A list of what buildings you can make on resources and the perks you can get from them. Can be used to figure out what settler type you want to send to a resource or see what building-related perks you’re missing.
Resource Buildings
- All: Adamantium Smelter: -10 Gold, -3 Mana
Perk: Adamantium Armor: +45 Resist:Melee, +45 Resist:Death, +20 Resist:Spirit (Fighter/Creature/Ranged/Caster/Healer/Construct)
- Arethi: Rectification Facility: +15 Gold, +15 Mana, +15 Research Points
- All: Excavations: +10 Research Points, -8 Gold
- All: Order of Stubborn Knights: -2 Gold, -2 Food, Unit: Stubborn Knights
- All: Trading Post: +10 Gold
- Monster: Butchery: +8 Food, -1 Gold
- All: Red Dragons Nest: -10 Gold, Unit: Red Dragon
- Humans/Monster: Dragon Farm: +40 Gold
- Undead: Dragon Conservatory: +40 Mana -10 Gold
- All: Dwarven Settlement: -2 Gold, Attack Range 2/Missile 15.0/HP 75, Unit: Dwarves/Dwarven Overcomers, Building: Training Course
- All: Dwarven Forge: +10 Gold
Perk: Dwarven Steel: +20% Power (Fighter/Creature/Construct)
- All: Elven Bungalow: +2 Gold, Unit: Elven Archers/Elven Sharpshooters, Building: Elven Shooting Grounds
- All: Casino: +50% Gold
- All: Gem Mine: +20 Gold
- All: Jewelry Shop: -4 Gold -1 Mana
- All: Gold Mine: +12 Gold
- All: Gold Dragons Nest: -20 Gold, Unit: Gold Dragon
- All: Halberdiers Guild: -2 Gold, -1 Food, Unit: Halberdiers/Royal Guardsmen, Building: Training Arena
- All: War University: -5 Gold
Perk: Masters of War: +1 Exp/turn (Fighter/Creature/Ranged/Caster/Healer/Construct)
- Arethi: Temple to Agrela: +5 Mana, -10 Gold, +20 Relation, Unit: Spirit of Life
- Arethi: Temple to Helia: +5 Mana, -10 Gold, +20 Relation, Unit: Spirit of Light
- Arethi: Temple to Krypta: +5 Mana, -10 Gold, +20 Relation, Unit: Spirit of Death
- Arethi: Temple to Lunord: +5 Mana, -10 Gold, +20 Relation, Unit: Spirit of Darkness
- Humans: Temple to Agrela: +5 Mana, -10 Gold, +20 Relation, Unit: Priestesses of Agrela
- Humans: Temple to Dauros: +5 Mana, -10 Gold, +20 Relation, Unit: Paladins of Dauros
- Humans: Temple to Fervus: +5 Mana, -10 Gold, +20 Relation, Unit: Beastmasters
- Humans: Temple to Helia: +5 Mana, -10 Gold, +20 Relation, Unit: Archers of Helia
- Humans: Temple to Krolm: +5 Mana, -10 Gold, +20 Relation, Unit: Blade Masters
- Humans: Temple to Krypta: +5 Mana, -10 Gold, +20 Relation, Unit: Sisters of Krypta
- Humans: Temple to Lunord: +5 Mana, -10 Gold, +20 Relation, Unit: Assassins
- Monster: Temple to Agrela: +5 Mana, -10 Gold, +20 Relation, Unit: Paladins of Life
- Monster: Temple to Grum-Gog: +5 Mana, -10 Gold, +20 Relation, Unit: Champions of Grum-Gog
- Monster: Temple to Helia: +5 Mana, -10 Gold, +20 Relation, Unit: Wolves of Helia
- Undead: Temple to Dauros: +5 Mana, -10 Gold, +20 Relation, Unit: Paladins of Death
- Undead: Temple to Krolm: +5 Mana, -10 Gold, +20 Relation, Unit: Krolm’s Housecarls
- Undead: Temple to Krypta: +5 Mana, -10 Gold, +20 Relation, Unit: Ancient Liches
- Undead: Temple to Lunord: +5 Mana, -10 Gold, +20 Relation, Unit: Adepts of Lunord
- All: Demonologist Workshop: +12 Research Points, -3 Gold, -3 Food, -3 Mana
- All: Foundry: +1 Gold
Perk: Masterwork Armor: +25 Resist:Melee, +25 Resist:Missile (Fighter/Creature/Ranged/Caster/Healer/Construct)
- Arethi: Transmutation Facility: +6 Gold
- All: Koatl House: -2 Gold, Unit: Koatl Spears, Building: House of Secrets
- All: Serpentarium: -4 Gold
Perk: Water of the Snake: +20% Power (Ranged/Healer)
- All: Magic Testing Area: +5 Mana, +5 Research Points, -5 Gold
