For Dead Space Remake players who are collecting achievements, this is a complete guide for getting all achievements in game, let’s check it out,
Don’t worry about the audio/text log related achievements. These is extremely hard to miss as most logs are along the main story path. If you do miss it, get it in NG+.
The only thing you should worry about are weapons, upgrades, and schematics. I have everything listed in order under the “Merchant” achievement. I’d recommend following it as you play.
Everything in chapter 9 is missable so be careful! Pay close attention to logs and schematics. Also, the ‘Front Towards Enemy’ achievement is earned here.
This can be done in 2 runs if playing on impossible difficulty from the start and doing NG+ on impossible mode too. However, that means no autosaves and only getting 1 manual save. So you will most likely complete 3 runs for all achievements.
This is a completely handwritten guide. Any item/collectable you need can be found by using CTRL + F and entering what you’re looking for in the text box.
Story Achievements

Complete Chapter 1 on any difficulty settingStory related, cannot be missed.

Complete Chapter 2 on any difficulty settingStory related, cannot be missed.

Complete Chapter 3 on any difficulty settingStory related, cannot be missed.

Kill a BruteStory related, cannot be missed.

Complete Chapter 4 on any difficulty settingStory related, cannot be missed.

Complete Chapter 5 on any difficulty settingStory related, cannot be missed.

Kill the LeviathanStory related, cannot be missed.

Complete Chapter 6 on any difficulty settingStory related, cannot be missed.

Complete Chapter 7 on any difficulty settingStory related, cannot be missed.

Kill the Leviathan RemnantStory related, cannot be missed.

Complete Chapter 8 on any difficulty settingStory related, cannot be missed.

Complete Chapter 9 on any difficulty settingStory related, cannot be missed.

Complete Chapter 10 on any difficulty settingStory related, cannot be missed.

Complete Chapter 11 on any difficulty settingStory related, cannot be missed.

Kill the Hive MindStory related, cannot be missed.

Complete Chapter 12 on any difficulty settingStory related, cannot be missed.
Combat / Upgrade Achievements

Fully upgrade all weapons and equipmentFully upgrade every weapon, your rig, TK module, and stasis module with Power Nodes at benches found throughout the game. You need to collect and/or buy about 150 nodes (they cost 10,000 credits each at the store).

Kill 30 enemies with the Pulse RifleKill 30 enemies with this weapon.

Kill 30 enemies with the FlamethrowerKill 30 enemies with this weapon.

Kill 30 enemies with the RipperKill 30 enemies with this weapon.

Kill 30 enemies with the Force GunKill 30 enemies with this weapon.

Kill 30 enemies with the Line GunKill 30 enemies with this weapon.

Kill 30 enemies with the Contact BeamKill 30 enemies with this weapon.

Dismember 50 LimbsShoot off 50 limbs.

Dismember 500 LimbsShoot off 500 limbs.

Rip off a dangling limb using TKRip off a sword like limb from a necromorph using your TK module. You have to damage the limb without hitting the exposed boney parts. Use a pulse rifle to expose the bone and try to grab it using TK when you think you’ve done enough damage. Don’t use the plasma cutter as it will sever the limb instead of damaging it!

Pin an enemyAfter making it to medical, use TK to pick up one of the spears to impale a Necromorph to a wall.

Use Stasis on 50 enemiesFreeze 50 enemies with Stasis.

Kill 10 enemies with a stomp attackWeaken enemies by shooting them then finish them off with a stomp attack.
Collection Achievements

Own every weapon in the gameThere are 7 weapons and you must own all of them simultaneously (either equipped or in the storage box). I’ve added the locations to the ‘Merchant’ achievement below.

Install every weapon upgradeWeapon upgrades can be found throughout the game. I’ve added the locations to the ‘Merchant’ achievement below.NOTE: You must complete the Full Clearance sidequest to get all upgrades!

