For Evil Genius 2 players, this is a quick preview of the henchmen and their abilities, all information are listed below with details, let’s check it out.
Henchmen Options

(At max upgrade level)
Health: 400
Smarts: 350
Morale: 350
Reroute Power
Apply trait
IRIS takes reduced damage for a short time, and rapidly heals any damage she has already taken.
Cost: 2 Morale per Second
Security Network Link
Act as camera
When activated, Iris functions as a security camera for a short duration. This can summon guards.
Cost: 1 Smarts per Second
Notes: Very good combat focused henchmen able to deal strong ranged damage, summon guards quickly, and heal her entire health pool with Reroute Power

(At max upgrade level)
Health: 375
Smarts: 350
Morale: 350
Apply trait
Jubei focuses his years of training, channeling his energy with each sequential hit causing increased damage while active.
Cost: 50 Smarts
Targeted – Floor
Jubei becomes one with the wind and teleports to a targeted location. Just like the wind can teleport
Cost: 25 Morale
Notes: The ability to quickly teleport to combat and back out to rest makes Jubei a very strong combat choice. His Flow ability lets him hit for very high damage letting him quickly deal large amounts of dps after arriving. At high level against strong groups Jubei will struggle due to his focus on single target damage and no self heal. He can however spawn kill some super agents and other mission related enemies as they get off their boats saving a lot of time and dead minions!

(At max upgrade level)
Health: 300
Smarts: 300
Morale: 350
Food Poisoning
Interaction – Person
Fugu presents an Agent with a delicacy that leaves them with food poisoning.
Cost: 35 Smarts
Blowfish Explosion
Fugu hurls and explosive blowfish at a target. This leaves a poisonous gas cloud in place.
Cost: 40 Morale
Notes: Fugu seems like a sub par choice to a degree but her secret ability makes her well worth it. She grants access to a special heat reduction mission in certain regions. The mission costs nothing, completes in 30 seconds, and takes off -75 heat. It also spawns so quickly you can easily prevent a region from ever going into lock down at zero cost. She also grants access to another mission for setting up new shops which grants good money but does cost intel and minons. She can also do decent damage in combat and both of her abilities are okay, Food Poisoning more so than the riskier and friendly fire prone Blowfish Explosion however.

(At max upgrade level)
Health: 350
Smarts: 350
Morale: 350
Toggle Trait
Sir Daniel equips his trusty camouflage and stalks the Lair. Agents will not spot him, and his next attack deals increased damage.
Cost 1 Morale per Second
Note: Reduces movement speed greatly
Construct furniture
Sir Daniel creates a Bear Trap to catch unwary Agents in your corridors.
Cost: 40 Smarts
Notes: Hits like a tank at range

(At max upgrade level)
Health: 300
Smarts: 350
Morale: 350
Remote Detonation
Target – Person
Janet hacks the munitions carried by Agents, turning their own weapons against them. Effects may vary!
Cost: 25 Smarts
Notes: Requires line of sight and proximity but does not start combat (have not tested)
Scramble Evidence
Target – Person
Janet bypasses a firewall, rejumpers the neutron flow, and removes a large amount of an Investigators Suspicion.
Cost: 40 Morale

(At max upgrade level)
Health: 325
Smarts: 350
Morale: 350
Magic Trick
Perform trick
This trick draws in a large number of Tourists and Agents and deals Resolve Damage.
Cost: 3 Smarts per Second
Toggle Trait
Incendio uses his magic to fade into the background, hiding himself from Tourists who plague your Cover Operation.
Notes: Incendio burns down every object in your cover operation during the first part of his quest line so be warned. Once reciuited he acts as a deception minion entertaining guests and agents draining their stats at a higher than normal rate without player direction. His ranged attacks have very high knock down (which can hit friendlies) and have a chance to light things on fire. This means Incendio has a bad habit of destroying objects around him while in combat which can be very annoying because minions will not automatically replace the items.

