For Ultimate Custom Night players who want to unlock every office, this guide will show you how to unlock each office step by step Sister Location office To make this night easier you can activate the DD repel. Here, some things you have to do: 1.When the night start press 1 and space. 2. NEVER…
Tag: Ultimate Custom Night

Ultimate Custom Night How to Farm Points While AFK
For Ultimate Custom Night players, there is a lot of easy 5000 points recently. Which made me quickly realize that their pattern is not as consistent and easy. In this guide I will show the EASIEST way of doing it Characters Set the characters exactly like this AFK Characters A list of the selected…

Ultimate Custom Night How to Unlock All Offices
For Ultimate Custom Night players, this guide will have rosters and strategies to get 2000 , 5000 and 8000 points to unlock the offices 2000 It is very easy to get 2000 points with this roster because you cannot die meaning no strategies are needed 5000 Strategy: 1. Pull up monitor and go…

Ultimate Custom Night: How to Unlock all Offices Easily
In this guide, I will show you how to unlock all of the offices in UCN pretty easily, and the setups to do so. (Working sound needed!) Misc. Tips for Every Night Follow these tips/strategies during every night, and be familiar with all the animatronics, as the strategy for every one of them is NOT…

Ultimate Custom Night: 8000 Points Guide
Hi, im making this to help those trying to complete 40/20. i believe this is the best strategy out there for this mode, and is not too difficult when you understand it. remember that you wont complete this first try(probably) and it just takes persistence Characters Set these following characters to AI 20 and…

Ultimate Custom Night: How to Get 9,000 Points
This guide talks to you about which characters you should put in to beat 45/20 mode. There are some complicated characters that you’d wonder how to counter their attacks. I won’t be explaining characters like Rockstar Foxy because he’s a simple character and he can be simply blocked. There will be a list of enemies…

Ultimate Custom Night: Cheat Codes at the FNAF Universe
Hey guys! Today I’m going to show you how to skip nights at FNAF 1, 2, 3, 4, SL, and Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria Simulator! So what are you waiting for? Let’s go already!!! Five Nights at Freddy’s This is quite simple; just press the code: C, D and + at the same time! Five…