For Cyberpunk 2077 players, this is a guide that provides the perk shard locations & video references (skillshards not included), let’s check it out.
1. This guide is a work in progress. There is still undiscovered perk shards out there and if you managed to find one not covered in this guide, perhaps mention it in the comments and I’ll update this guide.
2. This guide only covers perk shards.
3. There is a total of 9 discovered perk shards.
4. Apparently, you can get 2 perk points out of a perk shard. All you have to do is Learn them, not Take them. I’ve tested this on Hotfix 1.05 and it works. I’m pretty sure this is gonna be patched, so take advantage of this now or not, up to you.
Watson – Northside

Westbrook – Japantown
(I already completed the NCPD hustle here so the car disappeared. Make sure to get the perk shards from the dead driver and body in the trunk.)

Santo Domingo – Arroyo (1)

Santo Domingo – Arroyo (2)
(You can get them during the mission with Takemura or during free roam, up to you.)

Heywood – The Glen
(I already completed the NCPD hustle here and it might be too dangerous for early level players to get this perk shard.)

City Center – Corpo Plaza

Santo Domingo – Rancho Coronado
(Initially, this garage is closed off. You have to do a nearby reported crime for this garage to open.)

Video References
That’s all we are sharing today in Cyberpunk 2077 Perk Shard Locations Guide, if you have anything to addm please feel free to leave a comment below, and we’ll see you soon.
Credit to Duct Tape
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there’s one in the security building 1st floor when infiltrating the arasaka warehouse main mission
Here’s a video I found that covers all 9 perk shards quick and efficient:
I found another one near the Wraith Camp fast travel point out in the Badlands. There’s an assault in progress by a small camp site with some tents. You’ll find another shard there.
The shard near the wraith camp is a skill xp shard.. which are different than the attribute shards. Just an fyi.