This Guide is aimed to let you you get all 100% achievements in while True:learn().
There will be no solutions to the puzzles in this guide. It will link to other guides where necessary.

My human has since gone about other interests and hardly even talks to me anymore, except for those rare occasions when it wants cuddles or treats me with kittysnacks. But I am in need for propper conversation and an intellectual challenge, hence I present this wisdom to you, so that maybe someday I will meet a more suitable specimen to converse with than my current iteration of… homo sapiens.
Story playthrough and The Scrooge
There will be some missing funds from not getting gold on first attempt, but this can easily be compensated with startups.
Complete the first level
Second node on the path, Expert Systems.
At this point I thought my human was going completely nuts.
Pass the “Ancient” epoch
Eighth node on the path, after Illuminati Origins.
Didn’t seem so crazy anymore. At least he knew I existed now. Duh!
Pass the “First Steps” epoch
Twentysecond node on the path, after President Elections.
Cats don’t smile. Try harder.
Pass the “First Success” epoch
Thirtysecond node on the path, after Fast Date Sorting.
What a party, everybody came to visit me.
Pass the “Neural Networks” epoch
Thirtyseventh node on the path, after Recommendation System.
I had to come up with something easy for this human’s little mind to understand…
Pass the “Deep Neural Networks” epoch
Fourtysecond node on the path, after Video Games Reviews.
For the sake of savescumming, my human created a savegame here. No more kittysnacks, I thought.
Finish all the tasks on main trunk
Fourtythird and final node on the path.
I had a dream.
Are you a cheater?
If you haven’t screwed up, this should unlock now.
If you screwed up, start a new game and choose RNN as your starting point. Don’t buy upgrades, do the last few puzzles and unlock it.
Achievable during the story
I’m not sure actually. My human kept poking at his computer screen when this happened.
Join the startup
My human invested in a pizza shack and then tried the same algorithm on me, that he used to check if pizzas were round. My geometry is more complicated than that.
Read all personal mail
This will become available before passing the “First Success” Epoch. Why did he even read those? Oh, free money… offcourse!
Complete a task with unlocked trashcan without it
Several tasks require you to trash elements. Just let the last filter’s buffer fill up instead of trashing the elements in a task with only a few elements to trash. *HINT* See next achievement.
Complete a task with not fully trained node
This one can be done very early with perceptrons. *HINT* These require a fresh puzzle and only work if you have not previously completed the puzzle during the same playthrough.
Got Money?
Some will need you to have progressed very far towards the end on the main storyline to unlock the purchase options on C-Bay.
You will most likely not have enough money to get all of these in one playthrough. I plan on making a startup guide to make this possible for you too.
Buy a PC upgrade
Always the cheapest they can get… these humans.
Buy a node
Now that’s an investment.
Buy an interior
Can I play with it?
Buy clothes for a cat
Keep that thing away from me!
Purchase all PC upgrades in one walkthrough
All the riches!
Purchase all nodes at the shop in one walkthrough
Not that many, actually.
Purchase all interior items in one walkthrough
So much stuff, I keep throwing them over when patrolling the desk.
Purchase all items for the kitty in one walkthrough
Yeah right. You get used to it after some time.
UPS is a cool thing
Play the tambourine until your hands bleed. My human unlocked this with the highest tier tambourine.
Unconfirmed: Click it a thousand times to unlock.
Get a loan
You need to spend all your money and join a startup you can’t afford.
Warning: Each time my human got a loan, he went bankrupt within a few days. Save before unlocking this, as your autosave gets deleted when going bankrupt.
Upgrades maybe?
Better than developer
Have a very good solution to a puzzle. My human said this was his masterpiece. I think he’s lying. Proof is needed.
Data scientist
Complete all tasks with real RL
There are five Tasks named RL-0 to RL-4 that have to be completed for this. Yes, cat’s need fast transportation too. Not just carrying around.
It’s a secret. Did you know, cats can recieve distress signals from outer space. Apparently they used cat brains as prototypes for extraterrestrial surface survey rovers.
Complete all tasks with a Gold rating
I recommend this pictured guide.
Complete all tasks in the game
My human got this after completing everything else in gold and watched the gold version of the final comic. He said it was unfair as others got it for less work. I guess my human just isn’t that smart.
Receive a promotional kitty
Enter a promotional code in the pause menu (hit escape).
You don’t have a code? Check out this discussion and choose to your liking.
Where the hell is that ‘any key’?
Halloween Achievement. Play when your computer thinks it’s time for helloween.
My human’s computer was already hyped for helloween on the 4th of October, even though it’s at the end of the month. Computers are so similar to their humans.
Catty Holidays! Happy Catidays!
Xmas Achievement. Play when your computer thinks it’s 24th of December.
Unconfirmed: Other days towards the end of the year might also work.