This is a guide on Phase Shifting.
First Step:
For the first step, you require two 1x1x1 Scalable bricks and one 1x1x1s Scalable brick. Here’s a photo to help you.

Second Step:
For the second step, you have to rotate the 1x1x2s Scalable brick by how many degrees you want (5 degrees max).
To rotate a brick by degrees, you have to hold shift, and just rotate it.

To rotate a brick by degrees, you have to hold shift, and just rotate it.
Third Step:
For the third step, you need to select the bottom 1x1x1 Scalable Brick and the other brick you want to phase shift.

Fourth Step: (Final)
Now the only thing you have to do is move the two bricks (both have to be selected)

Written by W4LL-3