Collect all SchematicsThere are 13 schematic to collect. All can be obtained at any time before the point of no return at Chapter 11 except for the Chapter 9 schematic.Weapon – W
Upgrade – U
Schematic – S
Chapter 2:
W: Pulse Rifle – Just after making it to Medical, dropped by the soldier.
S: Pulse Rounds – After collecting the Hydrazine and backtracking a bit you’ll use zero gravity to descend an elevator shaft. The schematic will be on the table to your left.
S: Stasis Pack – After descending the lift while looking for a Shock Pad, It will be in the Main Lab Changing Room to your right.
U: Plasma Cutter Cartridge – Found on a bench after blowing up the barricade.
Chapter 3:
U: Plasma Cutter Heat Accumulator – Unlocked at the store.
U: Pulse Rifle Kinetic Autoloader – Unlocked at the store after obtaining the Pulse Rifle.
W: Ripper – In the Machine Shop just after the Control Room, at the bottom of the stairs near the body.
U: Ripper Ricochet Tracer – Unlocked at the store after obtaining the Ripper.
S: Medium Med Pack – Inside an open locker after the Decontamination Room quarantine.
W: Flamethrower – After passing the room with the fans, you’ll find the Flamethrower on a Necromorph body growing out of the wall.
S: Ripper Blades – After going down the first elevator, head inside the open room by the second elevator and it will be on a box. It’s the room with the tiny swarm enemies.
S: Flamethrower ammo – Inside the Engine Room, next to the Primary Engine panel that you will need to activate.
U: Gellified Hydrazine – Unlocked at the store after obtaining the Flamethrower.
Chapter 4:
S: Intermediate Engineer Rig – Inside the EVA prep room. After beating the brute and activating the elevators, don’t follow the main objective and take the opposite elevator instead. You’ll fine the EVA Prep room up here.
U: P.C.S.I Custom Magazine – After beating the brute, taking the elevator to Floor 3. You’ll see a lock room in the center of the hall. Walk around to the broken window and use TK to move the boxes next to the door. Shoot the power panel and the door will unlock. The upgrade will be on the shelf in this room.
W: Contact Beam – After beating the brute, take the elevator to Floor 2. After a save point, you’ll enter a corridor that blows out into space. There is a ruby semiconductor out there in space. Next, continue down the path. On the right side is a room locked with security clearance level 2. Inside will be this weapon.
U: Supersymmetry Tether: Unlocked at the store after obtaining the Contact Beam.
Chapter 5:
S: Line Rack – From Observation Room, instead of going down the elevator to Cryogenics, go through the other door to Zero-G Therapy. It will be in Dr. B. Warwick’s office to your right, sitting on the desk.
W: Line Gun – Escaping the Hunter and follow the objective to the central room with the save and store. Follow the objective into the emergency room. Inset the power cell to unlock the door. Continue through the unlocked door and you’ll see a security clearance level 2 door on your right. Inside you’ll find this weapon.
U: Ionized Capacitor – Unlocked at the store after obtaining the Line Gun.
Chapter 6:
U: Angled Launcher – After being tasked with injecting Wheezers, this upgrade will be in the first room being sprayed with acid to your left.
W: Force Gun – In the Hydroponics Deck hub, during ‘Inject Wheezer 01’, you’ll have to fight a group of enemies in a large open area. In that area, there is a room requiring security clearance level 2. You’ll find this weapon inside.
U: Supersonic Oscillator – Unlocked at the store after obtaining the Force Gun.
S: Force Energy – Inside an alcove in Air Filtration Tower, between the first and second electricity traps you have to slow with stasis.
Chapter 7:
S: Contact Energy – After going through Deck B: Processing and defeating the Necromorphs, it will be in the locked room. Go to the broken window at the side of the room and shoot the door lock.
S: Intermediate Miner Rig – Next to the SOS Beacon.
Macroliter Fuel Tank – After getting the SOS Beacon and entering the zero-G area, it will be in the utility room near when you came in from.
Chapter 8:
U: Photon Energizer – Head back to Medical using the tram. This upgrade is inside the security clearance level 3 room near where you first met the Hunter.
U: Portable Heliotron – While still in Medical, go to Floor 1. The upgrade will be in the security clearance level 3 room.
S: Oxygen Tank – Head to Mining/Engineering using the tram. Take the south exit and go left to engineering. Proceed to the preparation room, Floor 4, and it will be in the room needing security clearance level 2.
U: Weighted Blades – During ‘Deploy The Antenna’ main mission, you’ll take a super fast tram to maintenance. It’s in the maintenance locker room with the shop.
Chapter 9: MISSABLE!
S: Large Med Pack – On a desk just inside the entrance of the Infirmary, before the spinning lasers. (This unlocked the ‘Merchant’ achievement for me)
Chapter 10:
U: High-Yield Grenades – After obtaining the Master override, take the cargo lift up in the bridge. The upgrade is in the room requiring the override.
U: Precision Laser – After obtaining the Master override, head to the locked chest in Hydroponics.
U: Diffraction Module – After obtaining the Master override, head to the locked room in Mining.
U: Carbon-Fiber Blades – After obtaining the Master override, head to the locked chest in Engineering.
S: Advanced Engineering Rig – On a bench inside ‘Locker Room and Showers’ of Crew Quarters.
U: Gravitic Amplifier – WIP
U: High-Pressure Nozzle – WIP
Chapter 11:
U: Suspension Module – WIP

