Here is an explanation on the bosses and what are the safest way to deal with them.
This guide contains spoilers for obvious raisons.
1. Crazed Magistrate
The crazed magistrate is a dangerous tall guy.
He has 2 assistants to help him in the fight. One of them is healing and buffing him. The other is agressive with a wand.
The crazed magistrate has 3 attacks:
- A quick slap to push back if you’re too close.
- Throwing his plank, which causes you to get knockdown.
- Book slam: He winds up his right hand before slamming it down in front of him, which will stun you if touched. After this attack he will shake his hand off in pain, leaving him open to a bunch of attacks.
Tactic: This first boss should be straight forward. Kill his assistants to get a easier time dealing with him. Bait his book slam attack so he’ll be vulnerable to any of your attacks.
2. The Five Oddities
The Five Oddities is a group of 5 insects, each with their own elementals attacks.
The 5 bugs are:
- Brainbug: The leader of the five, he flees away from you and respawn back his fallen comrades.
- Flamespitter: The fire type bug, he spit fire in a zone in front of him, very slow and easy to dodge.
- Venobite: The poisinus type bug, he lunges at you with his mandibles causing you to get poisoned. he has a quick attack.
- Noxicon: The toxic type bug, spits noxious cloud in front of him that causes you to get stuned, very slow and easy to dodge as well
- Vinewhip: The pink one, he’ll try to latch his Tendons to jump onto your head. If he manage to hit you, he’ll stick on your head, dealing damage over time and confusing you.
Tactic: Aim at the leader, they’re no reason to kill the other bugs as they respawn quickly. Bait the bugs together in a corner then sprint to attack the leader.
3. General Nara
The general Nara is a powerfull general, wielding his sword and riding his horse.
He has 2 phase, on horse and then Nara himself.
Horse phase
He has 2 attack:
- charge: The general charges with his horse ending with a very large swing of his sword. The horse causes you to get knockdown. Dodge to his right side to avoid the sword swing.
- swing: The horse is rearing while Nara is doing a very big swing. The horse will knock you down if you get touched him.
Tactic: Avoid his charge, bait his swing then attack him once, repeat it until he charges again, that’s it.
Nara phase
Nara is wielding a sword, and has the basic moves of sword wielding player. His sword can give bleeding status.
- A standards 3 hit combos.
- A charged attack where he’s swirling with his sword.
- A riposte to counter your attacks, similar to your own.
Tactic: Bait his swirling attack, then run to do a combo attack at him. If you’re not quick enough, he’ll dodge/riposte. Use break defense attack if you don’t feel safe.
4. Pachi
Pachi is a big and slow beast. He takes some time to turn.
He has 4 attacks and a summon.
- He summons a nightmare worm whom is very slow and explode upon touching you or taking damage.
- A lunging attack if you’re far away but still in front him.
- A pecking attack if you’re close enough.
- A spinning attack when you’re at medium range and not in front of him. Sometimes he’ll be stun by it.
- A screaming attack, he sucks air to let out a big scream, stunning you if you’re close enough. it’s slow enough for you to attack and dodge at this time.
Tactic: Pachi will put your patient to the test, take your time, prioretise killing his nightmare worm first.
Bait his spinning attack and attack when he’s stun from it.
5. Hsing T’ien
The god of war Hsing T’ien is wielding a axe and shield. Though he rarely block.
Hsing T’ien attacks:
- 3 attacks combo: 2 swings followed by a impale. he can stop mid combo. His swing range is very big. Get closer instead of running away.
- Shield bash: When too close, he pushes you back with his shield.
- Charge: he readies his shield in front and charge, easy to dodge and leaves him vulnerable to attacks.
- Laser: He open his giant mouth to shoot a laser that puts you on fire. He usually do the laser attack after his charge move.
Tactic: Hsing T’ien will try to stay at long range, sprint and attack him. He has trouble dealing with you if you’re close. Every attack interrupt him.
6. Gray Immortal
Gray Immortal is the weakest of the five Immortal.
