This is a little journey book of Coral Island which was firstly made for myself, this might help you out as well, since there are some more or less useful information about the island.
~*~ Welcome ~*~
Hello, you found my traveling book.
Here u’ll find some more or less useful information about the island.
Feel free to use those to write ur own guide or use it as a reminder urself.
Here u’ll find some more or less useful information about the island.
Feel free to use those to write ur own guide or use it as a reminder urself.
I use it on my 2nd screen~
~*~ Map ~*~
Click with mouse wheel(3rd mousebutton) for details
warning! huge image around 4k x 4k
warning! huge image around 4k x 4k

~*~ Shops Opening Times ~*~
Click image for better reading~

~*~ Calendar ~*~
Calendar Spring

~*~ Altar Offering ~*~
There are 4 Altars which u are able to offer stuff to.
1st Alter – Crop Based

Unlocks Recycling machine
Unlocks Sugarcane
Unlocks Tomatoseeds
Unlocks Barley seeds
Unlocks Tea seed
bronze kelp essence
Related Posts:
- Coral Island Townies Loved Items Guide
- Coral Island – Ring Toss Minigame Guide
- Coral Island – All Insect & Catching Tips
- Coral Island – All Sea Critter Guide