Here is a guide on how to obtain all achievements in The Swords of Ditto: Mormo’s Curse.
General Information
Minimum # of Playthroughs Required
6 (see “Fate Unlocked” achievement)
Blocked Entrances
If an entrance is blocked, then it’s likely being blocked by an “elemental root”
There is one elemental root per playthrough, and it is found in a cave. You’ll know it’s the correct cave, because there is only one room inside the cave, and as soon as you enter the cave, you will see either a lava-ey textured rock or a purple crystal. Once destroyed, everything will be accessible (as long as you have any other tools required).
Purple Slimy Walls
One side of the wall has an eye. Attack the eye to destroy the wall.
Quality of Life Stickers
Fishing Rod: Attract pickups from a much larger distance.
Candle: Shows all rooms of a dungeon on your map. (helps to find rooms that require bombs)
Pipe: Show all points of interest as soon as you enter an overworld room.
Book: Increase the likelihood of finding story tablets. (see “Log Finder General” achievement)
Pay Respects

Pretty straight-forward. Just head over to the grave of the previous Sword.
If the previous Sword failed, their grave is in the graveyard. If successful, their grave is in town.
Let’s Get Stickin’

Stickers are acquired through enemy drops, stores/npcs, or trading. If you obtain a code, then go to Lik’s Sticker Shack at the Town, talk to Lik, and scan it (free).
Play Time

Toy dungeons are the ones with the blade of a sword sticking out of the ground. Complete a toy dungeon by beating the boss inside, and a chest will spawn. Inside that chest is a toy required to progress in other areas of your current playthrough.
Really Crate

Head on over to the beach, always at the bottom of the world. You can find crates by the shore. There are up to 2 beach areas, and they can be separated or joined together. One of them will have the lighthouse. Inside, you will find Arfur, who will open crates for you. Crates contain random items.
map icon
A Change in Fortune

Once you find a shrine (whale icon), you need to offer 8 celestial fragments (yellow crystals) to activate. Quickest way to get celestial fragments is by slaying enemies. Once the shrine is activated, Serendipity will appear. Activated shrines remain activated across playthroughs.
map icon
One Anchor Down

In Trial Dungeons (marked as a torch on your map), once you kill the boss, an anchor (purple crystal) will appear. It’s just an object, and does no damage. Destroy the anchor by attacking it. Keep in mind that if you destroy an anchor you will not be able to get the “Iron Sword” achievement, until your next playthrough.

If an npc (only applies to humans) has an exclamation mark “!” above their head, then you can trade stickers with them.
– once a sticker is traded, you can’t get it back from the npc
– you can only trade with that npc once per playthrough, but there are more npcs you can trade with
– npcs will give you a sticker in the same category and the same rarity as the one you give them
Defeat Mormo

Once you reach Mormo’s level, time runs out, or you skip straight to the final day (sleep in your bed), you will then have a chance to fight Mormo. Destroying Mormo’s Anchors (giant purple crystals in trial dungeons) will weaken Mormo. Bring plenty of food for healing, as the dungeon takes a while to complete.
First Grading

Inside the dojo, there will be a hole you can drop down through. Defeat all enemies, and keep dropping down, until you get the achievement.
map icon
Dojo entrance
If the dojo entrance is blocked, read “General Information” at the top of this guide
Anchors Aweigh!

There are only 2 anchors (giant purple crystal) per playthrough. Destroy both of them.

Limited Edition stickers are the rarest/best quality. They have a yellow/gold line around them in your stickers menu.
Limited Edition stickers can be obtained by
– getting a sticker code, and scanning it at Lik’s Sticker Shack
– trading with Ock
– buying from Lik at Lik’s Sticker Shack
– buying from Flopp inside the church at the graveyard
Note that you can swap unwanted stickers with other npcs (see “Swapsies” achievement)
Play Another Day

Head on over to any 1 of the 3 shrines (whale icon on your map) and select the “Time” option to rewind time by a day. Purchasable with celestial fragments (yellow crystals). If none of the shrines have the “Time” option, then you’ll have to wait for your next playthrough.
Here is the shrine icon on the map
Thanks for Offering