Collect 75 LogsThere are 168 logs in the game with 120 logs being related to the story so this is technically unmissable. I’ll add the missable logs in the achievement for collecting 150 logs below.

Collect 150 LogsLocation for the remaining 48 logs coming soon! As multiple runs are needed for the 100%, don’t worry about this now. You might get this just by playing.Chapter 1: (I missed 1, will update. Again, not every log is needed for the achievement)
Background Request – In your ship at the start of the game.
Sponsored Article – Found in the waiting room just after getting off your ship.
Send Help – Just after defeating your first enemy. It will be on the wall.
Stasis Module Request – In the Tram Tunnel, sitting on a desk in the Tram Repair Room.
Repair Invoice – In the Cargo and Baggage Hall, on a chair to the right of the 3 unit circuit breaker.
Poker Invitation – In the Cargo and Baggage Hall, in the Maintenance Bay Office where the Data Board key item is.
Chapter 2:
Patient Harris – In Imaging Diagnostics Wing, divert power at the circuit breaker to the left. It will be in the room you unlock.
Calculated Risks – Up the lift after the Patient Harris audio log. In the Observation room.
Nicole’s Log – In the Research Wing, after descending the left and defeating the enemies, the log will be in the room around the corner to your left.
Anonymized Transcript – In the same room as Nicole’s Log, on the shelf.
They Defy Death Itself – Exit the room where you found the 2 previous logs and go left and straight. The log will be on the floor in the restroom near a toilet.
Marker Discovery – Located in Dr. T. Kyne’s office in the center of the room.
Vital Personnel – Just after encountering the new enemy past the Main Lab Changing Room, this log will be on a desk to the right of the lift.
Patient Observations – In the Emergency Room after blowing up the barricade. To the left of the security clearance 1 door.
Nicole’s Study – Under the “Side Missions” tab – In the Emergency Room, divert power to the left and use your TK module to move the wall. In this hidden room will be the log.
Rats in the Walls – In ER Hallway A, to the right of the Intensive Care Unit.
Colony’s Problems – To the right of the previous log, at the end of the hallway.
Autopsy Report – After entering the Morgue, walk around the tables and it will be on the shelf, under the light.
Chapter 3:
It’s Mine – Right after starting Chapter 3, will be off to the right of the pathway.
Growth – After the zero gravity section before going to the Engineering Deck. Found on the growth just outside the door.
Temple’s Log 01 – After taking the elevator down, it will be in the following room, to the left of the store.
His Own Teeth – In the bathroom to the left of the Ripper weapon.
Temple’s Log 2 – After the long tram ride in the refueling room, go left and follow the path. The log will be after you make a right turn.
Chaos – After going down the lift in the Control Room, it will be at the end of the hallway past the bench in the To Centrifuge room.
Rig Transcript – Follow the path after the Decontamination Room and it will be on the floor in front of a hole in the wall.
Temple’s Log 3 – In the storage closet to the left of the lift after picking up the flamethrower.
Chapter 4:
Bridge Attack – After making it to the bridge, it will be in the middle left of the room. Near some computers.
Eckhardt’s Clearance – After meeting up with Hammond, the log will be in the following room to the right.
More Time – To the left of the previous log, in the same room.
Captain’s Fate – In the room with the bench after beating the brute.
Looking for Elizabeth – After activating the cargo lifts, don’t follow the main objective taking the cargo life down. Instead, take the other cargo lift up and the log will be to your left.
Unitology Article – Taking the other elevator to Floor 3, It will be in the break room to your right.
Tracking Infection – Take the elevator to Floor 2, continue forward until you get to a large open room. Enter the ‘Main Fuses’ room to your left. Break the fuse box on the wall. The ‘Admin Service Maintenance’ room is now unlocked. The log is in there.
Hold On – This is to the right of the save station just before the ADS Cannon part. The log is under the ‘Side Missions’ tab for some reason.
Chapter 5:
Mercer’s Volunteer – In the Observation Room after going up the lift past the wall enemy.
Dr. Kyne’s Dementia – After encountering the Hunter for the second time in the Emergency room, use the power cell to unlock ER Hallway A. Turn right and the log will be towards the bend on your left.
Sterile Instruments – In ER Hallway B. Take a right after beating the enemy attached to the wall. after defeating the enemy on the wall. The log will be at the end of the hallway on your right.
Harris’s Choice – After collecting the previous 2 logs, head past the wall enemy into the Intensive Care Unit and the log will be on a desk.
Mercer’s Journal – Inside Dr. C. Mercer’s office on a desk. The main objective will take you here.
Chapter 6:
Cross’s Log 1 – After making it to the Hydroponics Tram Station. It will be on some seats to your right.
Cross’s Log 02 – Inside the West Grow Chamber. Will be on the wall opposite where you enter.
Corruption – Inside the room with Wheezer 02.
Technical Manual – Inside the Annex Control Room above the misfiring thermodynamic purifiers on your way to Wheezer 07.
Chapter 7:
Miner’s Log: After the area with the traps, it will be to the right of the bench.
Mining Progress – After going up the life and past the swarm enemies, It will be on the table after entering the next room.
Dr. Kyne’s Hostage – Next to the locked door before entering the Mineral Processing Area. You can unlock the door by shooting a fuse box through an open window.
Supervisor’s Choice – Inside the Mineral Processing Control room after clearing the large open area of debris and restoring gravity.
Nicole And Dr. Kyne – After getting level 4 clearance and taking the main elevator to floor 4, defeat the wall enemy and use the circuit breaker to power the middle left node. The log will be in this room.
Thank You, Isaac – Same location as previous log.
Chapter 8:
Mayday – In the room with Bailey’s Rig, shortly after defeating the 2 wall enemies.
The Comms Relay Crew – During ‘Deploy The Antenna”, you’ll take a super fast tram to maintenance. The log is opposite of the bench.
Orders – In the Briefing room past the first fast enemy.
Alien Boarders – In the Briefing room past the first fast enemy.
Chapter 10:
Z-Ball Rules – In the ‘Locker Room and Showers’ after making it to the crew quarters.
Chief Engineer’s Log – In the room with Rousseau’s Rig, following the Master Override sidequest.. Requires security clearance level 3.
Working Discreetly – In Hydroponics, in the room at the end of the Hunter’s Origins sidequest.
Misc Achievements

