If you play Those Who Remain and lookinfg for the Walkthrough, achievement guide or all endings of the game, this guide provides all of them, let’s check it out.
Walkthrough – Part I
- As soon as you arrive at the motel, go to room 2 and interact with the rug on the ground to find the key. Enter the room, then head to the bathroom to find the water running. The phone on the left side of the bed will ring. Interact to answer it.
- Exit the room and follow the car out into the road until you reach the scene where the street lights start to pop. Behind the car to the left of the road is a generator you can activate.
- Continue to follow the road until you spot your car ablaze on the left of the road. The lights on the road barriers will turn off so we will need to sprint across the street to the dimly lit walkway.
- Head towards the pylon with the small red light on it and flip the switch. Enter the barn to your right and open the top drawer of the dresser to find the Garage Key.
- Enter the house, the door will shut behind you. Flip the switch in front of you to light up the hall. Enter the kitchen and flip the light switch near the glass sliding door. Next, open the door to the right of the kitchen (garage) and flip the switch on the left wall. The fuse can be found near the right garage door. Left up the grey-ish box to find it underneath.
- Exit the house through the sliding door and go back to the generator in the barn.
- After installing the fuse, run into the cornfield and follow the light until you enter what I’ll call a “dream section” (will rename if I’m given the proper term). Finish this linear section to arrive at a gas station.
- Interact with the nearby mailbox to find a key, then interact with the door of the red car to spawn a house in. Enter the glowing door of the house to warp to the dream gas station. Locate the herbicide pump nearby and use it on the car, move the pallet in front of the car out of the way, then exit to the real world.
- Open the side door of the gas station and flip the light switch to your immediate left. interact with the Christmas lights and plug them into the wall socket.
- Follow thew lights to the back door and head inside. Go behind the counter and open the left-most drawer to find a lighter.
- Head back out to the main road and follow it to the right to begin the Mother chase scene. Simply sprint down the road and there’s no way she can catch you.
- After arriving at the diner, head around the side and look for a sign stating that the window nearby should never be blocked. Look down to find a box and a few small tires lodged in said window. Remove them. This will be important in a moment.
- Enter the diner and head to the back staircase. Go down to find yourself in a large room. If you turn the light switch on, the bulb will pop. This is why we needed that window uncovered. In front of the window is a small drawer with the roof key inside.
- Head up to the roof and activate the search light, then head back out the main entrance to the road.
- After heading outside, a monster with a search light for a face will appear and begin patrolling. Wait for it to head closer to the diner, then run down towards the dumpsters near where it spawned to find a cane. You can use this to reach the fire escape stairs.
- Head up to the second door and open it to access the Library.
- Behind the burning chair is a room called “quiet study”. Enter this room and look to your right to spot 3 large paintings. Interact with the middle one of the woman, then read the note on the red door that spawns in.
- Leave the room and head to the far end of the hall to find a staircase leading to Annika. Shortly after, the creature from earlier will climb over the railing not too far by. Locate and activate the candles labelled “1” and “3” then head back downstairs to enter the dream library.
- Pull the lever on the left side of the room to open the red door. Exit back to the real world to be placed back upstairs. be careful; the creature is still patrolling and the layout of this room has changed.
- Stealth your way back downstairs and enter the newly opened red door. Follow the spiral staircase all the way down until you enter a room with a note on the table. Read the note, then turn around to find a glowing door.
- As soon as you spawn in, enter the front door of the house and go all the way to the left most door. Enter this room and flip on the light switch to the garage. Inside the cabinet on the far right is a pair of bolt cutters.
- Head back to the middle of the house and cut the chains on the locked door. Go down the stairs and open the cabinet in the middle of the room to be teleported to the dream house.
- Head all the way up to the top floor and turn on the lamp at the top of the stairs. Hook around and open Mark’s door to teleport back to the real world.
- Enter Mark’s room again and read through his diary in the lower drawer.
Interact with the Syndrome poster in Mark’s room.
- Exit the room and follow Annika to the back of the house. Enter the bathroom and wait.
