If you are interested in WorldBox – God Simulator stories, this is a Story made by me it was based of Road Goats Video called: The Fall of the Duteran Empire – A Worldbox Film займ золотая корона через интернет на карту
Chapter 1: The Empire

Only Greed, Ambitious and Lies. Thats how the Kuneborg Controls the life on the island of The Southern Chain. This Island traved with 3 other islands and are Controlled by one Imperial Leader. In the west south of the main island there is Kuilork, jealous people trying to Controll the islands for themself. In the south east there is Eteva, a slave island, forced to do the labor. and in the north is Tudowa a small island, used by the military as a base. In the middle of the main island there is the Capital Kuneborg and its rival Purudran, trying to be the new Capital. and in the capital is the Queen’s Palace. The Heart of the empire that is ruled by Liga a Greedy, Ambitious and Lying Woman
Chapter 2: Rebellion

In the many years the citizens found themselves with no food and no money. Queen Liga and her Family ate large feasts, as clans quietly stole the last food of the citizens. The Leader Edyge was outraged seeing his people die. in the night a rebellion broke out in Purudran with Eteva. The people wanted food and to kill the queen, And every day their grew. While Edyge made alliances with other islands and citys to set themself free to Destory the empire. the Rebellion has been formed. Outnumbered Liga flee to Tudowa where she will be safe. when they broke in The Palace Liga was gone.
Chapter 3: No Better World

The war destory most of the island most of the food and wood burned down. most people died of the soldiers, only a destoryed landscape and burned buildings. mean while the Queen was gone and safe she executed all the rebels on the island while planning a new attack, The Imperial soldiers waited for the attack. only ash remains of the main island.
Chapter 4: Last Battle
The Remanining troops of the queen attacked the main island, they said they would destory Purudran and the other rebels. meanwhile at the castle where the queen was, Edyge rushed in to kill the queen, but the queen had a but Liga had a last trick. As the islands went up in flames.
Chapter 5: New Hope

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