The gray immortal has 3 phase.
First phase
- He walking away from you and summons his rats minions to attack you. Kill every rats before attacking him.
Second phase
- The most dangerous one, he transform himself as a big rat to fight you. he has 3 attack.
- 2 quick claw slash in front of him.
- A pouncing attack followed by a tail swing. His pounce knocks you down.
- A very long swirling attack, wich after it he will be stuned, leaving him vulnerable.
Tactis: Flee from him until he does his long swirling attack, then go at it.
Final phase
- He goes back to his original form, though weak, he summons 2 shadow clones and cast a very slow moving poison ball at you. He teleport away when hurt.
Tactic: Kill his shadow clones to reduces the amount of enemy, then finish him.
7. Arboreal Maiden
The Arboreal Maiden is a stationary dryad. While easy to dodge, her attack hurts a lot.
She has mainly 2 attacks.
- A single poison spit attack.
- Sprouting a “vine ball” at your feet, damaging and making a dangerous obstacle at the same time.
- She can sprout a row of vine balls around her, protecting her from any direct attack.
- She can sprout a giant flower which spawn 2 rosethorn maiden (plant girls).
- Finally, she can hide under ground and wait for grass spirit to come and heal her.
Tactic: fairly easy, take your time to damage her while avoiding attacks, destroy the giant flower at all cost, as the rosethorn maiden are troublesome.
Prevent the grass spirit from reach her, making her unable to heal herself.
8. Forest devil
The forest Devil is a root demon, using a lot of tricks to get you.
his attacks:
- he plants thorn trap if you’re far away, the longer the fight goes on, the more trap you’ll have to avoid. The thorn trap stops and stuns you for 2 second destroying it in the process, like the naturals one.
- Shield bash: if close enough, it pushes you back.
- Spike wave: he summons a wave of spike at your direction, inflict bleeding.
- Spike burst: same as spike wave, but around him. Inflict bleeding.
- Root stab: use his root to stab you, similar to a spear stab. Very quick and steals health.
- Root grab: the charged version of root stab, very long range, at least half the room, if it touch you, you’re grabed and he drain a huge amount of your health before tossing you.
Tactic: He’s very quick to react and hard to fight without a block. You can block his root stab/grab, leaving him open to counter-attacks. If you don’t have block, try to dodge his root attack and counter. dodge to his right side to avoid the shield bash. Be carefull of the spike burst.
9. Gelatinous abomination
Gelatinous abomination is a stationary boss, spiting gas at you.
Gelatinous abomination generate a wave of noxious gas that spread everywhere. While the gas are very slow, it hurt a lot.
He can summons 3 lesser abomination type:
- Tendril abomination: The flesh ball, acting as a wall and attacking with protruding tentacle around them.
- Palpitating abomination: The worm type, they move as they attack, with his tongue.
- Exploding spore: Kamikaze spore, gets close and explode.
- When gelatinous is at half health, for some time he focuses his gas at you, spreading in a fan-shaped way. Then he’ll come back at standard gas attack.
- Explodes upon death
Tactic: attack between gas. Kill lesser abomination as soon as you can. While he focuses his gas at you, run away and wait for him to resume back to normal.
10. Willow Immortal
Willow Immortal is a tough assassin, agile, quick and deadly. She’s a serious foe, do not underestimate her.
Willow is armed with a dual poisoned daggers, and while she attacks, she cannot be interrupted by your own attacks.
She can summon a “Jade”, a quick poisonous snake.
Her set of attacks is similar to the player with the daggers, plus an ability to throw poisonous daggers.
In case you don’t know the attacks of daggers:
Normal mode
- Standard 5 hit combos. The first 2 hit can be blocked.
- Crescent slash: a little dash attack with a wide radius.
- Charged slash: a long range dash attack, where she charges (faster than the player version) before doing a big lunge.
- Riposte: same as player version, she block, and counter attack if it blocked your attack.
- Dagger throw: Throw a poisonous dagger.