- Exit the room and head upstairs. Enter the room directly in front of you and look at the T.V. Read the newly accessible note.
- Head back down to the piano room and prepare for your first major choice of the game.
- Enter the bathroom and either choose the green orb to spare Mark, or the red orb to condemn him.
- After appearing in the long hallway, run to one end, then run back to the start and wait for Mother to spawn. As soon as she does, open the door to your left to exit.
- Head into the police station and open the right door to find a hallway with a bunch of dead bodies. Interact with the cop in front of Captain C. Matthews door to find a car key.
- Head back to the reception area and enter the back-most door. Follow the narrow corridor until a chase scene with Mother begins. Keep sprinting through the hall until you find yourself back at the Station. Turn around and go to the back alley.
- Open the car door and turn on the headlights to gain visibility of the water valves.
- From left to right, I’ll label these valves 1 through 4. Activate 4, then 2 to solve the puzzle.
- Head back to where we got the car key and hook a right. Enter the room all the way at the end and interact with the computer. Turn the power to the Meeting Room on, and the power to the cells off.
- Next, head back to the reception area and cross directly to the Meeting Room on the other side. Flip the light switch on your right, then head right for a meeting with Annika.
- Open the 8th locker on your left (3rd furthest from the Sheriff) to find the Cell Key.
- Head back to the cells and enter portal. As soon as you spawn, head left behind the stacked furniture to find a clue in the middle drawer. Be careful, the searchlight monster will spawn.
- Exit the room and go left. Open the 9th locker on the right to find our next clue.
- Head back and hook a left the first chance you can. Head all the way to the end of this hall, hook a right, and then another immediate right to find the doorway back to the real world. Prepare for your next big decision of the game.
- Just like Mark, the green orb will forgive the Sheriff, and the red will condemn him.
- Exit out to the back alley and talk to the guy in the police car. Search the two cops in the immediate area, then talk to him again.
- Head inside to find all the lockers in the reception area opening and closing. Head to the top left to find matches and the car key in one of the lockers.
Walkthrough – Part II

Use the matches on the oil to burn him.
- Enter the Post office and go through the door at the back Note that there’s a door to the right that’s barred off. We’ll be coming back here soon. Hook an immediate left, then enter the first door directly in front of you. On the back center desk is a key. Exit the room and go right. Enter the door at the very end, open the fuse box, and flip the switch inside.
- Head back to the room where we got the key and pull the fire alarm. Exit, go right again, and this time enter the first door you can. Open the cabinet to the far right of the room to find a portal.
- Head back to the large double doors that lead out to the front of the Post office, but instead of going through them, continue straight to access the previously blocked off door on the right.
- Enter the room, read the note, then exit.
- Run until you see a radio, turn it on, then run to the end of the hall.
- Turn around and activate the radio on your right. Head all the way to the end of the hallway and turn this radio off.
- Locate the door labelled “13” and enter. Keep running back and forth until a door spawns.
- Follow the linear pathway until it starts to loop. Turn around and go backwards, making sure to enter every 13 door you see until you end up in a locker room.
- I’ve taken the liberty of searching all the lockers and can tell you there’s nothing in them. Remove the 3 planks from the front-most door and head in.
- Once back at the Post Office, make your way down to the bathroom and enter the middle stall to return to the real world.
- Annika will warn you that Mother is coming. Run back to the door where we returned to the Post Office from (across from the barricaded room) and follow it through to a dead end. Walk towards the green lights on the wall to fall into a hole.
- Spin around in the darkness until you spot a bed. Head over there and read all 3 letters on the table. Then, open the drawer on the right side of the bed for the next letter. In front of you will spawn a door.
- Talk to the masked man, then open the door to mark your decision for Ben. Forgive? Or Condemn.
- Exit out to the alley and head left to see a cutscene. Afterwards, head back right to find a door.
- Once you spawn in, turn around and flip the switch on the far wall to illuminate the staircase.
- Go upstairs and head through until you see an orange-lit room. Interact with the ceiling to note that you can’t reach it.
