but we’ll be told about Beastmode level two.
Step 4: Win Again
Once you’ve turned Beastmode to “LVL 2”, you have to beat the game again.
Step 6: Talk to Left Entrance Guard Again

If you don’t haven’t yet unlocked Hattori, you will not be able to unequip the hat until for the character equipped with it until you do so.
By HoD zNochan
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