When she dies for the first time, she wake up in “focused” mode, she also summon a big and slow snake.
Focused mode
She keeps the same attacks with those additions:
- Faster movement speed and attacks.
- Her dagger throw attack becomes a 5 daggers throw, in a fan-shaped pattern.
- When she receives an attack, she enters instantly into riposte mode. I’m no kidding she’ll riposte your riposte!
Tactic: Bait her charged lunge with just walking, after her lunge she’ll be open for a combo attack.
If you’re confident enough, you can spam riposte at her face.
Once she’s in focused mode, forget the riposte option, land only 1 hit after her long lunge attack, unless you have attacks that can’t be blocked.
11. Yellow Immortal
Yellow Immortal is a cowardly boss. He like to stay out of your range and do quick lunge attacks or throw gas bomb.
He has a very weak resistance to knocback, making him flee away everytime you manage to hit him. Unless he’s stuck against a wall, you won’t be able to land more than 1 hit.
his attacks:
- Lunge: his favorite attack, he prepare his spear then lunge at you with a wide slash. Very quick and accurate, you must dodge through the slash.
- Quick slash: when you’re too close, he does a quick slash.
- Throw bomb: search in his pocket then throw a gas bomb at you.
- Fart: turn to face away from you and “fart”, leaving gas behind him :/
- Tornado throw: he infuse his weapon with wind, then do a similar “lunge attack” animation, but throw a growing tornado instead of lunging himself. Sprint away when he does this.
Tactic: Wait and dodge his lunge attack and counter. Once his hp fall below 2/3, he’ll retreat and throw bombs, dodge bombs and attacks. When his hp is at 1/3, he’ll resume his first tactics.
12. Broodmother
The room is filled with spiders too, you can clear the room of spider before attacking the boss.
The 2 big spiders are very slow, but have a very quick bite attack at close range. this deal heavy damage and inflict poison.
- The daddy is the smallest of both, he can spit webs at you, making you unable to move and be stuned. Traped in web with the spider close to you is garanted death.
- The mommy is the biggest one, she lays spider eggs on her tracks.
They both explodes upon death.
Tactic: Clear the room of little spider if you don’t feel confident. Lure one away.
If you have a long range weapon, you can keep them at bay and attacks.
If close range, trigger their bite attack to dodge and attack quickly, they’re quick to bite, be carefull.
13. Fallen Buddha
Fallen Buddha is a robotic buddha head. Stationary, it’ll shoot elementals projectiles at you. The head is surrounded by fire traps.
- The head will spit 3 elementals damage:
- Fire: Left to right side.
- Poison: Right to left side
- Shock: burst
Two times in the fight the head will summon his hand. The first time the head will leave you alone with the hands.
- The hands has 2 attacks:
- Slamming: he jump away and fall from the roof, trying to crunch you.
- Pouncing: the hand focuses then do a little pounce forward.
The hand will always alternate between the 2 attack, they’ll never repeat the same attack twices in a row.
Tactic: Dodge betwen the head projectile and attack, while keeping an eye on fire trap.
When the hands come, try to synchronize their attacks, after they both do the pounces you can safely attack them until they jump away.
14. White Immortal
The White Immortal is a dangerous boss with a long sword.
He has 4 attacks:
- Sword slam: he aim at you then do esa vertical slam with his sword.
- Sword slashes: quick sword slashes.
- Elbow kick: give an elbow kick when you’re too close, knocking you down.
- Charge: he focuses then charges while sliding the sword on the ground, ending his charge with a powerfull swing.
Tactic: All his sword swing can be blocked, using a shield is very effective against him. Riposte work too if you have good reflexes. Without the block option, try to dodge behind him when he attack with his sword. Be carefull of his elbow kick, it’s very punishing.
15. Steadfast king
The SteadFast king is a spirit of thunder. Every attack he does is infused with thunder elemental. Causing paralylis.
He’s very slow, though he can attack you from anywhere.
his attacks:
- Thunder strike: summons a lighting strike on your position, marked by a red crosshair.