- Head back towards the stairs to get trapped by Mother. Wait near the end of the hall until Desmond’s door opens. Run in and wait for Mother to despawn.
- Head back downstairs (don’t worry, the lights will turn on as you go) and open the second door on your right to find a portal.
- You will find yourself back in the forest heading up a linear path. Eventually you will reach a mini “maze”.
- At the far end are 3 pedestals with candles on them. The amount of candles will tell you how many lion statues you need to place on them (1, 2, and 3 for a total of 6 statues.)
- The statues are incredibly easy to find, and the Giant is almost no threat at all considering you can see him from a mile away. This section took me maybe 2 minutes to complete.
- After all 6 lion statues are down, locate the path that is lit on fire. At the end will be the attic ease. Turn around to locate the portal out.
- Head back up and open the attic. Once up top, you will need to grab various items around the room to throw at the boxes blocking the light.
- Turn the corner and open the fuse box to turn on the outside porch lights.
- Head back down the ladder, and hook a right. Once you reach the lamp in the middle of the hall, open the door to your left. The light switch is on your right.
- Flip the switch near the back door, then head outside. To your far left is another door back into the house. Grab the key on the small table to your left, then head back the way we came to the first floor living room. Open the door besides the T.V. It looks dark, but you’ll have to take a few steps in to spot the light switch on your right.
- Head down, lift up the green bowl, and read the note on the table, then head back upstairs and into the portal.
- Reality will begin to flicker on the street and you will need to time each section to make it to the next light source. Follow through until you reach the Supermarket.
- Once inside, head to the far right and open the door to a small room. Inside will be a lion statue, a desk, and a cabinet, Turn the lion twice. (Facing the painting of the window.)
- After spawning in the dream world, head out the door and to the right. Inside this door will be a forklift you can interact with to lower a bunch of crates. On top of them is a crank. Head back out, activating the light switch on your left, and back to the portal and go to the real world.
- Head to the center of the market and plug the crank into the wolf statue, then turn it 3 times. (Facing the painting of the plains.)
- Finally, head into the loading bay and flip the switch on in here if you didn’t already in the dream world. Turn the owl statue 1 time. (Facing the painting of the flowers behind the stacked boxes.)
- As soon as you do you will be teleported into the hall of The Shining.
- Progress through the long corridor of doorways until you reach the end (this is not a P.T. hallway) and you will see the masked man standing in the room.
- Turn around to find a note on the table. Read t, then prepare for a somewhat annoying chase scene with Mother. You will need to run through the hall while avoiding furniture that blocks your path.
- Once you reach the end, open the second door on your left to escape.
- You will spawn on a linear road. Follow it through speaking to Annika as you go.
- You will eventually reach the end and loop. Go through again talking to the masked man. At the end, investigate both cars, then try to return the way you came.
- The searchlight creature will spawn. Continue back the way you came to find a door on your left. Go through.
- When you spawn near the burning truck, proceed forward until you reach the station. Don’t go through the front door or you will die. Instead head to the left-most garage exit and stand near the first red light. Wait for them both to turn on, then sprint to the end of the room. To your left will be a door to go in.
- Head up the left-most staircase to the second floor and locate the green door that opens to the locker room. In the 7th locker on the left will be a key.
- Head downstairs and open the green door on the left at the end of the hall. Flip the switch on your right, then move all the green baskets and enter the door on the left.
- Once inside the dream world head down the staircase to your right and reality will start flickering again. You will need to time your movements to line up with the pedestals so you don’t fall to your death.
- Navigate to the very last room on the left and search the middle locker while in the dream phase to find a valve.
Walkthrough – Part III
- Head back upstairs and locate to grey valves on the wall (one will be missing). Plug our new valve in and turn both to lower the flames upstairs. The fire at the bottom remains on but you can run past safely.
- Run past and head upstairs. Enter the first door in front of you, loop behind the desk, and open the top drawer to find our first clue of the area.
- Exit the room to spot a portal to your right. Be careful going through!