- Humans: Magic Garden: +10 Food, +10 Mana, -4 Gold
- Undead: Converter: -5 Gold
Perk: Magical Transformer: +20% Power (Caster/Healer/Construct)
- All: Mana Pump: +10 Mana, -4 Gold
- All: Enchanter’s Workshop: -4 Gold -1 Mana
Perk: Enchanted Weapons: +25% Elemental (Fighter/Caster/Ranged)
- Monster: Cheese Cave: +12 Food, +6 Mana, -4 Gold
- All: Minotaur Palace: -2 Gold, Unit: Minotaurs/Black Minotaurs, Building: Corrida Pen
- All: Minotaur Labyrinth: -2 Gold
Perk: Tried by Labyrinth: +30% Melee (Fighter/Creature)
- All: Nevril Smelter: -8 Gold, -2 Mana
Perk: Nevril Armor: +40 Resist:Missile, +50 Resist:Elemental (Fighter/Creature/Ranged/Caster/Healer)
- Arethi: Design Department: -5 Gold
Perk: Lightweight Armor: +1 Movement (Fighter/Ranged/Caster/Healer)
- All: Pig Farm: +6 Food
Non-Resource Buildings with Perks
Population-Specific Buildings
Adamantium: Rectification Facility: +15 Gold, +15 Mana, +15 Research Points
Nevril: Design Department: -5 Gold
Perk: Lightweight Armor: +1 Movement (Fighter/Ranged/Caster/Healer)
Holy Ground: Temple to Agrela: +5 Mana, -10 Gold, +20 Relation, Unit: Spirit of Life
Holy Ground: Temple to Helia: +5 Mana, -10 Gold, +20 Relation, Unit: Spirit of Light
Holy Ground: Temple to Krypta: +5 Mana, -10 Gold, +20 Relation, Unit: Spirit of Death
Holy Ground: Temple to Lunord: +5 Mana, -10 Gold, +20 Relation, Unit: Spirit of Darkness
Iron: Transmutation Facility: +6 Gold
Dragon Eggs: Dragon Farm: +40 Gold
Holy Ground: Temple to Agrela: +5 Mana, -10 Gold, +20 Relation, Unit: Priestesses of Agrela
Holy Ground: Temple to Dauros: +5 Mana, -10 Gold, +20 Relation, Unit: Paladins of Dauros
Holy Ground: Temple to Fervus: +5 Mana, -10 Gold, +20 Relation, Unit: Beastmasters
Holy Ground: Temple to Helia: +5 Mana, -10 Gold, +20 Relation, Unit: Archers of Helia
Holy Ground: Temple to Krolm: +5 Mana, -10 Gold, +20 Relation, Unit: Blade Masters
Holy Ground: Temple to Krypta: +5 Mana, -10 Gold, +20 Relation, Unit: Sisters of Krypta
Holy Ground: Temple to Lunord: +5 Mana, -10 Gold, +20 Relation, Unit: Assassins
Magic Fields: Magic Garden: +10 Food, +10 Mana, -4 Gold
Silver: Silverwork Armory: -1 Gold
Perk: Silver Weaponry: +20% Spirit, +20% Life (Fighter/Ranged)
Donkeys: Butchery: +8 Food, -1 Gold
Dragon Eggs: Dragon Farm: +40 Gold
Holy Ground: Temple to Agrela: +5 Mana, -10 Gold, +20 Relation, Unit: Paladins of Life
Holy Ground: Temple to Grum-Gog: +5 Mana, -10 Gold, +20 Relation, Unit: Champions of Grum-Gog
Holy Ground: Temple to Helia: +5 Mana, -10 Gold, +20 Relation, Unit: Wolves of Helia
Magic Node: Cheese Cave: +12 Food, +6 Mana, -4 Gold
Pumpkins: Shrine of the Rotten Pumpkin: -1 Gold
Perk: Blessing of Hill’o’Win: +3 Regen (Fighter/Creature/Ranged/Caster/Healer)
Silver: Silverwork Brewery: -1 Gold
Perk: Silver Brewery: +35 Resist:Elemental, +35 Resist:Death (Creature/Healer)
Dragon Eggs: Dragon Conservatory: +40 Mana -10 Gold
Holy Ground: Temple to Dauros: +5 Mana, -10 Gold, +20 Relation, Unit: Paladins of Death
Holy Ground: Temple to Krolm: +5 Mana, -10 Gold, +20 Relation, Unit: Krolm’s Housecarls
Holy Ground: Temple to Krypta: +5 Mana, -10 Gold, +20 Relation, Unit: Ancient Liches
Holy Ground: Temple to Lunord: +5 Mana, -10 Gold, +20 Relation, Unit: Adepts of Lunord
Magic Fields: Converter: -5 Gold
Perk: Magical Transformer: +20% Power (Caster/Healer/Construct)
Pumpkins: Ghost Armor: +25 Resist:Elemental, +25 Resist:Spirit, +25 Resist:Life (Creature/Caster)
Silver: Laboratorium: +7 Mana, -2 Gold