This guide will help you to get this achievement in 5 minutes. And some other achievements.
The Golden Child
Before doing it don’t forget to make back up of your own save file.
Download my save file and put it in C:\users[name]\appdata\roaming\theeccentricape\catherine.
Start new game on the hard difficulty and clear first level using this video. Make sure you got gold prize.

Open save number 4(8th Night: Stray Sheep).
You have to talk to Justin, Daniel and Anna, Morgan, skip time till Archie and Todd arive, talk to them and then go home.

Open save number 4(8th Night: Stray Sheep).
Do 64th
Note: after completing stage it will automatically put you in the next one but you can give up, get back in menu and then pick next stage you need.

Open save file number 6(9th Night: The Emperio, 2). Its before question number 2.
Please note, this save file[] have 9/9 gold prizes so you won’t be able to use it for The Golden Child achievement. Use it only for endings.

Open save file number 10(9th Night: The Emperio, 2). Its before question number 2.

Open save file number 11(9th Night: The Emperio, 5). Its before last stage with all proper answers. Just skip last stage and its done.