For Arma Reforger players, this guide will show you some cosy little places with flat ground to build sneaky camps at in Game Master Mode
Camp Locations

Ore Ridge
Grid: 106,024
Lots of space for building here, including a large cave
Grid: 084,007
Small set of ruins and a coastal cave, enough room for a few tents
Regina Costal Woods
Grid: 075,013
Grid: 071,016
Lighthouse has the most room for building, Bunker has just enough space for a tent
Skaka Point
Grid: 095,048
Southern Forest
Grid: 096,048
Lots of flat space in the quarry its self, along with space by the ruins above
Southern Forest has room for a small camp
Long Hill
Grid: 023,056
Room for a small camp
Old Woods
Grid: 038,042
Small camp, with a good hilltop observation position
Grid: 049,085
Room for a very large camp, lots of small flatter areas in the entire wooded area for fighting positions
Coalman’s Brow
Grid: 042.103
Coastal Forest
Grid: 040,099
Lake can accommodate a medium sized camp, with the coastal forest area with even more flat ground
That’s all we are sharing today in Arma Reforger Everon Good Hidden Camp Locations, if you have anything to add, please feel free to leave a comment below, you can also read the original article here, all the credits goes to the original author StellaStrela
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