For Cyberpunk 2077 players, this guide will show you how to get Skippy, a pistol you can interact with & will automatically aim at a body part of your choice.

Where to find Skippy
You’ll need to reach Act 2 in order to locate Skippy and its stats will change, depending on your level. First, head to Vista del Rey—the exact location is shown on the map below. There should be an undiscovered quest there and Skippy is located at the quest marker on a dead NPC in an alley.
Use the rubbish lying around to climb over the fence as the alley is blocked off on both sides. Once you loot the chatty handgun, it will immediately strike up a conversation with you.

Operating Mode
There will be a number of inconsequential dialogue choices to make here—and a spot of singing—but he’ll eventually ask you to choose an operating mode.
Stone-cold Killer: Skippy will aim exclusively for the head
Puppy-Loving Pacifist: Skippy will aim for the target’s lower extremities
It’s up to you what you choose here, but know that Skippy will switch the opposite mode automatically once you’ve downed 50 enemies and will stay in that mode from then on. The exception here is if you choose Puppy-loving Pacifist and tell Skippy that “killing is wrong” when it asks why you chose that option—in that case it will stick with that mode forever.

Skippy’s Side Quest
That’s all we are sharing today in Cyberpunk 2077 Free Autoaim Pistol, if you have anything to addm please feel free to leave a comment below, and we’ll see you soon.
Credit to Zeus
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