- Lighting burst: summons a quick lighting burst in front of him, with medium range.
- Lighting block: surround himself in blue aura that block attacks, if he block an attack he counter-attack with a quick slash.
- Quick slash: 2 quick slashes in front of him, still doing thunder damage.
- Storm: encase himself in a shield and casts lighting strike that circle around him twice. This attack leave him breathless for some second.
Tactic: Get close enough to trigger his lighting brust then attack him with defense breaking attacks (he’ll try to block).
If you don’t have any defense breaking attacks, fake the attack to trigger his shield, wait for his quick slash attack to dodge and counter him.
16. Sledgehammer Raksa.
The sledgehammer raksa is a big scary demon, with his massive health pool and range.
He uses the sledgehammer like the player is able to do, with the addition of a spinning attack.
His attacks are:
- Standard hammer combo: mirror the player attack, he do 2 swings followed by a slam. The second swing knock you down and the slam has the lowblown bonus.
- Slam: mirror the player attack, with the added effect of shattering the ground further, increasing the range.
- Spin: He charges then move while spinning around the sledgehammer. Knocking you down .
- Bash: pushes you back with the weapon grip.
- Rampage: He rages, then do 2 swings followed by the spin attack. Leave him breathless.
- Once his health fall below 50%, he summons an axe raksa to help him fight.
Tactic: Bait his swings, get close, he’ll continue his combo while you’re close enough to attack.
When he does his spin attack, sprint away, or if you’re confident enough, stick close to him, it’ll swing behind you.
Due to his massive health, the fight is longer than usual, take your time.
17. Arrested Spirit

He always alternate between 2 attacks:
- Daggers throw: throw 8 daggers in fan-shaped patern.
- Elemental throw: Throw an elemental attacks wich could consist of:
- Fire: 4 balls shot in a burst
- Lighting: shoots a slow homing ball, you can block/ripost the ball to destroy it, or flee until it
dissipates. - Spirit: 5 purple balls in a fan-shaped patern that inflict confusion.
Later when his health falls bellow half, he can summon swordmens to help him in battle, and can use 2 new tricks:
- Attraction: he focuses before casting an attracting ring in front of him, you’ll be stunned if you’re sucked inside the ring.
- Precise explosion: he focuses then casts an explosion on your spot. He usually does this after the attraction attacks.
Tactic: Dodge through is dagger and attack. If he cast a lighting ball, wait for the ball to dissipate before resume attacking.
Kill his swordmen, he’s already dangerous enough alone.
Be ready to sprint away when he does his attraction ring.
You can attack safely after his precise explosion.
18. Fox Immortal
The fox immortal is a 5 tailed kitsune which love to bewitch people.
When you start the fight, she’s standing still with an energy shield and watches you, commenting on your fights.
- The first wave is against 2 elites swordmens.
- The second waves is against a pack of wolves, they’re quick but frail.
- After this, she exits her shield and the real fight begins.
Her moves consist of:
- Claw attack: a 3 quick claws attack, inflicting bleeding.
- Grab attack: She lunge and does a unblockable grab attack, If she grabs you, she taunts then tosse you away, leaving heavy damage and the bleeding status.
- Spirit throw: She turn around and throw multiple purple ball in random direction at you, causing confusion.
- Counter-attack: Everytime you hurt her, she counters with a quick tails slap. Causing confusion. She’s immune to attack while doing this.
When her health fall below 50%, she summon 2 clones of herself, with the same attacks and reactions. The clone have less health and won’t respawn after their deaths.
Tactic: She’s fast and quick to counter attacks, never try to do a combo. If you have a long range weapon, you can “stun-lock” her, attack, wait for her to finish the counter attack, attack again.
Once she summon her clone it’s where the fun part begins. Keep moving but don’t forget to attack for pushing them back, don’t lose yourself, it’s the hardest part of the fight. Fire elemental is usefull against them, light them on fire and run away, letting them collide.
sorry, I had updated it.
Thanks a lot.