- Progress through until you reach a section where one pillar will raise and one will lower based on you standing on a plate. There should be 2 barrels nearby. You will need to use these barrels to activate the plate, stand on the pillar to go up, then use the other barrel to knock the first one off. It’s a little tricky, but with some trial and error you will get it.
- In the next section you will need to use the 3 barrels to spawn planks for you to cross. Start by making a plank bridge to your right. Once the 3rd barrel is down, head back and use the 1st barrel to progress forward.
- Next, you will need to place a barrel on the top right stone slab, and a barrel on the bottom left slab. Hit the button and all 4 lights should turn green.
- Proceed forward and hit the lever to advance. Follow the bridges across until you reach the next puzzle.
- Finally, you will need to change the numbers on the signs to match how many edges are on the shapes in the floor. The diamond / square is 4, hexagon is 6, and triangle is 3. Across from the diamond is our second clue.
- Proceed forward, and open the door.
Forgive the Chief, or…
Condemn the Chief.
- Turn around and exit through the door.
- Proceed through the following cliffside area until you reach the Sawmill.
- After the cutscene involving the man with the gun, continue running forward until you reach the back of the Sawmill. Move the pallet behind the truck and activate the generator underneath.
- Head to the newly activated light where you can find a pair of pliers. Use these to cut the chain on the door.
- Once inside the Sawmill grounds, head forward and enter the first open door to your right. Flip the switch inside and head to the back room to find a key.
- Head to the left to find a shack you can use the key on. Inside is a shelf on your right with a bunch of boxes on it. Throw them out of the way and grab the tractor light.
- You will need to be careful from here, as the spotlight creature will be patrolling further ahead.
- Stealth past the creature and stick to the right. The character will make note of a door that could be illuminated. Install the light on the nearby tractor to proceed.
- Pass the door and trigger the dialogue with Jeff. You have 2 choices here.
Look to your right to spot a yellow sign on the fence. Pick up a nearby barrel and continue to throw it at the fence until it falls over. Behind here is a switch you can use to light up the path and save Jeff (The achievement will unlock after entering the door further ahead). Or…
Turn the spotlight and kill him.
Continue forward and a cutscene with Annika will start. The achievement will unlock right after.
- Proceed through the door to arrive at the Church. As soon as you do, the masked man will give you an ultimatum to save the woman in the mail truck or leave her.
Head around to the driver side door and open it to save the woman (Achievement will unlock at the end of the chapter). Or…
Do not free her and instead let her suffocate. (Achievement will unlock at the end of the chapter.)
- Enter the church. After the cutscene with the priest, head to the end and enter the right hallway. in the first door will be a series of floating tools. Activate them in the following order;
- Exit out to the next room and activate the following tiles;
- Head out and across to the left hallway this time. Inside is a room with a candle and painting puzzle. You can read the paintings to figure out which is which. Activate the candles in this order;
- Head back out to the main pew area for a cutscene with Mother. Dip behind the altar to find a hidden staircase.
- Continue forward until you come to a pressure plate puzzle. Place boxes on the right, top, and left plates. Afterwards, a table nearby has a ton of boxes stacked on it. Pull these off to locate a switch that will open a secret passage.
- Like previous sections, use the flickering of reality to time your movements and positioning through both worlds. Once you reach the door, open it and head through.
- As soon as you spawn in, cross the room and open the door to your left. A little further ahead should be a kitchen. Look to your left and open the cabinet to find a key.
- Head back and open the locked door on the left.
- Enter the hall and inspect the pentagram.
- Head back to find the door we came in gone, then head back to the pentagram to find the room has gotten larger.
- Proceed forward until Mother spawns, then run back to where we found the key until she despawns.
- Head back to where Mother spawned, then follow the ghostly orb upstairs.
- Open the door immediately in front of you and enter for the next cutscene.
- Head into the basement for the next cutscene and prepare for a Mother chase scene.
- Run to where the boxes are on the floor and move them out of the way. Runthrough the hall interacting with every door as you go until Mother warps behind you. Now run to the other end of the hall, and open the 2nd to last door on the right.