Place 25 items in StoragePlace 25 items in storage at any store.

Pursue Nicole’s investigationPick up Nicole’s Audio Log in her office in the Medical Deck during chapter 2. Follow the quest objective to unlock this achievement.

Create the Master Security OverrideInteract with Bridge Security in the Captain’s Nest at the start of Chapter 4. In the room with Hammond after getting security clearance level 2. Follow the quest objectives to unlock this achievement.

Discover the Hunter’s originsPick up the Tissue Sample left behind after defeating the Hunter in Cryogenics. Follow the quest objective to unlock this achievement.

Survive the Shooting GalleryMISSABLE! After disabling the nuke, head into the armory. From here you can enter the shooting gallery. Activate the terminal and kill all enemies to unlock the achievement.

Complete Level 6 in Zero-G BasketballDuring Chapter 10 you will come to a mini-game on a Zero-G Basketball court. It is located just past the ‘Locker Room and Showers’ area. Just float in front of the goals and shoot the ball into them.

Find the Peng TreasureIn chapter 11, After making it to the Cargo Bay, activate the crane and walk to the northwest corner of the room. You’ll see a locker with a poster that says “I Want More Peng” to the right of it. Open the locker to find the Peng treasure.

Complete the game on Medium difficulty or aboveComplete the game on Medium difficulty or above

Complete the game in Impossible ModeComplete the game in Impossible Mode

Complete New Game Plus on any difficulty modeComplete New Game Plus

Beat the game using only the Plasma CutterBeat the game using only the Plasma Cutter. You can own the others just as long as you don’t use them. You are allowed to kill enemies with melee and TK.

