A collection of useful tips and information of gameplay mechanics for beginners.
Here is what i learned in the last 20hours of gameplay.
If you are familiar with TF1 – forget about it. The mechanics in TF2 are different. Completely different.
Supply and Demand
Tier 1 – raw material like wood
Tier 2 – processed material like boards
Tier 3 – assembled material like machines
Tier 1 can only produce 400 pieces max (no upgrades)
Tier 2 can produce 400 pieces (2 upgrades @ 200 each)
Tier 3 can produce 400 pieces (4 upgrades @ 100 each)
You have to meet the demand AND the transport of produced goods for the factory to grow/upgrade.
If you want to start with transportation of people, have an eye on the FREQUENZY of your transports. The faster the frequenzy is, the more people want a ride…
Focus on one industry at a time until its running smoothly and profitable. Dont split up your resources in the beginning. If cash is rolling in later in game, you can expand.
Look at the cities demands and choose a city where the needed resources are nearby. Shorter travel times and routes mean less maintain costs.
Later in game your trains will become longer (20+ wagons). Lay out your tracks correspondingly. Dont make crossings where your long trains can get stuck or your income and production will cease. Use the modular station building to meet your requirements.
The use of waypoints can be helpful if you want to create a high speed passing line next to another track. Trains will follow the waypoint but wont stop there…
Longer tracks and deliveries yield more income! Shipping stuff around half the map might be more lucrative than you think in the beginning.
I have read that you cant upgrade them – thats not true. You can:
They can be upgraded with MORE runways and taxiways in the “misc” menu. The placement isnt shown as “blue dots” like on train stations. You have to try & error at the sides of the airport to place new runways…
Train Stations
Changing Vehicles
If you set the maintance costs from normal to high or even very high (vehicle administration), the durability wont drop and the vehicles last like forever.
The automatical replacement functionality like in TF1 seems to be gone (who knows why…).
Dont hesitate to DELETE older vehicles if you can replace them with a newer, more efficent one. I.e. trucks with more capacity which equal 2 older trucks.
Bonus Tip
While in ego perspective, you can change view with mouse and position with WASD.
This guide is still work in progress, we will update later.
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