- Head back up to the top floor and locate the apparition in Annika’s room for the next cutscene.
- Follow the orb back to where we had the first cutscene, but continue down into Erin’s room.
- Head back to be cut off by Mother. Turn around and open the first door in front of you to access a portal.
- Run down to the where the kitchen is to locate the portal out to your right.
- Run back to the pentagram to find our next apparition of Erin on the couch ahead.
- Follow the orb upstairs near the attic gate to see our final cutscene with Erin. Pick up the medallion she drops.
- Plug the medallion into the slot, then turn the symbol for Brimstone (phallic looking symbol) twice. Turn the symbol for Platinum (crescent moon attached to a circle) once, finally turn the symbol for Amalgamation (fish bone looking symbol) 3 times.
- Head into the attic to find Erin.
End of the Road
Walkthrough – Part IV
- Read the 2 notes on the table.
- Turn around and exit the door at the far left.
- Once inside, search the cupboards on your right for salt.
- Continue forward until you reach a room with a candle on a table. Not really sure what the trigger in this room is to proceed, I just kept running back and forth.
- Enter the long, dark room and open the door at the end.
- Run into the room in front of you and read the note on the chair.
- Turn around and exit back into the previous room. Locate the radio playing music and switch it off, then head through the newly opened door.
- Inside here, mimic the candles on the floor exactly the way you see them in the screenshot, then pick up the mirror.
- Head out to find a new door to your left.
- As soon as you enter the Hospital, run forward and head left to a door that will automatically open. The spotlight monster will spawn so run back and hide behind the receptionists desk until she goes down a different path.
- Sneak by her into the door she came from and hook a right. Open the door on the far right end and interact with the photo.
- Once back in the attic, place all 3 items on the circle.
Good Ending
Interact with the book on the right to begin the ritual. If you spared everyone during the game you will receive this after leaving the Motel. Or…
Bad Ending
If you condemned everyone you will receive this after leaving the Motel.
Nightmare Ending
I got this for sparing Mark, Jack (Police Chief), Ben (Post Office worker) and for killing / condemning guy in car (Police Station), Keith (Fire Chief), Jeff (Mill worker), and the girl in the mail truck (Church). I’m unsure what the exact numbers are for this achievement if there are other ways, but this is how I did it.

Rehabilitator / Executioner

Burn him.
Absolution / Retribution

Drop him into the pit.
Merciful / Slayer

Turn the spotlight and kill him. (Will unlock after entering the door further ahead.)

Forgiving / Relentless

Leave her to suffocate. (Will unlock at the end of the level.)
End of the Road


If you condemned everyone you will receive this after leaving the Motel.
Nightmare Ending
I got this for sparing Mark, Jack (Police Chief), Ben (Post Office worker) and for killing / condemning guy in car (Police Station), Keith (Fire Chief), Jeff (Mill worker), and the girl in the mail truck (Church). I’m unsure what the exact numbers are for this achievement if there are other ways, but this is how I did it.
That’s all we are sharing today in Those Who Remain 100% Walkthrough Complete Achievements And All Endings Guide, if there are anything you want to add please feel free to leave a comment below and we’ll see you soon.
Credit to Stef
I condemed everyone and I got the Nightmare ending.
Me too.
Thanks for the guide, it helped in a couple spots where it would have been tedious otherwise like the church rooms. I didn’t kill the guy in the car nor allow the woman to die in the truck but I did condemn two people (Mark & postal worker) and still got good ending. I’m guessing good is don’t kill the one guy and save the one woman is all that matters for that? I’m baffled still how these endings work.
I also didn’t kill the foreman, almost forgot about him.
How do you get into the gas station with out getting killed and finding the light switch.
This game sucks.
Nightmare ending is by condemning everyone and using the book on the right.
I got the bad ending only killing one person (the sawmill guy).
Good: Save everyone
Bad: 1-2 kills (anyone)
Nightmare: 3+ kills. (I just killed everyone to make sure)