(At max upgrade level)
Health: 400
Smarts: 350
Morale: 350
Silver Revolver
Equip Item
Eli loads his trademark Silver Revolver, equipping a powerful ranged lethal weapon with six uses.
Cost: 80 Morale
Silver Tongue
Interaction – Person
Eli transfixes his opponent with his charm. His stats regenerate as he deals Resolve damage to the target.
Notes: Eli comes with his right hand man who is similar looking to a hitman but who seems to do nothing. The right hand man occupies a minion population but has very low stats and may actually do nothing.

(At max upgrade level)
Health: 350
Smarts: 350
Morale: 350
Emit gas cloud
Unleashes a clod of deadly microbes that seeks out nearby targets, draining their Vitality and Skill
Cost: 75 Morale
Emit gas cloud
An airborne microbe cloud that restores the Vitality of all who come in contact with it.
Cost: 35 Smarts
Notes: Friendly fire prone

(At max upgrade level)
Health: 325
Smarts: 350
Morale: 350
Cunning Trap
Construct Furniture
The Master uses his artistic skills to create a small trap in the Lair. This is a Distraction Trap that deals Vitality Damage.
Cost: 45 Morale
Imperfect Replica
Construct furniture
The Master Forger creates loot replicas so subtly different any Rogues will have a tough time knowing the difference.
Cost: 30 Smarts
Notes: I have seen some others online claim Carl has low damage, I was unable to reproduce this. He seemed to hit for about 45 damage when tested although he is very much not front line combat material. He also seems to lack a ranged option opting instead to beat people to death with his pimp cane.
(At max upgrade level)
Health: Data Missing
Smarts: Data Missing
Morale: Data Missing
Fire Sale
For a short time her bullets set agents on fire
Hand Guns
Calls in a weapons crate, hands guns to minions!
(At max upgrade level)
Health: Data Missing
Smarts: Data Missing
Morale: Data Missing
Heirs and Graces
Interaction Person
Distract an Agent and deal massive Suspicion and Resolve damage.
Costs: 40 Morale
Knowledge of the Ancients
Buff Trap
Improves the Chance of a trap hitting the next target; Seemingly stays active until the next activation of said trap.
Costs: 75 Smarts.
Fugu Special Missions

Genius Options

Work Harder!
Order minions to prioritize jobs in Maximilian’s vicinity
Train Faster!
Instantly completes any minion training near Maximilian
Note: After Midas device is online those killed by max will turn into gold objects that can be sold or used as a lesson to those that might oppose him
Large Work Force
Max knows when to rely on overwhelming numbers, and when to get a specialist in to do the job. Max can earn gold more reliably than anyone else and starts with additional minions.
Do it now!
Order minons to prioritise jobs in Red Ivan’s vicinity. Additionally, any nearby minions receive a combat boost
Old School
Ivan equips a Rocket Launcher and fires a devastatingly powerful explosive shot. Warning: Chaos may ensue
Might Makes Right
Born in battle, Ivan is capable of marshaling a large number of Muscle minions without paying quite so much. Even his workers pack a better punch.
My Plans Take Priority
Order minions to prioritise jobs in Zalika’s vicinity. Science minions receive a bigger boost
Immediately repair all Items and extinguish fires in her aura. Uses Smarts… and “nanobots”.
True Genius
Zalika know everything. Her Science minions are more capable than most, uncovering the mysteries of th universe much quicker.
Pay Attention!
Order minons to proritise jobs in Emma’s vicinity. Also increases the spotting power of any nearby minions
Emma Bolsters her Henchmen resetting their Cooldowns and giving them an edge.
Emma’s history as the head of H.A.M.M.E.R. has left her with an intimate knowledge of her foes. Her Deception minions are more efficient, and she can reduce Heat more efficiently across the world.
Related Posts:
- Evil Genius 2 Henchman Tier List
- Evil Genius 2 Complete Achievements List
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Any idea how to get IRIS to regenerate morale? can’t seem to figure out how to get it to regen.
Any of the henchmen can restore stats at the conference table in the Inner Sanctum