Head over to the Altar
Map icon
If it’s night time, the altar will start glowing. Begin a ritual by offering any item. Defeat all enemies, until a chest appears. Toys, and other weapon items (inflatable decoy, red mine, etc) give 3 chests when completing an offering.
If you have defeated Mormo, see “Fate Unlocked” achievement
Sticker Connoisseur

You can find Ock inside Ock’s Cave. The cave will have an entrance that looks like an octopus (Ock). Trade 3 stickers with Ock to obtain 1 sticker. The sticker you obtain depends on the rarity + amount.
There are 3 types of stickers
Common stickers have no color around them, trade 3 for 1 rare
Rare stickers have a blue line around them, trade 3 for 1 LE
Limited Edition stickers have a yellow line around them, trade 3 for 1 LE
There are also 4 categories (Head, Body, Sword, and Arm)
If you give 3 of a specific category, you will obtain 1 sticker in that same category
Ock’s Cave map icon
If you are unable to enter, read “General Information” at the top of this guide
Iron Sword

As long as you don’t destroy any of the 2 anchors, you can go about this in 2 ways
a. On your main save: Level up, ignore the anchors, stock up on food items, and defeat Mormo
b. Make a new save, and use your bed to skip to the final day, and defeat Mormo
You can just skip to the final day on your main save, but you run the risk of losing your progress, if you die.
Collect the Set

Trade stickers with Ock.
3 Commons = 1 Rare
3 Rares = 1 Limited Edition
4 categories (Head, Body, Sword, Arm)
3 of the same category = 1 of the that category
You need 1 Limited Edition Sticker on all 12 slots. You need to level up to increase the amount of slots you have. Make sure to keep your needed stickers for the next playthrough with Serendepity. Otherwise, they will be lost.
Log Finder General

These logs/tablets can be found in any chest. If you equip the “Book” sticker, it will “increase the likelihood of finding story tablets”
Fate Unlocked

When you defeat Mormo, you obtain an icon.
icon image
Every time you defeat Mormo, you can offer an icon at the Altar.
Once you complete the 5th icon offering, and the 5th light appears, you must defeat Mormo once again. Afterwards, you will be guided to the “True Final Boss”. Defeat it, and you get the achievement.
Note: Defeating the “True Final Boss” does not erase any of your progress, it’s just a different ending.

Talk to Pengu in Pengu’s cave. Pengu will ask you to find his penguin buddies. They are pretty fast runners, and you have to get super close to catch them. Avoid any pathways on the map, as Mormo can summon a slimy purple wall, which forces the player to stop moving, while the penguin can get away. If you have “the nemesis” in your playthrough, wait for it to spawn in the area as this can also mess with chasing/catching a penguin. Easy method for catching penguins further down.
Map icon
If you are unable to enter, read “General Information” at the top of this guide
Max capacity is 50. Penguins only spawn outside.
You can either run around the map and drive yourself crazy
Go to any small area on your map. Keep entering and exiting that same area, until a penguin spawns.
Examples of good areas to exit/enter and force spawn penguins
(Entrances/Exits across from each other)
Toy Master

You need to have the following toys in your inventory:
1. Golf Club
2. Yo-Yo
3. Vinyl Record
4. Drone
5. Conker
6. Bowling Ball
7. The Foot
8. Laser Ring
9. Bow
10. Henshin Super Suit
Get #10 last. The order or how you obtain the first 9 toys does not matter. The easiest method to get any toy is to offer a toy/weapon at the Offering Altar, and complete the ritual. Make sure you finished both toy dungeons, before attempting this. You can offer either toys or weapon items, like the inflatable decoys, mines, etc to spawn 3 chests. Each of the 3 chests may contain one of the required toys.
Once you obtain the super suit, keep offering until you get any other non-required toy.
If you already had the super suit, then remove it from your inventory by offering it. Now keep offering, until you obtain the super suit. Now, continue, until you get another non-required toy.