Pick up a Marker fragment for the first timeYou need to collect 12 Marker fragments in NG+ to unlock the alternate ending. Their locations are listed below in the “Reunion” achievement.

See the alternative ending on any difficulty modeYou need to collect 12 Marker fragments in NG+ to unlock the alternate ending.IMPORTANT: You cannot replay chapters! Marker Fragments must be collected in order. If you miss even one, you won’t get to see the secret ending and will have to complete another NG+.
Marker Fragment 1 – Chapter 1, Maintenance Bay Office – Before collecting the Data Board, there will be a purple glowing object on a shelf. Hit it to knock it down and pick it up.
Marker Fragment 2 – Chapter 2, Dr T Kyne office – In her office, there is a hidden room which is obscured by a large set of shelves. Use TK to move the shelves. Inside this room is the Fragment.
Marker Fragment 3 – Chapter 3, Engine Room – Once you get to the Engine Room, look for a small alcove named ‘Power Sub-Station 003’. In the dark areas behind it will be the Fragment.
Marker Fragment 4 – Chapter 4, Break Room – After you reactivate the elevators, you’re given the mission ‘Power and Restart the ADS Cannons’. Track the mission “Reroute Power from Electrical Systems”. Continue down to the bottom of the elevator to floor 3 of the Bridge. Once there, look for the Break Room on your map – it’s the southernmost room. Inside is the Fragment.
Marker Fragment 5 – Chapter 5, Dr C Mercer office – Inside her office, sitting on the desk. The main quest objective will take you here.
Marker Fragment 6 – Chapter 5, Cryogenics – After picking up the previous fragment, head to Cryogenics. It will be sitting on top of the chamber you use to freeze the Hunter.
Marker Fragment 7 – Chapter 6, East Grow Chamber – After tracking down 6 ‘Wheezers’ and injecting them with an enzyme, you’ll get a new objective. You should be standing in a corner right at the top deck of the East Grow Chamber. Use zero gravity to fly over to the opposite corner of the room and you’ll see the Fragment hidden in an alcove.
Marker Fragment 8 – Chapter 7, Mineral Samples – Once you activate the Launch Tubes, set your objective to “Find the Admin RIG” and complete this objective. As soon as you get the Admin RIG you’ll be upgraded to Security Clearance Level 3. Before you start following the blue tracker line to the SOS Beacon, check the map for a room called Mineral Samples. The Fragment will be on a shelf in that room.
Marker Fragment 9 – Chapter 8, Communications Hub – During “Fix the Comms Array” objective, face the Communication Control screen and move to the left. You’ll see the Fragment in a little hole inside the wall.
Marker Fragment 10 – Chapter 10, Deluxe Quarters – During the objective “Destroy Tendril in Deluxe Quarters”, clear the quarantine room. Now leave the room and go across the corridor to the Deluxe Quiet Bunks to grab a power source. Carry this back out to the corridor and place it in the socket to power the Circuit Breaker. Use this to turn on the doors, then head back to the Deluxe Quarters you came from. The door to the room “Deluxe Shift Bunks” is now open and the Fragment is inside.
Marker Fragment 11 – Chapter 10, Inquiry Desks – During the “Destroy Tendril in Chief Steward’s Office” objective, enter the Chief Steward’s office. After the cutscene, the door to the Inquiry Desks will open. Inside will be the Fragment sitting on a desk.
Marker Fragment 12 – Cargo Bay -During the objective “Engage the Cargo Crane”. head to the south-east corner of the Cargo Bay. The Fragment sitting on a shelf.
DO NOT PROGRESS, there is one more step.
Go to a tram station and go to the Crew Quarters. From here, go to the Executive Quarters. From the tram, go through the door marked ‘To Crew Deck’ and and then through ‘Common Area’. Go through the door marked ‘Central Nexus’ next. Take the elevator to Floor 1. Now go through the other Central Nexus door, walk straight ahead and as soon as you step through the broken window turn right and go up the Cargo Lift. Walk around this higher level until you see the door marked ‘To Executive Quarters’. Once you’re in there, head through a couple more doors until you reach a large room. Enter the room marked ‘Captain B Mathius’ to your left. Place the Fragments on the table and you’ll get some dialogue. You are now able to complete the game.
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